Chalcedon, take your first look at the new Edessa tribe. Charlie Polks voted out at the last tribal council.
Today's challenge is for reward. In addition to a clue to the location of the hidden immunity idol, you will be playing for an advantage in the next immunity challenge.
Now on to the challenge!
For today's challenge you will be playing...
Mystery Hero Challenge!
For this round, you must select one member of your tribe to compete in a one-on-one duel against a member of the other tribe. The exact details of your challenge will remain unrevealed until you have selected your tribe’s representative, however to aid in your decision, we will reveal now that this will be a live challenge.
Once your tribe has selected a representative, that player may begin the challenge. Failure to select a representative or complete the challenge by March 17, 3:30 AM EST will result in forfeiture of the challenge.