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703 ORG Network Wiki

Day 8[]

this was me all of last night and today to sean while danny has been calling sean out http://33.media.tumblr.com/3abba0c783418c78d8c9cab847b3c78a/tumblr_n9k2feuC0X1sgor32o1_400.gif


me walking into final 18 http://33.media.tumblr.com/bfecab281c98a7c6a4bc2e5d7bf02e2a/tumblr_inline_no49hriEKa1rawfo1_500.gif




I'm literally so glad that #Blindside worked. I feel relieved I can finally breathe. Now we got a double tribal council coming up. http://imgfave-herokuapp-com.global.ssl.fastly.net/image_cache/1307234092928672.gif


Well this fucking sucks.

  • brutally shanks sora and yannick*


  1. RevengeForDanny


The problem I have with Danielle is that she's a very emotional player. Yes I know I am too, I'm crazy I'm irrational I do things I will later regret if someone pisses me off, but I always end up making the smart strategic decision for my game. For example, I went and blabbed to felix about what sean was doing, and then turned around, realized Sean was my buffer in this game, and voted felix out. The issue with danielle is she plays with her heart and doesnt want to vote off her friends or do something against her friends, in this case Hunter. It shows that Danielle is a fantastic person with an extremely big heart, I guess I'm more cold-hearted myself, BUT she needs to realize that we do have a four person alliance that is solid and under control, and kim and sean do not have any other connections in this game with other people on other tribes so they will remain loyal to us. Our plan is to split the votes if we lose between Hunter and Johnny to try to get Johnny out, and Danielle is having problems with that. She even wants me and her to form an alliance with Hunter, which I'm not against BUT I don't necessarily think Hunter is trustworthy, my gut is telling me not to trust him and I'm going to follow my gut on this and not trust him. I just hope that Danielle comes to terms with the fact that Hunter won't be leaving this game, and she doesn't have to vote for Hunter, but we need to split the votes to insure our safety in the longevity of this game


This chall is sh*t aaaawww i hate this chall . I watched 12 seasons of svv but i'm not sure i can answer the question . English question , maybe i must translate the question and then i just can answer it . It waste a long time maybe i will the reason why my tribe 'll lose in tomorrow it's su** . I really want to get the idol because i always make a big move and flip , so i need a idol to protect mýelf . Hope ...


So Hunt thinks he can get me out on my birthday...... REALLY? well we'll see about that BOI!


Sean being like "lol people are so bitter that I got felix out" excuse me? Your ass didn't do shit and had I not stepped in, your ass would've been going home


so last vote was... crazy danny first comes to me and is like "dude tommys going, we're all gonna vote him out" so im like "okay sure" since i dont like tommy's strategy so then tommy comes to me and is like "listen they wanna vote for you but im willing to go to rocks to keep you in this game" so now im starting to like tommy's strategy since it involves keeping me and then sora is like "dude i wanna keep you around" so im like "yas keep me around you guys" the only person i like actually trust is Sora i mean i'll keep tommy around but i dont like how tommy wants to play an UTR game and expects others to play with their balls to the wall but as for Yannick/Blaine they dont make an effort to talk to me i mean i dont either but like i at least start convos with them but i think they want me out since i've proven to be a challenge flop and clearly they want the weak guys out i mean, in canada i was literally on the losing tribe i lost a tiebreaker and i just all around suck at challenges and you know, especially being that we're a 5 person tribe, we need the challenge strength but i dont wanna go cause i play for the social/strategical aspect and im not ready to go anywhere yet like i have plans to flip over to newbies at swap which i think is a good idea since you know, returnees are obviously outnumbered all the newbies are gonna go after them since they're the easy targets and if i can show them "hey, im not a threat and here are the people who are" they might start to change their perception of me and go the other way cause this is a game where you really need to think about the long term goals, and if you only play to the next day then you'll just get voted out the next day play as if you're at the midway point. because if you're a david sampson who thinks day 39 is day 1, then you're leaving day 3 like think about what you can do to get to the midway point then once you get to the midway point is when you get to the end and play that aspect of it so at the swap, if i can get them to be going long term while i myself have little short term goals it might keep me around i just need to get to swap to put all of my plans into effect cause i cant be on this returnee tribe where we lose a challenge because someone forget to take out "97" in all of their posts like i've proven to try in these challenges with the best of my ability so IF we lose agin im hoping Tommy/Sora will be willing to go after Yannick or Blaine because both have said they need me in this game, and im not in a powerhouse position to call any shots i dont see myself as a threat to any of them and if i am a threat, its more on my flaws instead of my strengths so i just hope that goes into effect and then we swap next and i can actually play the game


today , i think i will flop in chall and my tribe will lose . it's the first chall that make me be hard frown emoticon i must start to act . somebody in my tribe inb me and said that they wanted to make alliance with me . it's good , i think i will be a swing vote . nobody can know what i will do . i flipped every tribal that i joined in my first time play svv org . maybe it's same in this time . i'm CHAOS TSN . I really want to " play " this game ! wait to see what i will do in this season of svv 703 ORG


I have a strategy for this challenge, if I don't know the answer I'm just gonna start typing so it causes other people will see me typing and panic, and in that they have a higher chance of saying the wrong answer, or at least in theory.


Ok...... Let me be Honest, TSN is so... Adorable!!! I like him.... I know I 've said that because of his Bio , he was scaring me a little (still </3) and that I'd rather not to Trust him ....but he does seem offensive smile emoticon.... we need to see how things play out.Uh... yeah, We got him on a alliance called "The Outsiders"...


So we finally brought in TSN with me, Julian, and Jake and we're calling ourselves the outsiders. I feel really awesome with these guys and it'll get us closer to finding the idol if no one has found it yet, I don't wanna betray trent or Mikey or Isaac but Isaac told Trent about me and that makes me not trust him as much and Trent keeps telling me he wants to work with me no matter what plan it is but I don't feel comfortable telling him we're planning on voting out him or Mikey because I feel like they're really close, my problem in Azerbaijan was trusting someone who I tried to go after at first, and it came back to bite me hard, so I'm not making a mistake like that and trusting Trent to forget about all my plotting, I feel like this is gonna be crazy if we lose and go to tribal, I love winning and I don't want a chance at getting votes towards me or getting hurt feelings or distrust towards me, but at the same time losing and using and testing our majority alliance could be fun and show how loyalties lie, I'm really excited to get further on into this game. Because all the winning has put strategy talk to a minimum.


FRICK ok so I had to vote out Danny, I don't trust Yannick/Danny/Blaine with majority power so I had to break that up real quick, SO SORRY DANNY I DIDNT MEAN TO TYSON YOU BUT YA SRRY ok but now I need to start thinking 3 days ahead because w a tribe swap a coming I need as many allies on other tribes as possible. The Javas and the Azerbai's both I think would be down to work with me so them all in would be wonderful for me. WHICH IS WHY losing this challenge wouldnt be so bad if the blue tribe won ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) . I covered my ass with Yannick but blaine's being sketchy about it so if we lose Blaine's ass maybe on the line



I hate toloa


idk who i hate more: trent or mikey? at least trent is nice to my face and just talks shit behind my back but mikey is just a cunt all around




FUCK im getting so nervous bc idw throw a challenge, but i also do want to, but i also dont!!!!!!!!!! IF I KNEW I WAS SAFE ID SPAM HELLO ITS ME I THE CHAT BUT IDK IF I CAN FML


the plan to throw didnt work sora is playing like a bitch not like a man and is a pussy boy so now imma have to go to tribal and get johnny out which is fine i guess although i was starting to like every1 here so yea. Also I'm hungry and dont have an idol okay thats all


Day 9/10[]

We just lost our first challenge on Toloa and one thing is for sure, the scrambling has begun (began?). I'm extremely worried because I don't know if Isaac, Trent, or Mikey have the idol and feel secure enough to keep it tonight, the outsiders are discussing voting out trent or mikey, Trent is telling me he doesn't have any loyalties to anyone but me as long as it isn't him it's fine, which I don't really buy for a second, but I need him to feel secure.I'm just not 100% sure on how to make him feel secure. I think this is revving up to be a very interesting first tribal for Toloa.


so we lost our first challenge and it's finally time to go to tribal. ONCE AGAIN mikey SUCKED ASS at the challenge. it really pisses me off how bad he is at these challenges lmao. anyway last night i made an alliance with Austin, Julian, TSN, and myself. we call ourselves "the outsiders". honestly im 100% loyal to them. especially on this vote... i NEED them.. trent, mikey and isaac are an alliance and we need to weaken them. i like trent a lot, it sucks that we're on opposite sides but he kinda drew those lines himself... so whatever. idk who we're voting yet but it will be either trent or mikey most likely. trent is in a cross tribal alliance im like ... pretty sure lmao. he has a lot of connections in this game and we need to get rid of that ASAP. but mikey is like horrible at challenges and an all around not likable person so it's hard. the more they lie to TSN i laugh bc it's just ensuring that julian and tsn are with me and austin even more. i guess i feel.... pretty okay for this vote. i'm ready to vote someone out and let's get this game going.


I'm onto you Blaine. You think you're clever, flipping like that and blasting Danny. Tommy and Scott think it was Sora though, and he and I are tighter in this game than Constance's body confidence. Better hope we swap sooner or later, otherwise your ass is gone.


Omg we won! We really needed this challenge win to increase all of our odds as returnee players to make it further in this game together. The more of us there are the less of a target each one of us individually becomes. Normally had this been like all newbies or all returnees and there are three tribes or more, it doesn't really mean as much if your tribe gets decimated because people don't have a pre-conceived notion of "us vs. them" which in returnee and newbie seasons especially when one starts out with a significant amount more people, people will want this "us vs. them" mentality because they are in the "ingroup" and ingroup is pretty much the majority, and when your in the ingroup it usually leads to ingroup bias which is a psychological phenomenon that if you're in a certain group and have the majority and there is a couple people, a lot lesser in numbers than you are you will tend to use them as a scapegoat or someone to put blame on. This tends to also be lead by a specific person or a specific few group of people which leads to other members thats say over time becomes less and less important individualized and start a groupthink which is scary because then they start doing things thinking they'll benefit from it personally when really only he tribe will. There are many examples of these psychological scenarios, two main ones I'm thinking about is World War 2 with Adolf Hitler/Secret Police and the Jews and Colonizing America/America straying away from Britain. Both were tragedies sadly to say, but both were very different. In Germany Adolf had his secret police were quick to strike taking all the jews and separating them out and weaving them out making there way to the camps sadly most didnt know what these camps were. Prison camp workers where the workers would not be allowed to talk to the prisoners sadly this left those prison workers to do inhumane horrid things which was one of the cruelest forms of inhumane treatment of human life forms ever. Rest in peace to all the 11 million who died. The point of this is if they would have known what these camps were about they maybe could have retaliated against them before they had the chance to strike destroying these psychological phenomenons before they escalated to such a large scale and it may have resulted in fewer fatalities. Now as we move to America most of us know the story the colonists wanted to separate from England in order to do that they had to be able to think on the top of their toes and find small advantages to defeat this large nation across the ocean which the successfully did, they were able to use these advantages against the British and the underdog Americans were able to break away and establish themselves. The moral of this story is you need to deescalate these two scenarios, a larger group is trying to pick on and blame the smaller group for their future failures, the way you overcome them is take advantage of everything you have, keep using those small advantages, if they are blindly following commands that don't make sense point it out to them and try to correct them before they get bad. Anyways that's my psychology for the day.


well we lost, I was basically the only person scoring points no one was really of any use in the challenge. If people would've been a little more helpful, I mean we were close, we could've pulled it off and won so for tribal obviously we're splitting the votes between hunter and johnny, danielle and I im making sure we vote johnny because i dont want to alienate hunter, and i could be like "listen sean wanted to split the votes and i couldnt talk him out of it" so yea. Danielle and I are voting johnny, sean and kim are voting hunter. Kim like a loyal soldier was like yep im in im good im cool so i love her so much heart emoticon sean is obviously going to be in because his name is being written down, and danielle is in so hooray. I did want hunter to know though from me that he wasnt going so i told him to vote for johnny and he said he was going to, and he said he'd tell johnny that it was sean so he wouldnt suspect anything. Then I went to johnny and this is where it got a bitttttt interesting, i mean he was basically fishing for info and i wasnt giving it to him, but then he was like "listen i have an idol" and he posted this fake lil picture he made with his guess crossed off, and i mean if you're trying to convince someone you have an idol you dont cross off your guess for it and make it so blatantly obvious that you dont have it, and THEN he basically tried pulling a dale wentworth on me by being like "listen if you get sean to want to split the votes, and then you flip, me you and hunter will vote sean and sean will go, and i will give you my idol for you to keep when he goes" and i played up the role of jon misch like "mannnnn i wouldnt ask you to do that come onnnnnn" and he played up the role of dale like "it's all yours." and im just like is he for real here is he kidding? that was just it, he started off well with our convo trying to get me to change my mind but when he lied it was a done deal. We're still splitting the votes to make sure but he's going home


This is pretty big, making it 10 days in this game and know that I'm gonna be here tomorrow for Day 11, this will be my 50th Day tomorrow of playing survivor, and let me tell you it never gets old, it's still exciting as it was Day 1 stepping onto that Bimberi beach. I'm so grateful for my second chance. heart emoticon


the idol search thing is gone wack the returnees idol clue #2 was a woman so that puts an end to what we thought it would be w/e


OH my god I'm SICK and tired of this whole 'victim" act by danielle. I don't even hate danielle I hate her actions and I hate that she tries to play the vicitm card over and over and over again and acting like she deserves something. Girl you lasted much longer in this game then you should've don't act like you're the victim, you had a chance to win immunity and you didnt. Do not play that shit. And it's really fucking obvious she's playing up the victim card so people like her after this game is over. That's the truth. And the thing is she hasn't done anything in this game to help her get out of the position she's been in. She sat back while xavier and trent were voted out, alex led the pack for the rocks, and she was kept in over alex and loxias because they were bigger threats in challenges then she is, and that was proven by her not completing the last one. Ugh it's so frustrating having this girl play the victim and get all of this support when she's done nothing to help herself. These people are all chatting around like this is summer camp who the fuck cares what you put for the damn challenge. Who in the hell cares. Shut the fuck up about it stop spamming my facebook with your messages and danielle just announce you're going to give me the disadvantage already. Like holy fucking shit lets move on


OH my god I'm SICK and tired of this whole 'victim" act by Chris. I don't even hate Chris, I hate her actions and I hate that she tries to play the vicitm card over and over and over again and acting like she deserves something. Girl you lasted much longer in this game then you should've don't act like you're the victim, you had a chance to win immunity and you didnt. Do not play that shit. And it's really fucking obvious she's playing up the victim card so people like her after this game is over. That's the truth. And the thing is she hasn't done anything in this game to help her get out of the position she's been in. She sat back while xavier and trent were voted out, alex led the pack for the rocks, and she was kept in over alex and loxias because they were bigger threats in challenges then she is, and that was proven by her not completing the last one. Ugh it's so frustrating having this girl play the victim and get all of this support when she's done nothing to help herself.


*****Hey Trent , do you know how i like and trust you ? i think you never know because FUCKKK you ! i 'm stupid when i trust you ! I dont understand why you can do that with me . what the fuck in your head when you suggest my name with everyone ? shit in your head ?? Before , i thought i could make alliance with you , but now , everything is done . it will be AMAZING Blind Side. You must go home after everything that you did with me . Uhmmm , you know what , Isaac - Mikey - and you are super super stupid ! why you can go around to each of us and suggest each other !!! it's same Erik ( svv 16 ) when he did that with women alliance . it's FUCKING STUPID !! LOL :)))) ***** I made alliance with Ju, Austin and Jake . after today , i think i can trust them . They are good person . I hope i can go with them . I dont know and nobody can know what TSN will do . But i think i find the person that i can go to the final with him heart emoticon love you heart emoticon


Ooh.. I really somehow cannot catch up w some conversations here in our tribe, not sure how abt the other tribes.. There's very 3 strong stick together here: Chris - Sean - Dannielle. I'm almost floating.. But the good thing is they need my vote and I can keep it as my advantage. Chris is controlling this tribe, but the more he shows up, the more he's been target. I'm happy underestimate and under the radar to moving forward, hoping my time will coming soon. So tonight vote is splitting vote between Johnny & Hunter as being told. I really have no idea who will going home but they both even still not reach me to talk anything.


I'm in a very weird spot in this game. Isaac and I supposedly have to choose between voting Jake or Julian, assuming Jake and Austin are being serious about voting for him. I promised Jake I wouldn't vote for him, but in survivor, promises are like fine china in an earthquake - easily broken. My biggest concern with voting Julian is dealing with Mikey's wrath afterwards, and the risk of Jake and Austin possibly lying so the vote splits and one of us leaves. But at the same time, I can't help but want to vote Julian. He was the original target for us, but Mikey's stubbornness changes that. I have no clue what we should do.


I would just like to take a moment to appreciate how I seemingly went from next on the chopping block to being the swing vote


Please I just want to be known as the guy who uses the fox stickers for everything


i feel bad for lying to johnny kind of, butttttttttt i dont appreciate that he thinks I'm that gullible that i'd fall for his fake idol. Maybe someone else would, and he should've tried someone else. Oh well!


There is definitely going to be a tribe swap in the near future, whether it's tomorrow or its the tribal after this double tribal. So my thing is as soon as that swap happens, pray I get good new tribe mates, turn on the social game to get in good with them and show them "I'm just like you, I can be useful to you, keep me around." Hopefully I can convey this message to them and somehow whenever this switch happens get a good foothold with my tribe wherever I end up.


So all the people outside of the outsiders are scrambling and don't know what to do, I find our alliance name quite ironic because we're the majority alliance but we're called the outsiders, anyways, I'm leading Mikey, Trent, and Isaac on badly and they're gonna be really mad with me and I don't know if I'll be able to regain their trust after we blindside Trent but I think they're completely clueless unless im being mislead too but if that's the case then I applaud them because they're doing a pretty good job, im ready for this blindside.


We lost the damn challenge...!! I don´t blame my mates at all .. They did amazing , If I were there, we wouldn't get that score !!! Now gotta face tribal *gun emoji* Now that we have TSN , we have the numbers... Thankfully!!!!! BUT... I was pretty concerned about the frickin´Idol Lol ...The Vote is Trent but I was about suggesting Mikey Honestly....The other alliance seems to feel safe cause they might thinking ,we are against each other or they just simply Have the damn Idol -.-



How did i add music to this

