Phra Nang, getting your first look at the new Karon tribe - Dan voted off at the last Tribal Council. Shane, I'll need you to give me back the Idol because Immunity is back up for grabs!

As per usual, the winners of this will be receiving a free pass into the Final Ten, only one more round away from single digits!
Now on to the challenge!
For today's challenge you will be playing...
Welcome To...Your Dream Home
In the most complex challenge so far this season, you will all be required to take on the roles of urban planners in developing the most successful three street neighbourhood! This challenge will be run like Circular, except that before the challenge you will nominate one Hero to make the final decisions on behalf of the tribe. However, all of the other tribe members may assist the Hero in making their choices. You will be building your neighbourhood here:

Each turn, you will be presented with three house numbers, from 1 to 15, each of which is associated with one of six actions. The Hero will select which number/action pair to use, choose which house to place the number in, thereby building that house, and then perform the action. The number may go in any house that has not already been built, however, each street must always have its number ascending from left to right. You may skip numbers, but not repeat them. For example, if the third house in a street has the number 5, and the fifth house has the number 8, then the fourth house may only contain 6 or 7. The deck of cards used to randomise the numbers is weighted towards the numbers in the middle (7, 8, and 9), rather than outliers (1, 2, 14, 15).
After building a house, one action is performed. The actions are as follows, beginning with the three most common actions:
Fences: This allows you to build a fence between any two houses, built or not. Each street has two solid lines at the far end, representing fences that have been built, and dashed lines that represent fences that can be built. Simply pick any dashed line, and a fence will be built there. Whenever all of the houses in between two fences have been built, that creates a Housing Estate, an important concept for later.
Landscaper: This allows the player to build a park! At the top of every street are several numbers in bubbles, beginning with 0, then 2, then 4, etc. When using a Landscaper, you will cross off the leftmost number in the street you built the house in. At the end of the game, each street will score Landscaping points equal to the leftmost uncovered number.
Real Estate Agent: This action increases the value of completed Housing Estates in your neighbourhood. In the largest bubble at the bottom of your neighbourhood, there are six columns of numbers. These show how many points you score for completing Housing Estates of different sizes. At the start of the game, you score 1 point for a Housing Estate of 1 house, 2 points if it has 2 houses, etc. However, when you use a Real Estate Agent action, you can cross off the top number of any column, as long as there is a number below it. For example, in the leftmost column, you can use a Real Estate Agent action to cross off the number 1, meaning that all 1-size completed Housing Estates are now worth 3 points. However, that 3 can never be crossed off, because there is no number below it.
The three rarer actions are:
Pool: Certain houses in your neighbourhood have pools in their backyard. If you use a house number paired with a pool to build one of those houses, you also build the pool. This means the lowest number of your pools bubble is crossed off, and at the end of the game, you score points equal to the lowest number that still isn't crossed off. For example, if you build 3 pools, you will score 9 points for your pools.
Temp Agency: When you build a house with a Temp Agency, you may treat that number as if it is up to 2 greater or less than it is stated. For example, if a 9 is paired with a Temp Agency, you may use that 9 as a 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11. This allows you to use a 15 as a 16 or 17, or a 1 or 2 as a 0. Note that you may not use a -1. At the end of the challenge, whichever tribe used more Temp Agencies scores 7 points.
Bis: This allows you to place two houses in one turn. When using a Bis card, build your numbered house normally. Then, you may select any house with an empty lot adjacent to it, and build a bonus house there with the same number. For example, if you have a house numbered 5 with an unbuilt house to its left, you may build the house to its left as 5A. You may never have a fence between two houses with the same number. Every time you use a Bis, you will cross off the lowest number in the Bis column. At the end of the game, you will lose points equal to the lowest revealed number. For example, if you used Bis 4 times, you will lose 9 points.
Finally, there are three goals that both tribes are competing for.
Build all the houses on the top street (6/3)
Build all the parks or all the pools of two streets (7/4)
Have three completed Housing Estates, one each of size 2, 3, and 5 (13/7).
The first tribe to finish each goal based on turn number scores the higher point value, the second tribe scores the lower value.
The challenge will end in one of three ways. If one tribe finishes all three goals, the challenge ends. If one tribe builds all of their houses, the challenge ends. Finally, if one tribe fails to build a house three times, the challenge ends. Because of the secret nature of the challenge, we will go by turns. So, if Phra Nang builds all of their houses by Turn 4, for example, then every action of Karon's after Turn 4 will be discounted. Bear this in mind.
Once both neighbourhoods are done, each neighbourhood will be scored thusly:
Points for completed goals + Points for landscaping + Points for Pools + 7 Points for Most Temps + Real Estate Values for each completed Housing Estate - Points for Bis. Then, if a tribe failed to build a house on 2 turns, they lose 3 points. If they failed to build a house on 3 turns, and ended the game, they lose 5 instead. The tribe with the highest score wins Immunity!
I'm sure you have plenty of questions, and I will be on hand for the next few hours to answer them. You must begin your attempt with your nominated Hero by 6:00pm EST on September 18th. Good luck!