We will now begin the first game of the Final Match.
The game that Phoenix has selected to play first is…
I will now review the rules of Order of Operations.
In Order of Operations, you must order the provided numbers, operations, and symbols into a correct mathematical equation.
At the start of each round, you will be provided with a list of numbers and operations, along with one equal sign, that you must rearrange into a valid mathematical equation, as below.
There are some rules as to how correct equations can be formed:
First, PEMDAS/BIDMAS/BEDMAS is always followed; expressions within parentheses are evaluated first, then multiplication and division are evaluated from left to right, then addition and subtraction are evaluated from left to right. (There will not be any puzzles involving exponents.)
You are allowed to concatenate numbers; for example, in the puzzle above, you could put tiles A and C next to each other to make the number 13.
You cannot use - (the minus symbol) as a negative sign.
You must use a times symbol when performing multiplication with an expression in parentheses; for example, 3(5-2) is disallowed, as you must do 3x(5-2).
Lastly, to put parentheses around something, it must change the value of the expression if it were taken away; for example, (2+3)-3 is invalid, since (2+3)-3 is equal to 2+3-3.
After a puzzle is revealed, you will have 3 minutes to respond with an answer. To answer, there is no need to buzz in; simply send your solution as a math equation in the chat. (For example, one solution to the above puzzle is 3-2=0+1.) If you answer correctly, you will score 1 point. If you answer incorrectly, you will lose 1 point, but can still continue to guess in that round. If no player answers correctly within 3 minutes, the round will end and we will move onto the next round.
The player with more points at the end of 20 rounds will win this Death Match, and move on to Round Three of The Genius. If there is a tie after 20 rounds, additional rounds will be played until at the end of a round, one player has more points than the other.
I will now reveal the items available during this game.
The first item is the Double Points item. You must use this item before a round begins; during that round, all points will be doubled. In other words, in that round, both players will score 2 points for a correct answer and lose 2 points for an incorrect answer.
The second item is the Equal Locator. You can use this item at any point during a round, and we will reveal in what position the equal sign is located in one possible solution to the puzzle.
The last item is the Safeguard. This will automatically be applied the first time you answer incorrectly; you will not lose points for that one incorrect answer.
The Double Points item was assigned to Rhys, who gave it to Phoenix.
The Equal Locator item was assigned to Rhi, who gave it to Nathaniel.
The Safeguard item was assigned to Emma, who gave it to Nathaniel.
As this is a live match, it is up to the two of you to negotiate a time for this game to occur.
Phoenix, you still have your Item Negator; Nathaniel, you still have your Item Duplicator.
With that, begin the match!