Hello final 3! Congrats on making it to FTC, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't insanely jealous of all 3 of you. Looking at the jury right now this seems set up to be a super close vote so if I were you, I'd take every question you get very seriously! Every answer matters at this pont :O Aight, lets get to your games
Joey : The one thing I really wanted to hear from you was how you played a better strategic AND social game than Christine and Asa. Because the only thing your opening speech and your jury answers have convinced me of so far is that you played a slightly better game than I initially thought you did. My main problem with your game in comparison to the other 2 is that you just don't stand out. Strategically Christine stands out because she flipped and flopped and made key moves to get herself to the end. You had a good strategy going until the final 6: where you decided to send people you could've beaten home and put the biggest threat in the game one challenge away from winning the season. Socially and physically Asa stands out because she talked to me a ton(I know that alone doesn't make for a good overall social game but this is MY vote) and she carried Motu during pre-merge. Meanwhile you never talked to me except for during merge and one other day, but yeah.
Question - How did you play a better social AND strategic game than Christine and Asa?
Christine : Tbh I don't have a lot to say, you played a good game and I just have questions lmao
1) Name your 3 most important pre-merge moves
2) If you had the jury removal advantage, who would you have eliminated and why?
3) What was your worst move of the game?
Asa : First of all you're the sweetest person ever and I just wanna say thanks for being on my side whenever I got into a fight LOL even though it was detrimental to your game I appreciate it a ton. Questions
1) How did you play a better strategic game than Christine?
2) If you had the jury removal advantage, who would you have eliminated and why?
Questions for all 3
1) Compare every juror to a fictional character
2) Rank the PRE-mergers by gameplay