Well, hey there Final 3.
First I just want to get all the pleasantries out of the way. I think you're all amazing. Grace, you're so fun and funny and I only wish we could have worked together longer in this game. Trace, our time on New-Cobo really bonded us strongly and I love you like a brother. Zane, even though we didn't talk much I still enjoyed when we did and I wish we could have maybe talked more because perhaps things could have worked out differently.
(sigh), Now onto the matter at hand. I have to vote for one of you to win this game, and I don't know who it should be. Because honestly, I like you all and I wouldn't have an issue voting for any of you. So I'll just start with my thoughts and questions for each of you and I'll go from there. But before we do that, just know I'm still a little lost on what happened the night I left, so tonight I hope to get some answers.
So Zane, I hope you realize that you are sitting next to the very two people who I started this game with and who I worked with all the way up until my demise. I had multiple conversations with them and I love them both to death. You, on the other hand I think we maybe had two or three conversations.
Now that's not to say it's all your fault for our lack of conversing, far from it, we both hold some blame there. But you're at the Final Tribal Council and I'm not so you're the one who has to answer for it. So I'll just get to the point, it's going to be an uphill battle for you to get my vote but it's not impossible. You're going to need to blow this out of the park.
Your answers need to be that ball right there.
So here are my questions/demands.
- Please provide an in-depth explanation of you're game. I want to know what you did from start to finish, from the moment the tribes were announced to this last vote off where Tom left.
- Tell me from your point of view what happened the night I left. I simply want to know what role you had in my dismissal.
- What makes the game you played better than Trace's game and Grace's game?
That's all I need from you Zane, good luck bud.
Trace, I've just got to say you're awesome. I'm really glad to have been able to play this game with you. Through everything that happened, starting on Murokata where 2/5 of our tribe was inactive, then going to Cobo and losing everything. The journey we had was quite brutal but at least we were together to deal with the train-wrecks known as Murokata and Cobo.
Pictured, Trace and myself with our tribes in the background.
So regardless of what happens tonight, just know you're still going to be my friend and I think you're a great guy.
So now onto less pleasant things. Having been on the jury for the last 12 days has given me time to reflect, and with the help of some of the jurors I have discovered who voted for who the night I left. To my surprise, I've discovered that apparently you voted for Tom and not for Zane like we were planning. This partially led to my elimination in this game, and while that's not a huge factor for me tonight, it will factor into my decision. So from you I need to know,
- Is what I just said true, that you voted for Tom that night? If so why?
- What makes your game better than Grace's or Zane's?
- Give me a rundown of what happened from your perspective the night I left AND what the aftermath of that vote was.
- Give me an explanation of your game after I left. I know your on a cruise so I'll give you a bit of a leeway on how in-depth it is, but the more effort you put in is appreciated.
Good luck my boi :3
Soooooo Grace, the final third of the Murokata Three. You were the first person I talked to in this game and I think you were the last too. You were kind of like the little sister in the game to our alliance. You were funny, sarcastic, a little goofy. But I was glad to have you around. After the merge though I honestly didn't know where you stood. I knew you were close with Jake and Andrei, but I also felt like you wanted to be loyal to myself and Trace. After Jake's boot I was even more unsure because of how close the vote was. I didn't know whether it was you or Casey who didn't vote with us. Ultimately you were loyal to us and I feel bad to have doubted you at all. But recently there has been a development in the night I was voted out that you had a say in who was the target for the other alliance. That you were basically asked to pick between myself and Trace. I don't know if this is true or not but I intend to find out. So from you Grace, here's what I want.
1. Did what I just say actually happen? If it is, why did you tell them to target me over Trace?
2. What makes your game better than Trace's and Zane's?
3. Give me a rundown of what happened from your perspective the night I left AND what the aftermath of that vote was. (Same as what I asked Trace).
4. What was your game plan for after I left?
Good luck to you too Grace, love you girl <3
Welp, that's all I got. Good luck guys. I'll leave you with this.