We will now bring out the members of our jury. Rhiannon, Malik, Elmo, Brandon, and Renz voted out at the last tribal council.
Before we vote, there are some questions I would like to ask all of you.
- Austin: Ever since we merged, every vote has been a blindside. Will there be another one tonight?
- Chris: How safe do you feel?
- Claudia: Congratulations on immunity! Do you feel like you needed it?
- Jenna: We've seen three former Queztal's join the jury in a row, are you worried you or Shea could be the fourth?
- Nathaniel: You nearly went home last time. Scared you could get votes again?
- Nick: Is it too early to think of the end game?
- Shea: You got a lot of negative answers during the challenge. How do you feel about that?
- Sim: What factors do you consider when voting someone off?
We ask that you write your votes down on the parchment below:
Please send your vote in by 9:30 PM EST, January 19th (24 hours from now) to your personal confessional chat.