Hello finalists! Congratulations for making it here! I wouldn't have predicted this F2 once we hit the merge!
So, I'm going to start with Hunter. Hunter, I think you played a very old school game and I really respect it. Your social game heavily blent into your strategic game, and I saw you grow in front of my eyes. From the guy who threatened me because I lied to him, to the guy who managed my breakdown quite well, it's clear you evolved and you wanted to win this game. I think your game was more subtle and the VISIBLE MOVES and ALL OVER YOUR FACE GAMEPLAY wasn't necessarily the moving force of your game. I always thought you had this going where so many people wanted to work with you, pre merge, you were always in control. Post merge, you had Zach, Anna, Roodman, Thiru and Lori, and even when you got left out you found your way in. Your bond-making was on point. You're a strong social player. Jury management wise (which by the way is also social game!), you didn't piss anyone off, but you barely talked to the people who weren't on your side, like Forrest, Christine and I. And I could respect the fact that you weren't going to gain anything IN the game by talking to us, but I don't respect it as a way of jury management.
Here's the thing with you, Hunter. I like your game. I like you as a person. But there's something so self-absorbed, hypocritical and extremely fake with you. The way you insulted and demanded people to include you in their plans was childish. The way you would freak out and cry your ass off when people didn't throw their games for you is hard to comprehend. For you, the world had to revolve around you and I honestly believe you're an unadaptable, insensible player. Yes, you played old school, but you also played a monotomous, one-sided game. Would you have survived without your immunity wins, and your idol? I don't want to disregard your efforts but where would you be without Annabelle, who double dealed and duped us good. She got you AND Roodman there where you are right now. You would be long gone without her. LONG gone. And you took her to the F3 and she almost won the challenge, and if she did, you would've lost no matter what. It's hard to appreciate a game that's so basic, so one-dimensional, so short sighted, I get it you're likable, people love you, you had a solid social game and an alliance going and you had a bit of self awareness going on. But you also did nothing else other than that, finding your way to immunities is something I don't care about, you had no landmark moves, you barely talked to people, you were brattish, and you hated everyone who dared to play a different game than yours, there's nothing exciting about your strategic game except the fact that your social game is solid and helped you move through big time.
So tell me, why should I vote for you tonight despite your half assed efforts with me and the other jurors? Why should I vote for you despite your short sighted, one-sided gameplay and inability to understand, respect or even care about how and why the other players played the way they did? And yes I read your opening statement I don't want to hear why your game was good, I get that. Thank you Hunter!
And now Roodman. Rood, you were always my friend in the game, but today, between friendship and the game, one of them matters the most right now: the game.
I wanted to explain how I see your game in a way that's original and amusing, so here it goes.
I love tennis! It's by far my favorite sport. And just like in Survivor, there are a bunch of different kind of players. Survivor is like tennis, you have to implement strategy (playing style), and you have to be physically strong to get through each round (matches), to win the game (tournament). Now imagine that your playing style is your social/strategic game.
I think your style of play, Roodman, is too aggressive. You love hitting winners, you go for each shot, and you can get through easy matches easily when you have a good day. The problem with playing an aggressive game is you are often too imprecise, you make too many unforced errors, you're so aggressive that in a bad day, when you face a more solid, defensive player, you just make a mess out of the match, every shot goes out, you start double faulting, your head is completely somewhere else, you're just hitting, and hitting, and hitting and hitting, everything goes out, no strategy, and you lose 6-0, 6-0.
This is you, Roodman, a player that brings a big presence, an aggresive strategic game, with lots of talent and who puts a ton of effort. You're this kind of player that one day, they can beat the N° 1 player of the world, and the next one they'd lose to a 245-ranked player wildcard. All in a single tournament. That is why most of the time, until those kind of players find RHYTHM and CONSISTENCY, they're not going to be winning tons of tournaments, they'll have good weeks, but they will often fall in a slump, losing match, after match, after match.
This season, Roodman, you had a good tourney. You did what you had to do in the social department and connected with people in order to survive the early stage of the game. You didn't have to do a lot more besides that, you had Hunter, you had Anna, and you had me. We all loved you, and you were always safe with us, but then you thought "that wasn't enough", and hours before Matt's elimination, you went off the rails and offered him an alliance and told him you had an idol, when you hadn't at that point, just to make him comfortable. Everyone was voting Matt, it was done, sealed. You didn't have to make a circle out of it, and after doing that people started doubting you. Dwayne came to me and implied you were sneaky. You're immediatly getting yourself in trouble for no reason at all. You made unforced errors, unecessary erros REALLY easy to avoid, but you were playing good enough to get through the match (Matt came for me first so he had to go, lol!).
You did a good job building trust with me by revealing the idol to me, we were a pair, we were in this together, hiding fake idols was so much fun, but then the Dwayne vote came. You had the right mindset, at merge you would be good with Kristen, Forrest and I, and booting Dwayne would be the best thing for you. However after the Dwayne-Kristen fight, Dwayne was pissed at you. He distrusted you and thought it was only you that threw him under the bus, he wanted you out. Even though most of us did the same thing to him, or worse, in my case. Once again, you struggled with playing a controlled proper game, and staying out of trouble. You just know how to hit the ball hard as fuck and hope that your opponent won't be able to counter attack, and luckily for you, Dwayne's defense was weak, my relationship with him was weak and he had no more options, considering Christine disliked you within that tribe too and I loved Christine, you would have been in big trouble if I had anything stronger with Dwayne.
And then merge came, and of course you're good positioned. You had me, you had Anna, you had Hunter and Zach. Immediatly you feel like you found a goldmine of alies. You didn't have to do anything, but you get into a fight with Forrest. Another unforced error that made you visible for no reason at all. Or more like, a hundred unforced errors and you're absolutely about to lose that match. You're gaining enemies unecessarily, you're pissing everyone off. You can't shut up. And all you did was attracting drama to yourself with a million and one things that happened that round and surrounded you and it was all your fault. It wasn't gameplay, it wasn't smart. It was plain out choking and plain out crap gameplay. Impossible to respect. I was super content with our alliance because I like Hunter, and I would be in majority. But at some point I realize you, Hunter and Zach are far too close, and so is Anna with them and you, and I feel left out. Not only that, but Zach and Hunter are far too obvious, and they barely talk game with me. In fact, they did NOT talk game with me. All I know about them, I know because of you or Anna. It heavity implied that I had no business there and I even had the decency to talk about it with you or Anna. I did. I went ouf of my way to tell you guys I wanted to vote out Zach. You didn't listen. I'm not going to talk about Anna, I'll talk about you.
Yes, I told you it happened because of a stigma or whatever, but that was just me bullshitting you, Roodman. It happened because of your awful gameplay. You were treating people, including Christine who I wanted to work with, as outsiders and you were acting as if you had the numbers and they were on the bottom, you are a liability to have as an ally, a chaotic mess, you had alliances going on with each person within our alliance and you were happy that YOU were set up but you never cared to make a group chat so we all could talk and feel integrated, not even between Anna, you or I, nothing. You only pushed for what you wanted, it was always what you wanted, it was always Roodman, Roodman, Roodman. And even though I visibly wanted to save Forrest and instigate a Zach vote (someone who BARELY talked to me and who barely cared for me) happen, you could not see anything happen but the plan you had, and you only isolated me.
Don't you see, Roodman? Don't you see why I flipped? I didn't want to play your game. And aligning with you would be playing your game because whatever you want to happen, will happen. You won't stop pushing for what you want until it's done. You won't give your allies options. I obviously wanted to play with someone who's adaptable, and you were NOTHING OF THE SORT. You're the opposite of who I wanted to play this game with. You don't know Survivor, you only know Roodman and what he wants. Your lack of self awareness in this game and your lack of understanding of social politics is why you're losing this season. You know nothing about it. Nothing.
So of course I make my move happen, and what happened afterwards is sad, there is no self introspection coming from you, you don't give me the benefit of the doubt and only see it as an attack. Because nobody can go against Roodman and his wishes. To this day, you don't realize what you did wrong. The round after, Thiru wanted you or Christine gone, and his ideal plan was to make you comfortable so you dind't play the idol, although to be honest Thiru changed his plan one million times. And despite my frustration, I didn't want you gone so I told you to play the idol. Yes, I was honest, we were going to split. The vote changed AFTERWARDS I did that, because Thiru PISSED me off and I was sick of him. Booting Thiru was a big, big mistake, but in summary, Annabelle double dealed so well and Hunter misted Lori so well and we (mostly I) fucked up so well, that you guys got the numbers.
Annabelle and Hunter formed an alliance with you, and lemme remind you how you let me know you three were the THREE AMIGOS, and I was like, cool, they formed an alliance, but it was Annabelle who changed my mind with her lies. Despite most people wanting you out sooner or later, including Lori and Thiru, your alliance managed to reach F5. There, you confirmed my suspicious about Anna. And you talked to me for about a week about wanting to work with me and wanting to take a shot at Anna at F4. You buttered me up, you would talk to me like we were allies again. YOU WERE MY ONLY HOPE!!!!! And when the time comes, you just sent me out. You said I was your "just in case I want to vote Anna out" plan, and ultimately you thought it wasn't worth the risk, I could respect that, but you took it too far. And to make things worse, YOU CLAIM THAT AS ONE OF YOUR MOVES WANTING TO GET CREDIT FOR IT!!! Please tell me, Roodman, how havign a trash jury management is a good move at all? I would vote for you despite that, but your extreme lack of self awareness and bad judgement, not only with me there, but ALL GAME LONG, make you one of the worst players I've ever seen succeed and make it as far as you did.
Your lack of self awareness is something someone playing this game should not have, questioning yourself doesn't mean DOUBTING yourself, my friend. And you need to be careful with how you treat people, how you manage situations, and how you manage being part of an alliance, your allies... I think you've failed in too many of those to be considered a serious player.
This hurts. Your effort throughout the season was notable, but that's why the consistent, careful players, often win more tournaments than the one-week wonders. You won matches, you had the weapons, but you don't do the right things with them. If only you could see beyond the end of your nose, you would see what is really important in this game. But you think so much about yourself and what affects you, and what is important TO YOU, that you cannot see reality other than yours, you can't admit where you went wrong, and I doubt you'd be the kind of player to know how to fix their game.
Roodman, you've made it far in this tournament, but you're pretty bad at tennis.
Guys, I don't want to give you false hope, you can post here if you want and reply with whatever, including my questions for you, Hunter, but my mind is made up. :)