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703 ORG Network Wiki

Cheating is a case where contestants attempt to rig the game for them to win in one way or another.

Forms of Cheating


Sockpuppetry occurs when a contestant (known as the sockpuppeteer) attempts to further their own game by entering a second account (known as a sockpuppet) into the game.

Another form of sockpuppetry occurs when a former contestant tries to enter a different account into another season, with the hopes of being able to play again, unbeknownst to everyone else.


Photoshopping occurs when a contestant tries to digitally alter their challenge scores, making it look like they received a higher score than what they actually did.

Password Stealing

Password stealing is when one contestant obtains another contestant's password and play as them. This is considered cheating as another tribe mate is doing the work for a different tribe mate, which can unfairly help them win.

Invalid Scores

Players are forbidden to claim that any materials, including challenge scores, that they claim to be their own work are the work of other people - whether in or outside of the season, unless allowed specifically otherwise by a host.

Glitch Exploiting

Glitch exploiting is when a contestant exploits a glitch in a flash game, which can unfairly help them win.

Outside Contact

Players in the game are not allowed to contact people outside of the game or on other tribes, as this can give players an unfair advantage. It is also forbidden for jurors to contact players still in the game, or for people outside the game to leak information to the contestants.


Starting in Season 20, Survivor: Heroes Vs. Villains, players were forbidden to send screenshots of conversations to other contestants. Starting in season 46, Survivor: Meanjin, this was expanded to include chat logs and audio/video recordings.


Administrators/Hosts are forbidden from covering up other players' cheating or using their power in the community to benefit/sabotage themselves or other players by giving them an unfair advantage in the season.

Known Cheaters

Cheater Season Type Reason Punishment
RubyMistress Survivor: Italy, Survivor: Canada, Survivor: Skye Islands, Survivor: San Marcos, Survivor: Byzantium, Big Brother 3, Big Brother 5, Big Brother 6, Big Brother 7, The Genius IV Sockpuppeting, Corruption "Domonique" was a sockpuppet of Tyler's that he used to gain an unfair advantage on seasons one account either hosted, play ineligibly as a newbie, altering jury formats for other players' benefit, and access information from the Viewing Lounge. Both accounts were banned from competing on future seasons of 703. Their wins, which had been achieved ineligibly, were revoked.
Constance Marie Survivor: Siem Reap Password Stealing Attempted to get Stephane's Wikia password to complete a challenge for him. She was given a warning by the hosts. Her tribe, Pailin, later lost the challenge and she was blindsided in a 5-3 vote.
AvicciFan2010 Photoshopping Attempted to turn in a photoshopped score to win his tribe the challenge. He was given a penalty vote at the next tribal he attended. His tribe lost that challenge and with his penalty vote included, he was voted out 7-1.
Amoline Survivor: Australia and Survivor: Minoan Empire Sockpuppeting Successfully entered and played in Australia as Attrexy. She also entered MystiaBlue in Minoan Empire. Banned from competing in future seasons.
Bebunghia97 Survivor: Tokelau Glitch Exploiting Attempted to turn in a negative score of 3D Tilt. He was given a zero for his challenge score, which cost his tribe the win. His tribe went to tribal, however he was spared from being voted out.
Loenev Survivor: Socotra Sockpuppeting, Corruption Amber hosted two sockpuppets of hers, Ella and Luna, on the season. All accounts were banned from competing on future seasons.
Evtmuzik Survivor: Papua New Guinea and Survivor: Heroes Vs. Villains Sockpuppeting Successfully entered and played in Papua New Guinea and Heroes vs. Villains as Halinhvn. "Linh" had "her" win revoked, and both accounts were banned from competing in future seasons.
TLazyS Survivor: Heroes Vs. Villains Screenshotting Sora sent screenshots of some game-related conversations to Szymon. Sora and Szymon were both given a strike, a self-vote at the next tribal council, and were both ineligible to win immunity at the next tribal council. The six players who were eligible to vote all unanimously voted out Szymon.
Migueldegouveia Advance Knowledge of Cheating Had known about Sora and Szymon's cheating while failing to notify the hosts about this infraction of the rules. Since this infraction was only discovered after Miguel's elimination, he was denied the privilege of being able to write a jury speech.
electrathrills Survivor: San Marcos Outside Contact Attempted to contact finalists from the jury; also was being leaked information from the Viewer's Lounge. Ejected from the jury and banned from competing on future seasons of 703.
seviper4363 Outside Contact Leaked information from the Viewer's Lounge to electrathrills during the game. Both individuals were banned from competing on future seasons of 703.
kbates22 Survivor: Caracol Screenshotting Sent two screenshots of conversations with Forrest in a group chat. She was given two strikes for the rule infraction (one for both screenshots), which lead to her being removed from the game (she had already received two strikes for unrelated reasons).
cspalmer70 Survivor: Chaos Screenshotting Sent two screenshots of conversations of a group chat to Elias after her elimination. Ejected from the Uhane chat, forfeited any chance of returning to the game, and banned from future Survivor seasons.
Gwux Sent a screenshot of a conversation to another player. Received a strike and a self-vote at the next Tribal Council he attended.
Nicp101 Sent a screenshot of a conversation to another player. Received a strike and a self-vote at the next Tribal Council he attended (where he would be voted out 6-3-1-1).
Estefanagomez Big Brother 4 Outside Contact Asked people outside the game to help her with a competition. Received a strike and a score of zero for her challenge score.
Speakingintongues Survivor: Carthage and Survivor: Legends Sockpuppeting Matt ineligibly competed as a newbie as "Will". Banned from competing on future seasons of 703.
Brighterblu Survivor: Legends Screenshotting Sent multiple screenshots to her tribe chat. Received a strike and a self vote at the next Tribal Council she attended (where she would be voted out 6-0)
Blueu22 Outside Contact Chris leaked game-related information to Torsa while Chris was serving as a member of the jury. Removed from the jury and banned from competing on future seasons of 703.
Zombijou Disqualified from the season and banned from competing on future seasons of 703.
NickCity Outside Contact Alissa requested and received confidential information from Nick while Nick was a spectator (which lead to the elimination of Blaine7275.) Fired as 703 host and banned from competing on future seasons.
AlissaMarinxo Banned from competing on future seasons of 703.
TacoBear28 Survivor: Byzantium Sockpuppeting Applied for Byzantium simultaneously under two account names. Both accounts were banned from competing on future seasons of 703.
Ashley Hikari Screenshotting Sent a screenshot of a conversation to another player. Received a strike and a self vote at the next Tribal Council he attended.
Kitulfer Screenshotting Sent a screenshot of a conversation to another player. Received a strike and a self vote at the next Tribal Council he attended (where he would be voted out 10-1).
itsleeleeleesa Survivor: Tibet Sockpuppeting Applied for Tibet simultaneously under two account names. Both accounts were banned from competing on future seasons of 703.
JG3Biscuit Sockpuppeting Applied for Tibet simultaneously under four account names. All accounts were banned from competing on future seasons of 703.
Jamievdw101 Big Brother UK 13 Sockpuppeting Entered the Viewing Lounge as a viewer and voted to save themselves as "Declan". "Her" win was revoked, and "she" was banned from competing on future seasons of 703.
JakeGoesInLine Survivor: Rhineland Sockpuppeting Applied for Rhineland under a false account name. Banned from competing on future seasons of 703.
Somberfield Screenshotting Sent three screenshots of a conversation to another player. Removed from the game.
Wkze Survivor: Mount Vesuvius Sockpuppeting Had a sockpuppet account in the Viewing Lounge to illegally gain viewer information under a false name. Removed from the jury and banned from competing on future seasons of 703.
Lapis-Kun Survivor: Meanjin Forged Submission Submitted another person's challenge score, falsely claiming that it was her own. As the last place player in the challenge would be eliminated, she was automatically ejected from the competition and banned from competing on future seasons.
Kingmatt3342 Survivor: Lithuania Sockpuppeting Applied for Lithuania under a false account name. None (Matt was already banned from 703 because of a previous unrelated event.)


  • SusieQS, the winner of Survivor: Wales, was later revealed to be a sockpuppet of a user named OddfictionramblesAJ.
    • Since "Susie" is not currently believed to have played 703 under any other names, "her" win was not revoked.

703 ORG Gameplay

Challenge · Survivor Auction · Immunity Idol · Immunity Necklace


Final Tribal Council · Jury · Medical Evacuation · Quit · Redemption Island · Sole Survivor · Tiebreaker · Tribal Council


Alliance · Pagonging · Perfect Game · Split Vote

Social Dynamics

Tribe · Merge · Alliance · Final Two · Final Three

Game-Changing Twists

Anarchy · Artifacts · Auxiliary Tribe · Battle Of The Sexes · Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty · Crossover · Day Zero · Double Tribal Council · Exile Island · Hero Challenge · Hidden Immunity Idol · Juror Removal · Kidnapping · Labyrinth · Maze of the Minotaur · Message in a Bottle · Mutiny · Observer · One World · Outcasts · Redemption Island · Reset Idol · Return of the Champions · Right to Stay Challenge · Returning Players · Sanctuary · Schoolyard Pick · Spirits · Tokens · Tribe Dissolve · Tribe Switch · Unmerge


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Cheating · Confessionals · Buffs · Filming Locations
