You guys ready for your next immunity challenge?
Today you will be playing....
Touchy Subjects!!!
It is very simple. You will be given a form with 15 questions in it, all of which the answer has to be a contestant in the game currently. In each question, you will answer: 1) who YOU feel is the answer to that question; 2) who you THINK the majority is going to answer. Make sure you put your confessional number as well as your name when answering the form! :D
Reminder: you are not allowed to answer yourself for who you think is the answer. You can answer yourself for the consensus though, but NOT as your real answer.
The winner will win reward, immunity and 1 in 7 chance of winning this game!
Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1BMkqjfaS9sMEyH4Om4PbE2-1PpmzNo6-P-uQYjRxWRGcsQ/viewform
The deadline is 8:15 PM EST tomorrow night!!!