Last week, the contestants unleashed their inner Little Monsters when they sang to Lady Gaga's songs. Now, the final 4, is ready to find out their next theme.
The theme for this week is.....
Movie Soundtracks! You can choose a song from a movie soundtrack like My Heart Will Go On from the Titanic Soundtrack or Part Of Your World from the Little Mermaid Soundtrack. (These are just examples by the way). You have 48 hours, as always, to send your song to, giving you until August 20th @ 1:00 PM EST. Good luck!
Also comment which song you will be performing in the comments below. REMEMBER, NO TWO PEOPLE CAN SING THE SAME SONG! (P.S.: IF YOU SUBMIT A VIDEO, SUBMIT THE RIGHT LINK, SO WE DON'T HAVE TO WAIT FOR YOU TO JUDGE!!!!