(gif from zak)
Hi guys! Congratulations on making the F3. I’m not gonna lie, I’m just a tad bit salty still that I got fourth only because I don’t think any of you are that deserving to win this game in comparison to me and some others on the jury lmao. (GHFISGFDG) I just think that you guys didn’t really have much game that let you get to the F3 other than float, but I guess that could just be my opinion.Iif any of you are able to convince me through clarification of why are you most deserving of the win, you have my vote!
I’m gonna try to keep this short and sweet with questions and criticism so here we go...
A lot of people on the jury seem to think that you just sheeped Jared & myself all game - especially when you voted to keep me at final 4 when it was obvious between the 4 of us remaining that I was the biggest threat left by far. But, what made you vote out Christine rather than voting me out and letting me leave in a 3-1 vote? A few think that was a dumb decision on your part because - according to the jury - I had a greater chance in beating any of you 3 if I was there in the F3 with you. My personal question on this topic is, why didn't you turn on me earlier? It was pretty evident to you that I was pulling the strings in the game, as I had intel on what (mostly) everyone was doing every round and I let you know of every move and information I received to keep you updated.
Also, how did you even convince everyone to keep you over Jake in F6 in like 5 seconds? One second it was literally you and you hit me up 3 minutes later telling me that Christine was down to vote Jake out lmao!
I guess I might be biased because you were my closest ally and I know that you actually had a big voice in our plans, but decided to stay UTR about it. But, I feel like a lot of people on jury don’t agree/see this point of view so good luck on trying to change their minds!
This might be a long response/criticism only because out of the three people in the F3, I personally think you are the least deserving (in terms of moves and all that) ? (I feel so bad for saying this but I’m really trying to vote who I think had the best game and I just don’t think your game was as good as Joey’s and Asa’s - although I think all they are all kind of the same - pretty UTR while the people who made moves got out before).
First, why did you decide to stay quiet during premerge? You wrote that you tried to get to know people but I personally feel like that it wasn’t until merge that we actually talked, even though Jared/Joey/I decided to keep you because we deemed Mikey + Rhys to be bigger threats over someone as quiet as you. This is one of the reasons why I don’t believe you deserve the win, as the 3 of us were the reasons why you stayed not one, but two rounds in a row as you didn’t really come to us and attempt to persuade us, rather it was just the three of us deciding that the other person was better to get out.
I will admit that you getting Jared out was a good move on your part, but I’m still not convinced that it was really something that you had a big part in - I’m convinced that Toby was the one who got everyone to turn, especially with his strong social and strategical game. And about the idol clue - you gave it to me by the time Joey got it (and gave me the idol clue prior to it) so I had to act along as if I needed it but thanks GHIDFGHSFG
Idk I guess after that I personally think that you stayed because you were aligned with me and I kept you in the loop pretty much because I knew you would be voting with me until end game (F5ish) so I don’t think you really did much after Jared’s vote out. I SOUND SOOO CONCEITED LMAO I just knew my social game was really strong at this point! But props to you for playing that game for five straight hours, I wanted to die just getting to 3 million lmao.
Like… I don’t know girl, I adore you to PIECES and I hope we talk a lot after this game ends, but the only risk/attempt at a big move I saw you take is voting out Jared rather than voting with Jared and I don’t think that’s too much of a game. I don’t think you were considered as a target later on the game only because other people made moves/emerged as strategical threats (examples being Toby and Ally) unlike you and that was able to let you coast to the F3, not because of your gameplay but GHFIDHSGDFG once again if you can prove me wrong, I would love to hear it! God I sound so rude I am so sorry I’m just curious with my thoughts and stuff hgifodhsg, good luck though girlie!!!
I have a few things to address when it comes to your gameplay too! So please don’t hate me lfmdofgfdsg
Okay so, I don’t think you actually had that good of a social game (I AM SUCH A DICKHEAD FOR WRITING THIS IM SO SORRY THIS IS JUST ALL INGAME I LITERALLY LOVE YOU SM). One example of this is the fact that both you and Tate had told me that neither of you bothered talking to each other since the beginning of merge like nnnn what I didn’t understand that! And another is when you and Christine didn’t talk for like two weeks until she had came to you to vote me out in F4. And I don’t think your social game was the reason why you got no votes other than Ally’s Reset Idol, it was more of your physical game because you had immunity all the times I (along with others) had wanted you out. I think your social game wasn’t as great as you make it to be, but I do understand that talking to people is hard for you, it’s hard for a lot of people in this community but I think just attempting to talk to most people rather than just.. I guess waiting? would have been better. I FEEL SOOO MEAN like I honestly was just shook at the lack of people/conversations you had because sometimes I just felt like I was filling you in (and you’d still vote in minority gifdgshfgiod - why did you choose to vote in minority?). However, if you can disprove my claim of you having no social game please go ahead and prove me wrong! This is just what I saw from my perspective.
On a positive note though, I do have immense respect for your physical game because I personally didn’t have the time or the ability to finesse those games lmao! You put in a lot of dedication into all of your challenges and that is something I can see and respect to kudos to you for that!
I just want to ask, what risks did you really take though? Like you said that you stepped out of your comfort zone to make a move but then fall back on your physical game, but what did you do that required you to do that? I just felt like your physical game was the strongest out of all and you relied on it all game regardless of what you did or not idk. I just don’t think you were too balanced of a player, I think you relied a lot on the physical aspect and a little bit on the strategy - I’m just not sold on your social game.
Another thing I wanted to point out is that you said you solidified your working with Aromal was like discrete but I don’t think that’s the case because a lot of people had you guys pinned as a duo from the get go at merge GHIFDHGSDFg.
Ahhh! I’m so sorry if I sound like a dickhead at any point, I’m just curious when it came to the questions I asked and any sort of clarification and explanation if I have any sort of misunderstanding would really help your case and my understanding of your individual games. It was a pleasure to play with the three of you in this game. You three are all sweet, amazing, wonderful individuals and I hope we get to talk after this game is over!