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I've been trying to work on my relationship with Aromal in case he wins Head of Household. I think because he's not been around that much he hasn't really spoke to anyone. The fact he is performing well in all challenges worries me therefore I need to befriend him to make sure I am safe if he gets power. Majority Rules is the new HOH competition but I need to be doing the opposite; I need to be in the minority so that I don't win HOH because then my immunity will be exposed. All my answers are based on the opposite of what I think the majority will put except the cheating one which include me; I can't get a boyfriend never mind cheat. I'm the hosts low-key dragging me and Alex.


So I get temptation #3 and for me it's too much of a risk to not take it, if one of the 2 people who voted for me last round wins HoH then I'm going up on the block again and it'd be a much tougher battle than it was against Ellie. With this I would only need 4 votes if I go on the block again and I'm fairly certain I have Nathan, Jake, Erin. Alex, Trent and Alietta(?) looking out for me at this point. It'd be interesting if someone else goes on the block, I'd say I'd use my advantage to protect any of the people I mentioned above. Also I really want to shake up this game tbh, its been all socializing and kissing ass so far I'm itching to do something exciting.


Apparently Aromal thinks I voted him? Naaaaaaaaaah but I will next time! Watch out! 🎯😬




I'm literally not here to leave Week fucking THREE





Before the Head of Household competition, I wanted to form an alliance with Domonique, Natalie and Hannah because these are the people I want to work with. My main alliance needs to consist of people not trying to overpower each and can logically talk together and come to the best decision as a team. I also think I'd be one of the first to be picked off of the alliance so I need a stable alliance where I feel I have powerful position or a position where my ideas are considered. I brought the plan to Hannah and she agreed. On top of that, this game needs to move somewhere and my goal is to set the foundation for a house divide where I can place myself in the middle. This is a very risky move and without my immunity I don't think I would of gone through with it. This could be the dumbest move I make BUT if this works, this sets and Hannah up to slide by. I practiced my speech to Domonique and Natalie with Hannah to make sure it was alright and then I went through with telling them about the alliance. Erin was the one who lead the charge to bring this alliance together but we are trying to leave it ambiguous on who actually started it. I was originally going to blame it on Nathan, someone I don't trust on a game level but love on a personal level, but I went against it just in case Dom or Nat have a connection to him but I am definitely going to find a way to have it planted on Nathan so there's some distrust created. Also, since this alliance is late formed, I want to show Dom and Nat that we are serious about working with them and we want their trust. Bryce then wins Head of Household and this game continues to surprise me. I have no idea who Bryce will nominate which is a scary thing because if he does nominate me, my immunity is going to be exposed and no one but Hannah will trust me. Hopefully I am kept off the block but we will have to wait and see.


Praise the Lord Jocasta Christ, Bryce just told me I was safe after I sent him a fucking paragraph (Well it wasn't super long but still) and that he wants to work with me and I'm like lmao wtf, I'm dodging bullets like crazy so far, my social game is not stellar but it's getting there, I'm having a good record with most people, the only person I have not talked to at this stage is Grant, so I hope he goes home asap :- )

I'm now, however, in a situation where I don't even know if winning HOH will hurt me more than it will benefit me, because there isn't anyone who I can put up and say "we just didn't connect", it would be a direct strike against a social connection I have made in the game and early on that's a no. My job is to put focus on who I REALLY want to go deep with in this game and who is expendable, there are people in my current alliance that I feel like could even fall in the expendable category over some of my "side" people, but it all depends on how the bonds develop over the next few weeks.

I'm fucking extra as fuck and I stressed myself out over nothing the past two hours, I'm lowkey too pessimistic about this game as a whole LMAO, but I guess it's better than being a cocky fuck, that thinks everything is going his way, right?


Over the last few days I've been really trying to build my relationships stronger, especially with Aromal because that's where I had no connection. I was worried when Bryce won HOH because he didn't open my message from a week ago and my original intentions weren't to message him because I thought it would look bad but I could not risk being a potential for nominations so I had to message. I decided pretty much to keep game out of the conversation to let him know that's not what I cared about and waited for him to bring that into conversation first. He told me I had nothing to worry about so messaging worked in my favor. He told me Grant was his target and I instantly know people have been in his ear (aka Alexander Vivor). He mentioned struggling about thinking of a pawn but I didn't tell him to consider anyone because I didn't want him thinking I was getting in his ear. On the side, I've been talking to my girl Domonique about the alliance (trash alliance) that she isn't a part of. I am putting emphasis on people needing to win HOH because I can't so my safety of being not nominated until jury at least is successful. She assumes Erin made the alliance, which she did, but I want them to think it was someone else; Nathan. When Domonique said she needs HOH to start taking out the alliance, I agreed and tried to lower the target on Erin's back by mentioning she's a messy player and good to keep around. Dom is on this shit she took the words right out of my mouth; she said go for players like Nathan or Jake. I personally want Jake to stay so I mentioned to Dom that I have a bond with Jake to keep her safe whereas I don't with Nathan. Hopefully this is another easy week and another step closer until jury.


Bryce nominates Aromal and Grant for eviction. Grant is the clear target and will probably be going home unless his wins the POV. If nominations remain the same, I've told Aromal I am going to keep him but I will actually be voting to evict him. Not anything against him because me and Aromal have grown closer but this house needs a little paranoia in it. We have the temptations, alliances and hopefully these hinky votes causing paranoia. My goal is to cause a divide in this house so that when jury hits, these sides will clash. I plan to be in the middle of the sides and take out the huge targets. Right now my smallest connections are with Bryce/Trent with Nathan still being my main target going into late pre-jury/early jury. He's a social player and I got to get rid of those pretty darn fast and I believe I can have that happen through a Domonique or Natalie HOH. It really sucks because I like everyone on the cast on a personal level but I do have the ability to cast aside my personal preferences and play and game for what it's worth.


I'm back on the block! But this time I have the temptation with me so I only need 4 votes with me to stay wooo! So I already told Nathan and Jake about the temptation, I'm tempted to tell Trent and Alietta because I feel like I have a good thing going on with both of them. My fear is this could go wrong both ways

a) I tell Trent and Alietta, they see the vote as potentially too messy and evict me b) I don't tell Trent and Alietta, they see me as shady and evict me


Keeping Grant would definitely cause drama. I am pretty confident that the trash alliance will want to keep Aromal if the nominations are left the same so it would be risky for my to expose my cards by going against that. It's something to be considered BUT I think it would put me and Hannah in a position where we'd have to pick a side and no one would trust us. I don't want to be at risk when I can't win HOH. I think the smart decision for my game rn is to go with the trash alliance and make it seem I am loyal to them. If Grant wins veto, that would be great but I have no idea who the replacement nominee would be so I don't know what I want right now.


LMAO I am absolutely dead, just before Grant goes on to win veto, he approaches me (of all people like what lol, but I'm most likely not the only one as he was obviously campaigning to stay) and we happen to have a conversation and get along.. shockingly well? So now at least I can be fine with him winning veto I guess, if we can smooth things over and possibly work together, I'm not gonna be against it.

With that being said however, Bryce is gonna have to make a replacement nominee, the first of the season, how exciting lmao and he's considering making a move and I'm like "yikes that's a bit scary", he could easily try to backdoor someone from the Garbage alliance (keyword try, I don't know if everyone of the other 5 would vote to evict them, if Bryce did put that person up, especially with Grant, who is now a vote, being nominated as his primary target) - He could also go for someone like Emma/Dom who have been social threats in games before.. I really have no idea what he is gonna do.

If I am completely honest, it's week 3 and I would ALREADY be tempted to flip on 2 of the 5 people in Garbage, simply because I do not talk to them privately as compared to the others (those 2 being Erin & Nathan saghsjdg), I feel like a douche even considering it LOL, but hey it's probably not even gonna happen this week anyway, I kinda doubt that Bryce would think "threat" and point fingers at Erin OR Nathan, they've kept it lowkey so far and it would surprise me a bit.

Depending on what Bryce is gonna do, I really kinda wanna vote with him this week, majority or not, just so I can play along and act like I had no idea shit was going wrong, but at the same time I wanna vote for the boot cause I kinda wanna vote for who goes every round? LOLOLOL, oh well, there's a lot of time to think about anything vote-related, so I'll just let it happen for now


Grant winning veto is a nice surprise. He tells me I am his number 1 but we will see about that. I can consider bringing him into a separate alliance with Bad Bi$hes (Me/Domonique/Hannah/Natalie) since Natalie already suggested him as an ally AND I told him to talk to those people before he won veto. I'm unsure on who the replacement nominee will be right now but my decision this week will be to cause paranoia with the vote so I will probably be going against the majority. I am officially aligned with the whole house (besides Bryce and Trent since Aromal swore he'd have my back if he gets out of this week alive) and it's a very dangerous play to be doing. Well, Ika Wong did it flawlessly so why can't I? The trash alliance is definitely BBCAN5's "The Six" and I am going to try get Nathan Neda'd at jury. That's when I can flip fully to the alliance, Bad Bi$hes (aka French Connection) with my showmance partner Hannah (Demetres). Watch me say all this and I'll be the one getting Neda'd.


I am really not trusting Alex at the moment. I think he is playing similar to me where he's in everyone's ear and playing a social game. He did mention however that his intentions are two only work with 3/5 of our trash alliance and when I named Erin and Nathan, he agreed. This is perfect because all we need to do is convince Jake to make a move when I need to get rid of Nathan. I told Alex I knew I was on the bottom and he confirms that me and Jake are low-key on the bottom. Nothing new to me I just have it confirmed. He also admitted to me that the original alliance didn't include me; something I already knew. Now that I have it confirmed from more than one person, I have every right to target them at jury. I was a bit wary of doing it but now, I will try my hardest to win the first HOH of jury and Erin/Nathan will be my nominations guaranteed. The fact it took Alex so long to have these words come out of his mouth is very revealing and I will not forget this moving forward. Bryce is considering a backdoor but I'm not too worried, I think whoever it is I will be able to save against Aromal. The only people I'd vote out over Aromal right now is Emma and Trent. Now, I need to work on flipping Jake completely against Erin/Nathan but making sure Nathan is the main target.


I am going to start this confessional with a little game and then end it with a positive comment for each houseguest because I rarely appreciate the good things about my houseguests and because I am 100% focused on winning most of my confessional show my game side. I've been building my connections and trying to make Nathan a target. I have been over-exaggerating stories about Nathan to make him look like a dangerous player to people he may be close too (i.e Domonique). I also play on the fact I love Nathan outside the game but in-game I have to separate those emotions to try and get the message to Dom that we need Nathan out. I think she has a similar mindset to me and she knows it needs to be done. On the side, I've been talking about the move to Grant, Alex, Jake and Hannah. Aromal mentioned being linked to Nathan and for that reason alone, I need to get rid of Nathan's numbers because his social game is on point. Therefore, scrap the paranoia idea (unless I know Aromal has a lot of votes against him) and take out a potential number for Nathan. Now lets put game aside and give one compliment for each houseguests. Alexander; has good banter, we can insult each other and have fun rather than take things seriously. Aromal; Even though he has been socially quiet, I don't know much about him but I know he tries hard in challenges and finally wants to play. Bryce; guess he's good at winning competitions. Domonique; level-headed, considerate and a strong woman. I support. Emma; I love her hair and make-up skills. Erin; she cracks some good jokes, and her POV submission was BOMB. Grant; real, I think he has a good heart. Amazing hair. Hannah: honestly my closest ally and my fave on this cast. Someone I haven't met before but i am closest too. Everything about her I love. Jake; has the best one liners, love our conversations. Natalie; truly a sweet girl, I am really glad we have become friends through this and seeing her get all cute for her dates makes me happy. She deserves it. Nathan; super cool, has good chat in the main chat. Trent; admire his TPDR series and his passion for turning his fave show into a hobby.





BB5 WEEK 3 2


Bryce replaces Grant with Hannah against Aromal and to me, this is PERFECT. It's going to be landslide to get Aromal out, someone who has been an on-and-off target for me pre-jury and now, Hannah is going to be gunning for someone else, Bryce, who was another of my pre-jury targets. And she's going to be gunning HARD for this next HOH which guarantees me no nominations pre-jury (if jury starts at F11). Bryce's HOH has had me on edge all week and I can't have not feeling safe from being nominated around when there's less options without my immunity. He got to go NEXT. And then following that will hopefully be Nathan. I think Aromal got the temptation. I know Hannah definitely doesn't have it because she wouldn't take Natalie as a vote and I don't see why anyone else would waste their temptation to help Aromal. That's my guesses right now but can't be too sure.


Aromal messages me telling me he had the temptation. I was right. Then, he tells me he has a majority of votes including Nathan, Trent and Jake; who is apparently working on trying to sway Erin and Alex. I don't know if they are telling him what he wants to hear but I am going to get to the bottom of this. I cannot let Hannah be at risk.


When I tell Hannah about what Aromal, she is going crazy. And I mean BAT SHIT CRAZY. I have to reign her in, calm her down. This is only going to make the situation work. I need to remind her we got to sit pretty until the right moment to strike because it's going to happen. We just go to remain calm so we don't give people a reason to flip on Hannah. Avoid confrontation, even though we want to, and think about winning instead of losing. I can see everyone is slowly turning against Nathan. They know he has to go. I know he has to go for me to win. Aromal is gone this week. Bryce is hopefully going to go next and I hope this pushes Hannah or Grant to go after Bryce and then when it comes down to it; Nathan honey you're NEXT.


Well Nathan just told me to my face that I'm going home so this is very promising


Fuck well I'm still gonna make one last ditch effort to save myself


Well, shit is definitely blowing up after this vote lmao...

Hannah got nominated as replacement, as already expected based on conversations before, but as I wake up, I see that Aromal has been aggressively campaigning and going around, saying he had votes on lock, specific votes in JAKE and NATHAN, who are supposed to be in our alliance lol.

There's a key factor to this, that made me believe Jake wasn't actually super involved in this, because Jake was supposed to "tell me and Erin to evict Hannah" and he never did that, so he obviously wasn't serious about it, but NATHAN is sitting there with his pretty little mouth shut and it's sending red flags towards me, towards Alietta & Hannah.

The three of us discussed the situation and we were kind of being bitchy about it, so I jokingly said to Alietta "we are like the Bitches Coven" and.. yeah 20 minutes later we formed a 3-person-alliance with exactly that name LOL, which I'm frankly fine with, because an alliance of 3 is cute and there's little to no chance of drama and we all seem to get along, I trust Alietta, I trust Hannah, we are giving Hannah reason to trust us by the way this week is working and it seems great.

I'm gonna continue to stay lowkey in the next few weeks, because people are making themselves big targets by being messy and if I can stay out of everyone's business, that's gonna be good for me. That doesn't mean I'm not gonna do anything, I'm just not gonna spill every type of information I get, because that could create a sense of trust in me by people who I am not particularly super close to and that makes it less likely for them to come for my edges later on. I'm here to do well and go far so I'm not gonna put that at risk by being a stupid big-mouth :- )


whew its been a while

this game is kind of dead nobody really talks to each other as far as i know

i was more than happy to waste my hoh last week and let ellie go. it’s what needed to happen and all of us in the house knew that. whatever keeps blood off my hands.

this week it looks like aromal is set to go. i feel bad for him. but this week has also been pretty silent, though there is some tension brewing up. apparently someone told hannah that shes the target and bryce thinks its me which.... no? i told nathan that i thought she was the target after the veto ceremony and that was it, because that was the last conversation bryce and i had. nathan and i corroborated our talks though and i know now that that’s not true, and that bryce doesn’t care who leaves. anyways hannah came off STRONG for my vote and it was a little off putting but i have little choice but to vote with her since she has the votes on her side.

theres also some drama brewing with myself and alietta. i asked alietta how she was voting and she flipped out pretty much because she didn’t want to influence my decision when bitch???? we’ve talked all gsme so far about trying to work together i’m just trying to get your opinion help me out girl. and so i tried to be open about her being all wishy washy like that and she got mad, naturally, because i was being a bit rude. but she also needs to understand that if she’s gonna talk about wanting to play this game with me she needs to be able to fill me in on game details or i’m gonna lose my trust in her.

