Heyyyy Casey haha
Grace's game is kind of like Donald Trump's presidential campaign platform. Face valued, derogatory, sloppy and it makes your ovaries scream.
Zane's game is kind of like that little kid that keeps wiggling their loose tooth. Every once in a while you think that it's going to perform (or they're going to rip it out) but eventually they just put in back in place. It never really comes to fruition.
Thanks :)
So I'm pissed. How do you expect me to do the last three immunity challenges if I'm on a boat in the middle of the Adriatic. I would hope that you would have the decency to look past that, but if you don't than I don't care enough about you to grovel and beg for your vote.
Grace doesn't deserve to win this game because she was really bad at jury management. Sure she tried to talk to people more than I did but becoming good friends with someone a day before you vote them out is not the way to go about trying to make friends on the jury...
Zane shouldn't win simply because he got here almost completely based on luck. He was super irrelevant for a majority of the game, and somehow, after all the dust settled, he found himself sitting in the end with not much of a basis for gameplay other than "i didn't talk to people and that was a strategy". I don't buy it...
Thanks Tom.
Hi Blaine :)
1. It was 100% sincere. As soon as Will was gone, I knew that I had to lock things down, and at that point in the game, I was closest to you and Grace. You two were always my final 3 plans. I decided to make that f2 with you because I knew that if it came down to you, me and Grace, Grace would take me to the end, and I needed to make sure that you would do the same. I think that if I had to choose, I most likely would've chosen you, only because I think we've been through more together, and Grace would be such a big threat. So yes, it was sincere to the fullest.
2. My strategy was altered a ton. I knew that I had to reorganize everything alliance wise to make sure that I would stay in the game. I really went on a relationship build up streak. I first built it up with you and Grace, making sure that you were my tight f3 alliance. Then I also started talking to Tom, Casey and Zane to make sure that we all had a good bond so that they would all three vote with us. The Will vote was really a wake up call that ultimately build the foundation I needed to get to the final 3.
3. Being on the cruise for the last 10 days really hurt me in a good amount of random ways. I was so nervous the whole time that it would just absolutely destroy my game because the jury wouldn't take me seriously because I didn't really do any of the challenges. As far as how I want the jury to see it, I don't really want you to cut me any breaks. All I ask is that you don't think less of me for not entering into challenges because I made my best effort to find ways to do it, none of it came to fruition. Really I think that it showed my strengths because even with limited communication, I still was able to make it 4 tribals and have a say in almost every one. Really it showed how strong my game was that even in the face of adversity, I was still able to make it to the end and finish strong.
4. Okay so if I was already on it I would have to go with Grace, Tom, Andrei, Blaine and Will. I really do think that those 5 players had the strongest games and were the most influential during the merge period. I don't know that's actually a really hard question haha.
5. You were in my plans for the end ever since we made the merge and I started thinking about the end. And no, I wasn't secretly happy when you were voted out. I was devastated. The hardest thing for me to figure out was the last minute plan of would I rather take Tom or Zane to the end. I wish it didn't happen so that you could be sitting here with us...
Thanks Blaine!
Hi Andrei ;)
I assume your vote is locked for Grace but I'm not giving up.
Will: I learned a lot about Will. Will is starting his Senior year of High School in September which he's excited about but also nervous because it's a big step in his life. He also wants to become a mulitmedia artist and animator after he graduates, which I think is super cool but that's just me lol.
Andrei: I learned that he likes my dance moves (from my gif lol).
Minke: I learned that you went on a Vacation to Vancouver which is one of my favorite cities in the whole world.
Casey: I've known Casey for a long time but I'll just list some things I know about her. I know she's going to be a sophomore at Northeastern and that she likes to party (lol). I know that she once ripped off the head of a stuffed animal in a confessional and that she's kind of a legend both in the Tumblr and ORG Wiki world.
Ivan: I didn't get to know you on much of a personal level, but I did have a really fun time talking to you about Tom, the roast, the flags, really everything that wasn't super game related. We had some good conversations just about funny game things that aren't necessarily over personal, but they at least show that we made an attempt at friendship.
Blaine: Ugh Blaine, my bud! I've learned so much about you but I'm going to go back super far into the archives and tell everyone something very very dark about you.
You like Jonathan Libby more than Sugar Kiper *gasp*
Tom: I also learned that you're in 12th grade, and that you like to come to me a lot and say "it's either you or me" lol.
Thanks Andrei!
Thanks for the questions Minke :)
Alright. So I'll start with the Will tribal. I've said this a few times now in other tribal answers but I'll say it again here so that you can get a better understanding. So for that tribal, I did vote for Tom. I voted Tom for a few reasons. The first was that I simply was so overwhelmed by him and Andrei coming at me to vote for him that I really just got so flustered and angry with the whole thing that I hoped it would send him packing. Another reason that I did it was to try and gain the trust of Zane, which I knew I would need later down the road. Let's remind ourselves that my ideal final 6 would've been Will, Grace, Blaine, Casey, Zane and myself. I figured that almost everyone would be with me with the exception of Zane. So when Zane came up to me that night and told me that if I voted Tom that he would be loyal to me to the end, I felt like it was the smartest personal move for me to gain that trust and to vote for Tom. It ended up kind of sabotaging one of my greatest allies, but ulitamately it removed the biggest threat, solidified my alliance and put me in a better place in the game. So that night I was devastated to lose Will, but looking back it was a better thing for my game and really propelled me into a stronger alliance.
Okay now for the Andrei vote. After Will was out I knew that I had to solidify my alliance or else I would be the next one packing. So, I, along with Blaine and Grace, created a tight final 3 alliance that would be my core alliance for the rest of the game. Along with those people, I also drew in Tom (who I knew would vote with me because he kind of had nobody else to turn to at that point), Casey who I also trusted a ton (but nobody else did) and then Zane who now was locked into a really tight deal with me. The six of us, as far as I know, were the ones who voted Andrei. A lot of names were thrown around that tribal but I made sure that it stuck to Andrei because I knew that he was the biggest social and strategic threat in the game at that time. Andrei was the one who voted for Blaine. He was trying to eliminate Blaine's light pearl from the game, but Blaine confused everyone when he decided to give it to me. This was also a big turning point in the game for me because I became the target of the minority alliance. I knew I had to play the game super safe because if anything went wrong it was my neck on the line. That's why I think that I deserve to win this game because I was the target that was never ultimately shot at.
Your vote was also an interesting vote. Once again, people were going crazy (mainly Grace and Blaine) who wanted Tom out, then Ivan, back to Tom. It was all over the place. I was the one who made sure that the target stayed on you Minke because I knew that if we didn't get you out final 8, you would've made it really deep into the game because people with big egos would've started gunning for each other and you would've slipped through the cracks. I recognized the threat, and I did everything in my power to make sure it was eliminated. And in this case, it was... Sorry :(
Okay now I'm just going to close it off. It is true, we didn't talk much. If you go back to look at our few messages, I was the one who attempted to initiate. It was maybe not the best attempt but really it was at least an attempt. Quite honestly I put the blame of our lack of a social basis 50% on you and 50% on me. I should've taken the time to talk to you more, but from a game standpoint I quite honestly viewed it as a bit of a waste of my time. I knew that I was your target, so I thought that talking to you was only going to make matters worse for me because it would only further put me on your radar. So some of my inactivity in our personal chat was strategic, and other parts were just business. I was on vacation for the last 10 days and had very limited connection. I couldn't play any of the challenges because I didn't have a laptop on the cruise ship. I was so so so so worried that it would affect my game that I would sit next to the router some days and just sit until I got a slight connection and tried to play my game. I admire my own perserverance in the situation because I tried everything to make it work, and was able to even with limited connection, still survive 4 votes. I've been to the most tribals, taken a lot of heat and I'm not ready to give up anytime soon. I hope that even if you don't give me your vote, you at least consider the moves I've made in this game because I really do feel as though I was an integral part to the grand scheme of IDS. I thank you for your questions and please let me know if there's anything more I can do to help you get a clearer picture.
Hi Will :). Thanks for the questions, I'm super excited to answer them all. Alright let's do it.
1. I did vote for Tom that night. Part of that decision was complete confusion and voting with my heart instead of my head, and the other part of that was hoping that a move would come together that would end up helping me in the future. So as we all know, Tom was driving everyone up the wall. Zane had come to me and told me that if I voted for Tom, he would be loyal to me until the end, and any way that I wanted to vote he would vote. So I saw this as an opportunity to lock down a number that may not have necessarily been voting my way from the beginning. Where I made the mistake was when I underestimated the ability of Ivan/Andrei/Minke and others to confuse us into voting different ways. Do I regret voting for Tom that night? No. I don't. I am so very sorry that it screwed you over and put you on the jury bench, but ultimately taking you out of the game was somewhat of a blessing in disguise. It was from that point on that I reorganized my alliance and really got us all on the same page so that we could take out our next biggest threats (Andrei, Minke, and eventually Ivan). It also made Zane and I much closer which ended up paying off as we approached the end. So I hope that clears everything up (i'm still super sorry about how it all went down because I do love you as a brother as well).
2. I think the clear delineation between my game and Grace's game is simply that I didn't piss anyone off as I sent them to the jury bench. A lot my game was behind the scenes, which I know may not have been the best strategy, but I knew that it would get me to the end in a timely fashion. Some people say that Grace did my work for me, and maybe she did, but that was always a part of my strategy. I knew that coming into this game, I had a slight target on my back only because some people may have looked at me as some kind of ORG veteran who was coming to prove himself. I knew that if I was going to make it far into this game, I was going to need an alliance member who people were nervous of, so that the votes headed their way while I made the plans in the background. That's why I think I played a better game than Grace, because all my plans (other than Casey and Blaine's vote) came to fruition and I watched everyone go out the way I wanted to.
I think I did a better job than Zane at simply creating and staying in an alliance that carried me all the way to the end. Zane was always kind of a wild card, we always just assumed he was voting for Tom and nobody really cared or payed attention to him further than that. I knew that he was never going to vote for me, which is why I was okay with letting him get to the final 5, the final 4 and then eventually, the final 3. So I think that as far as control goes in this game, I definetely had more influence and control over people than Zane did, so in turn I played a better game.
3. Okay I feel like I already answered this question in number one, but I'll talk more so about the aftermath of that vote. So after the vote went down and all of us were kind of dazed and confused as to what happened, I immediately went to Grace and told her that we had to reorganize our alliance because our numbers are diminishing and we need to restructure or else we're not getting to the end. So, we made the group chat again with Casey, Blaine, Grace and myself and we really solidified a strong 4 that was able to then take out Andrei and Minke immediately after. I also somehwat got in an argument with Ivan where I ended it with telling him "whatever" when he asked if we were still in an alliance. At that point I was fed up with him and knew that I was getting nowhere. So that night was somewhat a blessing in disguise because it allowed me to develop a stronger and more defined alliance that would send me to the final 3.
4. Alright. So after you left I really do feel like I was the only one who stayed level headed. For the Andrei vote, people were coming to me left and right freaking out about where Tom was going to vote, if Andrei had an idol, this and that. I kept a level head, touched base with the 4 other people that I knew I could control their votes, and saw Andrei leave which was a huge repreieve. Basically the same thing happened for the Minke vote. A lot was going on, Grace came to me wanting to vote for a million different people, Zane and Tom doing the same. I once again had to calmly remind everyone that we need those numbers out or else we'll just end up where we started. So I kept reminding everyone to vote for Minke and eventually Minke was gone. The Casey vote was out of my control. I was flying to Italy that day and tried my best to keep my alliance together, but for some reason Grace really had a thing against Casey and decided to vote for her. So I was kind of impedimented by my travel plans from that point on. The Ivan vote was also just what I wanted. We were actually going to vote for Tom, but Zane thought he was controlling the vote so we had to go along with him and vote Ivan. The Blaine vote was out of my control, plain and simple. Tom made a great move and I didn't see it coming at all. After that vote I knew that I had to take Tom out. I was afraid that the jury would like him for defying the odds and making it into the end, and I didn't want to take that risk. He also told me that he would vote for me if I was in the finals and he wasn't, so I had to capitalize on that investment (even though he apparently said the same thing to Grace). I hope that gives you a bit of a clearer vision of what happened.
Thanks will! If there's anything else you need of me please just let me know!
Have fun :)
IDS Roast
Trace's Roast for Isla Del Sol
It sucks going to so many tribals, and yes, I am totally shocked that I am still here to tell the tale.
Just so we're clear, there was no way for us not to go a second time...
I don't really know why they gave it to me, but thank you!
Trace: This is your third Tribal. You getting sick of coming back?
Yeah, to be honest, it kind of sucks. But it doesn't really affect me. I just come here, do my job, and walk away with my torch lit, NBD.
I want egg 11!
First off, I love this question!
It was really good! I made it to graduation (shockingly) and it was really bitter sweet. It was nice to spend time with my friends that I won't see next year when I head to St Louis. I feel bad that I couldn't enter in the challenge, but if we're being real here, graduation is much more important than one challenge, so I hope my tribemates aren't too mad with me.
The vote isn't that hard as far as I see it. We gel pretty well, but for some reason one of us doesn't really want to join in the fun. I think that the vote will not be much of a surprise, but who really knows.
Jenna Morasca
Butch Lockley
Alex Bell