Congratulations to all three of you on making it to Day 39 in this competition. I know you guys are going to want me to reveal the votes now, but we’ll have to wait until we get back to the States.
Okay, everyone, quiet down.
First, thank you to the cast and players of Survivor: Byzantium for an intense season, and to the jury for making this tough decision tonight.
Augusto, Nicole, Andre: one of you is about to be declared the 703 ORG Network’s 31st Sole Survivor. You want to see your name come up tonight. We have 8 jurors tonight, so you will need 5 votes to secure a majority.
Now for the final time, I will reveal the votes.
First vote...
Andre. One vote Augusto, one vote Andre.
Augusto. Two votes Augusto.
Augusto. Three votes Augusto.
Augusto. Four votes Augusto, one vote Andre, three votes left.
The winner of Survivor: Byzantium – Thousand Year Empire.....
Augusto started out this season in the hole but managed to find an alliance for him to work with, was in the know for every single vote he attended, voted out every former Champion on the season, and then went on to win at Final Tribal Council in a crushing 7-1-0 vote to become a champion himself. Congratulations once again to Augusto, our 31st Sole Survivor!
I’d like to thank all the amazing people who made this season possible: My co-hosts, the castaways, and the viewers who all enjoyed this exciting season. It’s been a pleasure hosting for you once again. If you’re not already, make sure to go watch our 32nd season, Kiribati, already in progress. This is your host Josephine, signing off until next time.