Sam and Yoni, congratulations, you two, for making it all the way to the final 2! You have survived every eviction and twist this season has thrown at you, amazing accomplishment for you both!
Now has come the time to crown the winner of Big Brother 10. I'm about to reveal the jury votes. The winner will receive a virtual $500k and the runner up a virtual $50k. I will pull the keys from the box, revealing whom each juror chose to win Big Brother. Remember, you want to see the key with your name on it. It takes 5 votes to win. Take a deep breath, and here we go...
Morgan has cast his vote for...
YONI to be the winner of Big Brother 10!
Sharky has cast his vote for...
SAM to be the winner of Big Brother 10!
That’s 1 vote each!
Bradley has cast his vote for...
SAM to be the winner of Big Brother 10!
Quintin has cast his vote for...
SAM to be the winner of Big Brother 10!
Sam currently leads the votes 3-1!
Maya has cast her vote for...
YONI to be the winner of Big Brother 10!
Abi has cast her vote for...
SAM to be the winner of Big Brother 10!
Sam is still leading 4 to 2! It takes 5 to win!
Bryce has cast his vote for...
YONI to be the winner of Big Brother 10!
Natalia has cast her vote for...
CONGRATULATIONS SAM! You are the winner of BIG BROTHER 10!
Congratulations to Sam for winning 6-3, and also a huge congratulations to Yoni for being our runner up this season! You both did a fantastic job making it all the way to the end.
We'd like to thank all 16 Houseguests for participating and a crazy, unpredictable season of Big Brother. This season went so well and had so many insane and gagworthy moments! Also, a huge thank you to the viewers who kept the Viewing Lounge lively with many discussions as the season went on. And last but not least, thank you to the other hosts - Nick, Jack, Matt, and Rhi for this amazing season!
Keep your eyes out, because a new season may be coming your way any day! ;)