703 ORG Network Wiki
703 ORG Network Wiki
703 ORG Network Wiki
"So with Anna eliminated last week, I feel kinda... weird? I trusted her a lot, and I literally miss her a ton, but I also... whew.. I'm so scared in this game moving forward. I now have an alliance with Ain and Marie since the 3 of us feel the most expendable in this game, and we told each other we would fight very hard for this HOH... 23.5 hours later and only 1 (thankfully quiet) hour of sleep... I'm still in the lead by one, so I can't mess up. Aaron said I'm safe if he wins, but I don't trust that little flip flopper. I can only really trust myself, but... I do trust Ain and Marie. I think the 3 of us have a lot of potential to cause some chaos lol. And if I do end up winning HOH, you better bet some chaos is ensuing. Well..

I don't know if it's necessarily chaos, but I'm going for people that have showed little intention on working with me. I'm going to spend the time talking to everyone and toward the end of the 24 hours, I'll explain to the people I'm putting up why I'm putting them up. I'm only even considering people who voted to evict me, but.. I don't know. I'm just... a bit nervous for the road ahead.

If there ends up being a pre-jury buyback comp, I will be so happy... other than Chris, any returnee would benefit me and my cause since I didn't have a hand in evicting them and was loyal to the bitter end. Jake > Anna > Dani > Chris, but even still... any of the first 3 would be fine.

If I lose this HOH, I will hate myself for staying up, but I'll just have to hope Aaron is really keeping his word to me."


For the first time during this whole competition, I'm in the lead by more than a point. Everyone.. hold my wig. 25 more minutes... I got this.


I can't fucking believe I won HOH. I'm still shook... although that could just be the lack of sleep! I'm ready to make a move that could just send me right out the door next week, but it's also something that needs to be done for my own game. I'm just happy I won at least one competition before going home in this game, and if jury starts next round? Bless.





I'm so scared for this veto competition. I need to win this. I need to secure this POV... I love everyone in this game, even the noms, and I don't want to have to go out of my way to nom anyone.


ALSO???? I???? I don't know how to actually feel about this veto comp, like... I totally think it's gonna fuck me UP... ugh.


Ally A comp beast queen im shook


Honestly? I hate... I HATE... Ally A literally won half the stuff there... and yea? I don't have to worry about her nominating me because she can't compete in HOH, but she's also immune... I just wanna make jury, y'all.


This week is going good for me so far, Brian, who is one of my closest allies, won HoH and now the iconic alliance of BAM is in power. He put up Rhi and Ally A who are two competition threats and Ally A won Veto so now he’s got to put up a replacement nominee and I think he’s going to put up Grace who is also a competition beast and a meninist.


Well he’s actually gonna put up Tyler because he wants Rhi gone and Aaron/Grace/Mackie/Hailey are an alliance (ewww) and would evict her. If I win HoH, I’m 100% going after them because they’ve been controlling the game for the past few weeks now and I’m done with it.



BB6 Diary Room 4 Grace


bye rhi <3


So Ain and I been comparing notes and we’ve noticed Mackie’s been saying the exact same things to the both of us, like how we can relax this week because Brian’s HoH or how he was gonna keep us safe if he wins: BULLSHIT. How the fuck did he think it was smart to tell multiple people the same things?? That’s stupid! And like I’m 99% sure he’s been saying that to the the other girls too, he ain’t slick! I got his number and I like I said earlier, if I win HoH he’s going home, so I REALLY hope I win HoH.


Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh literally the only week where my alliance was in power got ruined by the freaking Battle Back and fucking Rhi coming back and winning HoH. One of us is 99% going home this week and it’s awful! I just really hope it’s not gonna be me at this point...

