The results are here! You guys played your hearts out in this game but in the end only two tribes can be safe from tribal council tomorrow night!
I will now reveal the winners! In first place, with a score of 2,980,275 is...
Azorella wins immunity and are safe from the vote! Nice job on continuing this tribe's winning streak!! Good job guys!
Now it comes down to Bizet, Couvreux & Gallieni. The second tribe winning immunity is with a score of 2,603,615.....
bizet wins immunity and are safe from the vote! First challenge & you guys killed it! Nice job!!
Additionally, Bizet & Azorella will each receive a clue to the hidden immunity idols on their tribes!!!
Well Couvreux & Gallieni, you came up short this time. And at tomorrow night's tribals, 2 of you will pay the price for it. Grab your stuff and head on out guys.