Welcome to Tribal Council, Chalcedon.
Before we vote, there are some questions I would like to ask all of you.
Adam: Konrad was the only member of his original tribe on the post-swap Edessa, and he was the first person voted out. Are you worried you will suffer the same fate?
Claire: Do you think tonight’s vote will follow tribal lines?
Sam: Does seeing the tribal votes of the post-swap Edessa tribe impact your vote tonight?
Justin: You and the other brawns haven’t attended tribal in fifteen days. Do you think this will have an impact on the game?
Tyler: How does this tribe vote, being that this is your first tribal since the swap?
Priscilla: Should anyone feel safe tonight?
Andre: What all happened with the Mystery Challenge?
Charlie: With representatives from all three tribes here tonight, do you think an idol will come into play?
We ask that you write your votes down on the parchment below:
Please send your vote in by 8:00 AM EST March 19th to your Byzantium Thread.