Today, you will play The Name Challenge!
For today's challenge, you will all have a thread. You will post one contestant from the US Survivor per post. There is a catch. The last letter of the contestant's name, must be the same as the first letter in the next contestant's name. Ex: Kelley Wentworth - Hali Ford - David Wright. Note, you may not delete any posts nor may you edit them, unless if you misspell a contestant's name. If you have no options left, you are done.
Example of how your thread should look
Ally's Thread
Aromal's Thread
Asa's Thread
Christine's Thread
Jake's Thread
Joey's Thread
Tate's Thread
Torsa's Thread
The person who can list the most names in a row without mistakes will win immunity and reward! You have 24 hours, giving you until 5pm EST Sep 22!