The results are in!!!
Before, we reveal the scores & who won, Vince didn't submit, which means he receives his second strike. One more strike, Vince, and you will will disqualified from the game.
Now for immunity results!!! In first place with 18,964,126,800 is......
The tribe coming in 2nd with a total score of 13,620,650 is......
Which means either Manco Capac or Cobo will win immunity. The tribe coming in 3rd with 7,215,990 and saving themselves from tribal is.....
Manco Capac!!!
Congrats Murokata, Qala & Manco Capac, you are all safe from tribal. Cobo, unfortunately not the case for you guys. Tomorrow you will go to tribal and one of the five of you will be the second person voted out of Isla Del Sol. Head on out, guys.