Don't roast me, please.
1. I was able to make others trust me and see me as someone they wanted to work with in the long run, while most of the jurors admittedly said that they didn't trust Tara for the majority of the game.
2. I was more active in making sure that the votes went the way I wanted them to, while David, for the most part, just sat back and let things happen as they may which is quite risky.
3. I was able to position myself better as evidenced by the fact that I was able to align or work with every single player in the merge at one point or another.
4. Personally, I feel like I did a better job at building relationships for the sole reason that I was still able to connect with people as well as I did even though David and Tara knew much more people from this cast before this game started than I did. Yes, I knew some of you guys beforehand, but I hadn't been active for over half a year in the community, so I essentially felt like I still had to start from scratch with a large majority of you.
5. I didn't need to rely on immunity wins and idols to make it to where I am now.
I'm sorry, but due to time constraints (school sucks), I can't really do this whole 3 GIFs per juror thing. I'll instead give an overall GIF for all of you hehe
Basically, y'all are amazing and even though I'm, for the most part, getting pummeled right now, it's deserved so I just want to say that it's been a fun experience overall and I can't wait to talk to most of you outside of this game WOOOH <3
Do you understand how you keep playing the same game to ultimately end up losing? Do you understand what you gotta do to change it to a winning game?
100%. I've admittedly struggled a lot with regards to being able to lie, while still having people not feel disgusted by me in the end. I think I get carried away a lot of the times when I lie to the point that it can hurt you guys (which can be seen in Zach), and that's obviously a big mistake because my jury management would take the downfall for it. I honestly don't know how to explain why it keeps happening over and over when I've been fully aware of the problem for a long time, like it just does? But yeah, I know now that I can still lie and play a winning game, but I shouldn't lie and lead people on as much as I did to most of you in the jury right now.
Edit: Thanks for not being as harsh this time around HAHAHAHAH <3
OMG OK LMAO AFSKLSAFKFSA kinda love this speech because you just called me out huh? and rightfully so, so let's start.
this translates to you knowing i was leaving for at least 12 hours beforehand. throughout this entire round, you became my best friend. you and i had personal talks where you opened up about things that i obviously won’t discuss, you reassured me excessively that i was safe, and you made it seem like you had my best interest at heart.
Ok, so I would like to comment on this first of all. Yes, I was very much aware that I was already voting you out during those first 12 hours and I absolutely get why you would feel so fucking betrayed because we really did talk abt rly personal stuff that round. I would just like to say tho that the Andre that talked during those last 12 hours to you was Andre the person and not Andre the player. I'm not a sociopath to be mentioning all those things to you to rile you up and blindside you just like that for the sake of the game. that was me as a person talking to you in those last 12 hours because it was just a topic that came up and i like felt so compelled to talk to you abt it bc i was rly just that comfortable with you and i rly felt close to you as a friend. i had no one else to talk to about it previously and you were there and it kinda just happened unintentionally. it was not my intention at all to make you feel as disgusted as you are now with me, but i guess it ended up that way. nonetheless, im really sorry and i REALLY mean that.
do you know what emotional intelligence is? if so, how did you apply it to this game if at all? after reading this (and other) speeches, do you regret your extremely deceitful tendencies? justify why we, the jury, shouldn’t be upset with you for leading people on and being really gross about it.
Ok YES i know what emotional intelligence is, though it doesnt show huh? KFASLSAFKLASF I feel like I was able to apply it for like the first half in the sense that I was able to know how to speak to each person (as everyone has different personalities) in the best way possible to be able to make a connection w them. for the second half tho, no i probably didn't apply much emotional intelligence. my jury management with most of you sucked ass to be quite frank, and that kinda showed with how much i lied to a lot of you even though i was aware of the repercussions in doing so. after reading the speeches, i dont necessarily regret the very idea of lying because thats arguably a big part of the game, but what I do regret is how often I lied to people, at what point did i lie to people, and the level of the lies i told to people. you and sam were probably the two who I did the most dirty to and for that i do regret it because I really led the both of you on which I now realize must've been shitty to feel.
In all honesty, to the people i lied a lot to before they left, especially to you and sam as i said, you SHOULD be upset or you should've at least been at one point before now. You guys have the full right to do so and I don't hold any of it against you because I really was that bad in how I dealt with most of your eliminations. I think it's a room for improvement definitely with regards to my game but I can't do anything to change it now so I'll just have to live with the consequences.
ok cool(arguably) story!! for the f4 challenge, we had to analyze like music clips right and figure out who they were. so one of the songs i was like omg could this be this chick lana del rey everyone loves and i kept searching for some of her songs that had the word "god" in it and i ended up with "God Knows I Tried" and i kid u not i listened to it like maybe 1302419104 times because i was so sure one of the clips had to have been her (it wasnt :x), so yeah the tune is stuck in my head rn. and i like relate with it so hard because god knows i really tried to play well in this game...
hello king rob!!! nice to talk to u again <3 With regards to my speech, I do believe in the things I said that I created strong relationships, and was thus able to position myself well between all sides in the game to be in the power seat of multiple votes. This can be seen in how early in the merge, for example, David had to go through me (or you) to be able to know what the Sekhmets were thinking of doing and what their opinion of him was, while in the middle of the merge Tara had to go through me (or David) to be able to know John and Rhi's plans. In essence, I felt like I was the person who was able to fill in the gaps within our alliance so to speak as I knew several things the others wouldn't be able to find out if I was out of the picture.
I will say though that one thing I omitted in my speech was that I possibly was only able to position myself well between all alliances because of circumstantial instances that were out of my control/involved luck. To be more specific, for instance, I was able to be close to the Sekhmets during the merge because I was on the same swapped tribe with all of them in comparison to David who maybe wasn't able to because he hadn't been on the same tribe with them before.
And I guess I'll also say, you say that "you talked David out of blindsiding me at final 5," why did you talk him out of a move that would've been detrimental to his chances at my jury vote and not yours?
Tbh with you, I get what you mean with this question but I kinda don't get it ASKFLASKFAS??? Okay, let's say I did let David blindside you at F5, if thats the case then I would've ended up voting you out too, so wouldn't I have ruined your jury vote in the process as well? David wasn't going to vote for you alone as he needed at least one more vote, so I would've been implicated too if that happened. But okay let's say you indeed would just hold david and only david responsible if that happened, there's still kinda a catch 22 with regards to voting you out or not. To be clearer, if I had let David blindside you at Final 5, then I would've just added one more thing to his resume as he could use that against me rn in FTC rn and further add to the notion that he's supposedly me and Tara's "master," which is far from the truth like excuse me... Anyways, if I talked him out of blindsiding you at Final 5 which was what happened, then we would be in this situation rn wherein you're holding it against me that I saved you because it was supposedly more beneficial for David. So yeah, I honestly don't think it's a lack of awareness, I just chose the option that I felt was more advantageous and had considerably less cons, which was to save you.
For the secret category hmmmm, "the person who is most annoying" is my guess FSLAKFSLSKAF JK LMAO thatd probably be mine HAHAHAHAH. but i think "the person who is most funny" because tara's so funny and cracks me up a lot, and I'd think she does to you too!
omg im so uncreative this is gonna be so corny and like so unfunny FKSLAKSFAL idk, but i guess the tagline for our alliance would be "iconic 'til the very end" because we really were... like this specific alliance is probably up there w one of my favorites and thats a testament to how much i love you, tara, and david so much and how im thankful I got to know all of you. <3
OMG ur so nice like thank you so much <3 Anyways, yeah I agree that we didn't really connect in terms of the game and that might be why it's so hard for you to understand how I played. So to answer your question about at what point did I decide that I wanted to make a big move or when an idea of mine was implemented, I actually tackled this in my speech, but I'll just say it again. So in the final 9 and 8 rounds, your name was actually the one being thrown around but I pushed for Zach and Sam to go respectively as they both posed as much more immediate threats in my eyes than you, which was what ended up occuring. I also steered the vote towards you when it was about to go to Rob in the final 5 (sorry!!!) because you were much more of a jury threat and I detected that David had pretty much an ulterior motive that would only benefit him had he kept you instead of Rob. With regards to minor ideas that I threw out though, there were lots of times when my suggestions within the Real Housewives of Egypt alliance (me, Tara, David, Rob) about how we could misinform and misdirect you guys about the closeness of our relationships were implemented. One example of this was how I managed to completely disconnect myself from Tara in your guys' eyes by constantly throwing her under the bus when in reality, we were actually pretty much aligned throughout the entire game, and I'd ask her to do the same thing with me as well.
So I chose Brave for the song because its such a feel good song and really incites positivity to its listerners and you kinda remind me of that because you're so nice and I honestly am so thankful for that. <3
Hello! Essentially, it was pretty much a given that you, Zach, Sam, and Danielle were a tight foursome and if my alliance and I wanted to progress further in the game, your group obviously had to be broken up. The decision to vote you out came from the fact that it would be unexpected and that you were thought to be the person least likely to play an idol. I personally supported the idea of taking you out because at that point, we hadn't talked game in a while and I was unsure of the state of our relationship and whether or not it was still as strong as it was when we first got to know each other.
For your Ariana Grande song, I'll say Dangerous Woman because you seem pretty wild (in a good way <3) and if you look deeper into it, the song is basically about not letting anyone else determine who you are, how you live, and what you're doing and you just feel free and empowered to do whatever the heck you want.
Hello! Like you said, I'm definitely very much aware that my jury management leaves much to be desired to say the least. I did explain in my speech as to why I lied to people at certain times, but I recognize now reading what everyone has to say how I could've done it in a much more respectable way without other people feeling as disgusted as they are now about me. It's just admittedly hard for me to find the right balance between lying and telling the truth without compromising my plans in the games I play, but now I see what I need to prioritize first if ever I want to win in the end.
About what I said regarding your vote, I "worked with" in the sense that we successfully got a plan going to vote out Rhi. I would've been perfectly fine with it had it pushed through but at the very last minute, Tara said that the she wanted to use the double idol and even admitted later on that I couldn't have done anything to convince her not to. My loyalty was with the Real Housewives of Egypt overall so yes, I was implicit in your elimination but I wouldn't outright say that me saying that "I worked with you" was a lie.
Would you mind elaborating on what you did in those rounds?
Ever since it was first made, I was pretty much committed to my Real Housewives of Egypt alliance with Tara, Rob, and David. So when final 7 came around, the only options to vote out for me really were you, Rhi, and Danielle. While I did enjoy our Nut Sluts alliance a lot, it didn't make sense to take out Danielle, the last remaining of the four Sekhmets, since she didn't pose a big of a challenge threat as much as you and Rhi did. Both you and Rhi already won immunities by that point, so you had to go one after the other in my eyes. As to why you were sent home first before Rhi, I will admit that it was more to appease Rob since he had wanted you out the previous round and we didn't want to make him feel more betrayed by us than he already did. For the most part, I don't think anyone dictated the votes per se because it was pretty much a logical consensus among everyone that it was all in our best interests that you and Rhi leave back to back.
With regards to what I specifically did in these rounds though, I felt like I played a big part in making sure that these plans pushed through without any trouble, especially during final 7. In that round, I personally felt as though I was much more active than David in making sure that you and Rhi still trusted our alliance. I talked a lot more in our group chat and reassured you both that the plan to vote out Danielle was still in place. In doing so, I was able to ensure that no revolt of some sort would happen. For example, if I had not talked as much and you and Rhi got wind of the plan to vote the both of you out, you guys could've easily went to Danielle and would've just needed one more vote to have the majority.
I know you touched on this a little bit in your speech, but could you expand on one thing that you did separately from David that you think stands out the most?
I think the second paragraph of my answer to the previous question pretty much serves as a gist as to what I did separately from David. Throughout the game, I was more involved with regards to the backstabbing and betrayals, while David just sat back in the shadows waiting for them to happen. While to some that may come across as good gameplay, I honestly feel like it's a sign of weakness and shows his inability to make things happen for himself. Essentially, the main difference between us is that I controlled my own destiny, while he let other people control his destiny for him.
And a final question for everyone: pick a gif (or a few gifs if you want) that you think best describes your overall game!
I think this pretty much speaks for itself, LMAO. :x
Don't roast me, please.
To put it simply, out of everyone left, I felt like she'd be the most likely person to cast a vote against me.
The definition of what constitutes a "big move" varies from person to person so truthfully, I have no clue. I just hope it isn't me.