Five idols are up for grabs! In addition you are playing for reward. The top three tribes get a clue to the location of their hidden immunity idol. You guys have had a couple flash games in a row, so another one couldn't hurt right?
JK! It's actually time for the FLAG MAKER challenge. You will be designing your own flag for your tribe. We want it to be a collaboration, so you can make more than one flag if you want but only one person can submit a finished flag for their tribe. If more than one flag is submitted for your tribe, we will only accept the first one.
The hex codes for your tribes are:
Kahakai: #f187ed
Ohana: #f5ff38
Axupa: #ccffcc
Luapele: #bf9000
Waikahe: #5075de
Nanakuli: #2f8e15
You have 24 hours to submit your flag to your Chaos thread. It doesn't matter who from your tribe submits, just make sure it gets to us and you're happy with your product. The challenge ends at 5:30 PM EST on Tuesday July 18th.