“ | I know I'm probably wasting this. But this has been such a crazy tribal and I really have no clue what's gonna happen so I would rather be safe than sorry. Plus I want to be truly safe and see where everyone's head is actually at. Sorry for the unnecessary scrambling, this idol makes me do stupid shit. | ” |
–Sam |
This is a hidden immunity idol; all votes cast against Sam will not count.
First Vote....
Andre. One vote Adam, one vote Andre.
Andre. We’re tied – two votes Adam, two votes Andre.
Adam. Three votes Adam.
Andre. We’re tied again. Three votes Adam, three votes Andre.
Adam. Four votes Adam, three votes Andre, one vote left.
Seventh person voted out of Survivor: Byzantium – Thousand Year Empire......
Adam, that’s five votes, and tonight, that’s enough. You need to bring me your torch.
Adam, the tribe has spoken. It’s time for you to go.
A tribe in chaos, an idol wasted, and the sole beauty eliminated. This was a hectic night, and I get the feeling this is only the beginning. Grab your torches, head back to camp, goodnight.