Welcome to your first tribal together, Messana.
Before we vote, there are some questions I would like to ask all of you.
Ben: How does it feel to make merge in your first game – something achieved by no other Nashuan to date?
Carson & Jerry: Both tribes merged with even numbers. Do you the two tribes will stay even, or is the game more fluid than that?
Danielle: You accidentally posted your Fish Shop submission in the tribe chat. Can we expect that to happen in your vote?
Fariha & Keaton: How does the merge affect your game?
Jack C.: How does the first individual immunity feel?
Jack O. & Will: Do you feel your times as observers affected your game?
Nadine: Is it stressful playing this and Costa Rica at once?
We ask that you write your votes down on the parchment below:
Please send your vote in by 5:30 PM EST October 31, to your Carthage Thread.