By a score of 309 to 21...
Ariadne, we're going straight to Tribal!
Danish, Ali's track record in ORGs is less than enviable. Are you afraid that being related to him will hurt your game?
Clairie, looking at a bunch of ORG voting histories, there's a little bit of a pattern of the inactive female player going early. Are you aware of that? What is your strategy to fight any doubt that your tribemates might have regarding that?
Yannick, who's the most annoying non-Ugnius person in the cast so far?
Trang, timezones are always a huge concern for non-US players, you know how it is. Has this been a subject of preoccupation for you so far?
Dani, what's your read on the dynamics of this team? Since this is an Anarchy season, what qualities are you looking for in an ally in this context?
Gerda, do you think this team was discouraged when they saw the lead Theseus had, or do you suspect your team's loss was intentional on some team members' part?
Aaron, do you like the Anarchy format? What do you think it takes to be successful in an ever-changing environment like this one?
James, I'm out of relevant tribal questions for now so I'm gonna ask you to either do the chicken dance or give me some insight about your plan for this TC. Your call~
Cast your votes in your FB chats. You have until July 15, 17:40UTC. Good luck!