I realized I could have answered the group question with a bit more detail so I wrote this up last, but then forgot to post it when I woke up so here it is now.
Hey Alex, sorry I must have missed that, I remember reading it but I was jumping between answering questions by a punch of people on different tabs so I just missed it.
The easiest way I can explain it was because it was the way it happened. The way Zach said it at least felt like it meant this plan had been on for a while that day before I was clued into it by him. On the flip side, Grace to my knowledge had been giving me info a lot faster. It really did come down to just a judgement call, and also I was in the position where one of the factors playing into it was that I knew Grace was getting a majority of the votes, Rob acted a little bit sketchy, but I did not know with anything more then a gut feeling of Rob acting a bit weird that playing it was sealing Zach's fate. I saw it as worst case I still have one of the key allies, and would likely still have both in the game following the vote. It wasn't like Zach told me and I was thinking Zach was dead to me or anything, it just was a very last minute thing and my gut said I had to play the idol on Grace, especially since then she'd feel a bit saved by me. I fully admit though that Zach going was not great for my game. I did know that if somehow it did happen though my plan I had been building up could still go through though.
Thanks for asking me again because I'd have totally missed that if this wasn't bumped. Have a good one Alex!
I know you're all expecting me to have a hot take on the CATS trailer. I can smell it on you.
What do you want me to say, huh? You want me to say it looks bad? A travesty of epic proportions, against all laws of god and man? You want me to tell you how fuzzy James Corden is gonna be crawling through my nightmares tonight?
You already knew that. You know how I feel about this shitty themed concert with delusions of being a musical. What do you want, you want me to be angry? I wish I could be, honestly. I wish I had the capacity to muster any kind of meaningful reaction. In any other universe I'd be lying on my floor in the fetal position right now, squealing softly with despair. But honestly? I gave up on the human experiment the moment my high school decided to put up CATS instead of Urinetown my senior year. Now? Now I'm just trying to get through the fucking day. I've got lifeless, photorealistic CGI lions to deal with, I don't have time for this shit.
They're all so. . . earnest. Like, look at that behind-the-scenes trailer. They're all so pumped to be there. They're working HARD on this! They got the choreographer from Hamilton! They are dancing! And filming! They are taking time, and effort, out of their busy celebrity schedules! It would be very easy to point at this. . . this THING, and attribute its existence to corporate greed, and say it's a cynical cash grab. And it is. But everything is a cynical cash grab now! LIFELESS! PHOTOREALISTIC! CGI! LIONS! I dare you to tell me that there is a single person on this Earth who is more excited about the Lion King remake than they are about this CATS movie.
No, the frustrating thing about CATS -- the horrifying thing that wakes me up in the middle of the night, the soul-crushing thing that creeps, unbidden, into my empty husk of a brain at inconvenient moments, and makes me question why I am even here, in this uncaring universe, what's the point of it all -- is not that it's cynical or empty. It's that people actually like CATS.People! Actual human people, many of whom I otherwise respect and admire! They love it. They love the songs, they love the lack of plot, they love its pointlessness. And nobody's manipulating them. They are in full possession of their free will. This was baffling to me before the CATS movie trailer, and it will be baffling after.
I like to think I am a relatively empathetic person. I'm trying to be, at least. Much of my job -- as a critic, as an actor, as a writer of fictions -- is directly linked to empathy. You need to imagine the perspectives of other people in order to achieve any semblance of success in my field; arguably, in any artistic field.
But CATS? I'm sorry. It's too far. If human empathy is a baseball game, CATS is me, collapsing from heat exhaustion just before I reach home base. If understanding perspectives different from my own is a hot-dog eating contest, this is me, vomiting onto some poor kid's face just before the bell rings.
Y'all have tested my limits, and I have been judged wanting. I have tried, HOO BOY have I tried. But I am physically incapable of going further. You win, alright? We can all go home now.
Long story short though, to answer your question yes I had a ton of fun but also it was an experience that killed me physically and emotionally and I never want to play another org this intense ever again. I hope that explains it well enough.
Thank you very much for the Kind words Mihai. I know we didn't always vote together but I am very glad that I got to meet you in this game and hopefully at some point in the future we'll be able to again and have a rematch in music catch 2 ?
Nathan: How long do you think you're going to be spending in these new tribes, and how does that affect your strategy?
Whiskey Hotel Alpha Tango. Tango Hotel Echo. Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo. Delta India Delta. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Juliet Uniform Sierra Tango. Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo India November Golf. Sierra Alpha Yankee. Alpha Bravo Oscar Uniform Tango. Mike Echo. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Lima India Tango Tango Lima Echo. Bravo India Tango Charlie Hotel. India Lima Lima. Hotel Alpha Victor Echo. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Kilo November Oscar Whiskey. India. Golf Romeo Alpha Delta Uniform Alpha Tango Echo Delta. Tango Oscar Papa. Oscar Foxtrot. Mike Yankee. Charlie Lima Alpha Sierra Sierra. India November. Tango Hotel Echo. November Alpha Victor Yankee. Sierra Echo Alpha Lima Sierra. Alpha November Delta. India Victor Echo. Bravo Echo Echo November. India November Victor Oscar Lima Victor Echo Delta. India November. November Uniform Mike Echo Romeo Oscar Uniform Sierra. Sierra Echo Charlie Romeo Echo Tango. Romeo Alpha India Delta Sierra. Oscar November. Alpha Lima Quebec Uniform Echo Alpha Delta Alpha. Alpha November Delta. India. Hotel Alpha Victor Echo. Oscar Victor Echo Romeo. 300. Charlie Oscar November Foxtrot India Romeo Mike Echo Delta. Kilo India Lima Lima Sierra. India. Alpha Mike. Tango Romeo Alpha India November Echo Delta. India November. Golf Oscar Romeo India Lima Lima Alpha. Whiskey Alpha Romeo Foxtrot Alpha Romeo Echo. Alpha November Delta. India Mike. Tango Hotel Echo. Tango Oscar Papa. Sierra November India Papa Echo Romeo. India November. Tango Hotel Echo. Echo November Tango India Romeo Echo. Uniform Sierra. Alpha Romeo Mike Echo Delta. Foxtrot Oscar Romeo Charlie Echo Sierra. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Alpha Romeo Echo. November Oscar Tango Hotel India November Golf. Tango Oscar. Mike Echo. Bravo Uniform Tango. Juliet Uniform Sierra Tango. Alpha November Oscar Tango Hotel Echo Romeo. Tango Alpha Romeo Golf Echo Tango. India. Whiskey India Lima Lima. Whiskey India Papa Echo. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Tango Hotel Echo. Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo. Oscar Uniform Tango. Whiskey India Tango Hotel. Papa Romeo Echo Charlie India Sierra India Oscar November. Tango Hotel Echo. Lima India Kilo Echo Sierra. Oscar Foxtrot. Whiskey Hotel India Charlie Hotel. Hotel Alpha Sierra. November Echo Victor Echo Romeo. Bravo Echo Echo November. Sierra Echo Echo November. Bravo Echo Foxtrot Oscar Romeo Echo. Oscar November. Tango Hotel India Sierra. Echo Alpha Romeo Tango Hotel. Mike Alpha Romeo Kilo. Mike Yankee. Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo India November Golf. Whiskey Oscar Romeo Delta Sierra. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Tango Hotel India November Kilo. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Charlie Alpha November. Golf Echo Tango. Alpha Whiskey Alpha Yankee. Whiskey India Tango Hotel. Sierra Alpha Yankee India November Golf. Tango Hotel Alpha Tango. Sierra Hotel India Tango. Tango Oscar. Mike Echo. Oscar Victor Echo Romeo. Tango Hotel Echo. India November Tango Echo Romeo November Echo Tango. Tango Hotel India November Kilo. Alpha Golf Alpha India November. Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo Echo Romeo. Alpha Sierra. Whiskey Echo. Sierra Papa Echo Alpha Kilo. India. Alpha Mike. Charlie Oscar November Tango Alpha Charlie Tango India November Golf. Mike Yankee. Sierra Echo Charlie Romeo Echo Tango. November Echo Tango Whiskey Oscar Romeo Kilo. Oscar Foxtrot. Sierra Papa India Echo Sierra. Alpha Charlie Romeo Oscar Sierra Sierra. Tango Hotel Echo. Uniform Sierra Alpha. Alpha November Delta. Yankee Oscar Uniform Romeo. India Papa. India Sierra. Bravo Echo India November Golf. Tango Romeo Alpha Charlie Echo Delta. Romeo India Golf Hotel Tango. November Oscar Whiskey. Sierra Oscar. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Bravo Echo Tango Tango Echo Romeo. Papa Romeo Echo Papa Alpha Romeo Echo. Foxtrot Oscar Romeo. Tango Hotel Echo. Sierra Tango Oscar Romeo Mike. Mike Alpha Golf Golf Oscar Tango. Tango Hotel Echo. Sierra Tango Oscar Romeo Mike. Tango Hotel Alpha Tango. Whiskey India Papa Echo Sierra. Oscar Uniform Tango. Tango Hotel Echo. Papa Alpha Tango Hotel Echo Tango India Charlie. Lima India Tango Tango Lima Echo. Tango Hotel India November Golf. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Charlie Alpha Lima Lima. Yankee Oscar Uniform Romeo. Lima India Foxtrot Echo. Yankee Oscar Uniform Romeo Echo. Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo India November Golf. Delta Echo Alpha Delta. Kilo India Delta. India. Charlie Alpha November. Bravo Echo. Alpha November Yankee Whiskey Hotel Echo Romeo Echo. Alpha November Yankee Tango India Mike Echo. Alpha November Delta. India. Charlie Alpha November. Kilo India Lima Lima. Yankee Oscar Uniform. India November. Oscar Victor Echo Romeo. Sierra Echo Victor Echo November. Hotel Uniform November Delta Romeo Echo Delta. Whiskey Alpha Yankee Sierra. Alpha November Delta. Tango Hotel Alpha Tango Sierra. Juliet Uniform Sierra Tango. Whiskey India Tango Hotel. Mike Yankee. Bravo Alpha Romeo Echo. Hotel Alpha November Delta Sierra. November Oscar Tango. Oscar November Lima Yankee. Alpha Mike. India. Echo X-ray Tango Echo November Sierra India Victor Echo Lima Yankee. Tango Romeo Alpha India November Echo Delta. India November. Uniform November Alpha Romeo Mike Echo Delta. Charlie Oscar Mike Bravo Alpha Tango. Bravo Uniform Tango. India. Hotel Alpha Victor Echo. Alpha Charlie Charlie Echo Sierra Sierra. Tango Oscar. Tango Hotel Echo. Echo November Tango India Romeo Echo. Alpha Romeo Sierra Echo November Alpha Lima. Oscar Foxtrot. Tango Hotel Echo. Echo November Tango India Romeo Echo. Alpha Romeo Sierra Echo November Alpha Lima. Oscar Foxtrot. Tango Hotel Echo. Uniform November India Tango Echo Delta. Sierra Tango Alpha Tango Echo Sierra. Mike Alpha Romeo India November Echo. Charlie Oscar Romeo Papa Sierra. Alpha November Delta. India. Whiskey India Lima Lima. Uniform Sierra Echo. India Tango. Tango Oscar. India Tango Sierra. Foxtrot Uniform Lima Lima. Echo X-ray Tango Echo November Tango. Tango Oscar. Whiskey India Papa Echo. Yankee Oscar Uniform Romeo. Mike India Sierra Echo Romeo Alpha Bravo Lima Echo. Alpha Sierra Sierra. Oscar Foxtrot Foxtrot. Tango Hotel Echo. Foxtrot Alpha Charlie Echo. Oscar Foxtrot. Tango Hotel Echo. Charlie Oscar November Tango India November Echo November Tango. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Lima India Tango Tango Lima Echo. Sierra Hotel India Tango. India Foxtrot. Oscar November Lima Yankee. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Charlie Oscar Uniform Lima Delta. Hotel Alpha Victor Echo. Kilo November Oscar Whiskey November. Whiskey Hotel Alpha Tango. Uniform November Hotel Oscar Lima Yankee. Romeo Echo Tango Romeo India Bravo Uniform Tango India Oscar November. Yankee Oscar Uniform Romeo. Lima India Tango Tango Lima Echo. "Charlie Lima Echo Victor Echo Romeo." Charlie Oscar Mike Mike Echo November Tango. Whiskey Alpha Sierra. Alpha Bravo Oscar Uniform Tango. Tango Oscar. Bravo Romeo India November Golf. Delta Oscar Whiskey November. Uniform Papa Oscar November. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Mike Alpha Yankee Bravo Echo. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Whiskey Oscar Uniform Lima Delta. Hotel Alpha Victor Echo. Hotel Echo Lima Delta. Yankee Oscar Uniform Romeo. Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo India November Golf. Tango Oscar November Golf Uniform Echo. Bravo Uniform Tango. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Charlie Oscar Uniform Lima Delta November Tango. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Delta India Delta November Tango. Alpha November Delta. November Oscar Whiskey. Yankee Oscar Uniform Romeo Echo. Papa Alpha Yankee India November Golf. Tango Hotel Echo. Papa Romeo India Charlie Echo. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Golf Oscar Delta Delta Alpha Mike November. India Delta India Oscar Tango. India. Whiskey India Lima Lima. Sierra Hotel India Tango. Foxtrot Uniform Romeo Yankee. Alpha Lima Lima. Oscar Victor Echo Romeo. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Alpha November Delta. Yankee Oscar Uniform. Whiskey India Lima Lima. Delta Romeo Oscar Whiskey November. India November. India Tango. Yankee Oscar Uniform Romeo Echo. Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo India November Golf. Delta Echo Alpha Delta. Kilo India Delta Delta
I do not suspect a big move tonight. I think people are on a pretty similar page unless an idol comes out or something like that.
Oh hi, I’ll do the challenge for Edessa