703 ORG Network Wiki
703 ORG Network Wiki

Day 6[]

So the events today changed for me from laid back to pretty hectic, I get a message from Julian with a frownie face and he's always sending happy ones so I know something is up, I asked him what's going on and then Trent tells him that he was told I wanted to get him out because of connections he may have, so i knew it had to be one of those 2 in the alliance and I really trust Isaac and Julian told me so it had to have been Jake, right? Wrong. Trent messaged me and we mended everything, I think, or hope at least, so he went on to tell me it was Isaac who told him and that surprised me so much because I saw Isaac as my number one, Isaac explained that he thought he was on the bottom of that alliance because it was just people I made bonds with, so now I'm unified back with everyone I guess and it pisses me off Isaac did that so I hope we just win this immunity because tribal will be one hell of a shit storm if we lose, I've never wanted a swap up so badly but I'll just keep doing what im doing and try to stay alive.


Since Nick and Danny tried setting up for the challenge last time and it flopped, I thought I would take in a leadership role and straighten everyone out for the challenge so we don't flop at another live challenge and get everyone in order. I am not wasting my second chance on a group of returnees that can't get their act together for a live challenge. I mean I like all of them but I don't want it to be an excuse now that if there's a live challenge they develop a sense of "it's okay to lose live challenges" like no, it's not okay, we were given a second chance for a reason and let's pull it together people.



Confessional 1 - Toekush


god this was so crucial that felix left otherwise i'd be next to go, now i have wiggle room, felix doesnt have control over johnny and hunter, danielle may be able to control hunter now without felix gone, and hopefully hunter and johnny will still try to go after sean. I just want danielle or I to find this idol because if we have it it'd be so much easier for us atafour? more like atafail.


god i love kim. she's so fucking shady. I'm just like "i've got your back 100% kim heart emoticon" and she's like "yes..................... me too.......... smile emoticon and it's just sooooooo shady with the dots and i love it so much. If i'm going to be voted out of this game I hope she viciously stabs a knife in my back and sends me packing, if im blindsided by anyone else i'll be greatly disappointed




I will sit out in this chall . I said " i dont know how to play " but it 's not true . I 'm very good in every chall . I said that because in last chall , my score is so so high . Red tribe ( i dont remember that name ) got 4M . Only me got 7 M . I got score that higher than score of 7 people in that tribe got . I dont want to become beast of chall . I dont want to be target ........ So ... Hope my tribe can win again , i dont want to go to tribal ...


this tribe is a hot mess


Day 7[]

So you know we lost the challenge, which sucks cause i literally spent so much time getting everything together for the challenge and making sure everything was perfect and ready to go but then Blaine forgets to edit the second portion of his posts and we lost i really dont wanna go, because apparently blaine was throwing my name out last tribal so i would love for him to go and now he has a good reason too since he flopped on that challenge but i cant tell who he is with and who he isnt and i dont wanna go because someone else messed up the challenge like i have so much potential left and dont wanna go anywhere since im here to win and make up for my canada floppiness and i proved myself to be an asset in this challenge so right now im throwing blaine out there since he was also gunning for me apparently im just hoping i dont go anytime soon


Here we are again, tribal council, the place where people go to watch their dreams get crushed, hearts broken, and torches snuffed right in front of their very own eyes. Hopefully the survivor gods watch over me tonight for I pray that I don't go home, thank you.


OK SOOOOO All my dreams have come true, I FOUND MY FIRST ORG HIDDEN IMMUNITY IDOL!!! Behind INVS kelly purple no less, I feel like some sort of superhero being able to find the idol with no clues no less. I have the idol and a really good spot on my tribe right now, myself Danny Yannick and Blaine are in an alliance and me/tommy and me/scott are in a duo alliance thing sooo I don't wanna assume things, but I assume I'm safe for at least til a swap. NOW WE JUST GOTTA WIN IMMUNITY


I take solace in the fact that I wasn't the one who screwed up this challenge, but apparently, I'm a target for not being on although I did participate in this challenge fully like what the fuck?!?!?


FRICK WE LOST IMMUNITY FML RIP WDADAW Alright, now to switch from SoraMode into GameMOde, I can clearly have a majority going on with Blaine/Yannick/Danny, but it's chaos right now. Danny want's Tommy, Blaine want's Scott, Yannick wants to blindside Blaine, Tommy wants to take out Yannick I think, and Scott's MIA. I think I control a lot of puzzle pieces right now and I think I can work some magic, and flip this vote on it's head.


god danny looks like a dumbass now that johnny posted his proof, sean is legit gunning for johnny and johnny tried voting sean out, i dont think there's a premade there, now is there bitch? Also i should probs say something about the immunity challenge considering i did double the work, posting every single thing sean needed to post bc he was a dumbass and fucked up and stalled for like 10 mins without doing anything and just kept talking to us, and JOHNNY, CONVENIENTLY RIGHT WHEN WE START, HIS BROTHER UNPLUGS HIS KEYBOARD, YET HE'S STILL ABLE TO TYPE? OH REALLY? OH REALLY. You know that was shady as hell and immediately red flags were put up, I feel as if he was trying to throw the challenge, and the only reason he'd throw the challenge is to put a target on his back so we go to tribal and vote for him, and the only reason he'd WANT that is if he had an idol and wanted to use it to blindside someone, probably me. So I'm glad we won and didnt have to deal with that


FUCK I feel like I have too much power right now like I need to be blindsided or something because I get sloppy with power. So Blaine is scared as shit he could go home, rightfully so, Danny/Yannick look like they wanna get rid of Scott Tommy or Blaine, and Tommy/Scott want to do whatever I do. So I feel like I have a lot of say in whats gonna happen tonight. I WAS ABOUT TO SCALP SEAN, so I would be more loved on the returnee tribe, but I think his pregame with Johnny is over anyway and it would only put a target on me and alienate him away which is not good since he seems easily manipulable. I ~kinda~ wanna blindside Danny, I haven't gotten an easy feeling from him, and he's a liability for these live challenges which are crucial. I also am starting to get this weird vibe from Scott, like he's not talking to me and when he does its one word answers, but I like Scott and don't wanna fuck him over like this. -bbg teas of a fight happening mid confessional- AND NOW DANNY ACTUALLY LISTENED TO ME AND IS ATTACKING SEAN FOR LITERALLY NO REASON SKJFBSDJF. Ok I don't know why he did that because gamewise it literally made zero sense and kinda makes him look like a douche bag. But now that the targets bigger on him I guess it comes down to whether or not he'd be better for me long term or Scott.


2 clues enough to find the idol i dont know why i cant find it i'm fuc*ing stupid first time i played svv org , i only had 1 clue and i found the idol . This time i have 2 clues , i dont understand where i'm wrong maybe i'm not lucky . I think my tribe 's third clue will be very easy to find the idol . I cant wait to get the third clue i feel bad right now frown emoticon


Once again I have a big choice in front of me, my bigger alliance wants to vote out Scott, he's been kinda unsocial w me lately and like I have to be the one to always initiate our conversations so losing him may not be bad. But, I can easily flip the vote and vote off Danny with Scott and Tommy. Danny made himself look like an ass kinda, #noshade, but that also made him a big target. I know he's closer to Yannick then me and that gives Yannick power which I don't like. The thing is I also have to me wary of Blaine/Yannick/Danny trio thing going on, while I think Yannick and even Danny are more loyal to me I wouldn't put it past them to like take me out over him and use him. I've got a big decision to make and I need to think ahead as to what both sides would do. Malcolm in the Middle strikes again.


Me trying to get a hold onto this tribe dynamic. http://i.imgur.com/ustDMSg.gif


So.... We won the challenge(YAS!!). 1st Place ( YAAAS!! :D). Got an HII's clue (YAS!! YAS!! YAS!! heart emoticon <3).Clue: " I'm in a blue tribe" (You.. you serious? frown emoticon ) as always. I hope find toloa's idol before the swap, sure I'll need it. Sadly The"Thumbs Up" Alliance didn't last long cause apparently... Isaac told Trent that Austin was gunning, bet he told him that Jake and I were working with too. Otherwise, Trent told me that, yeah.... It was unfair for him,cause he handn't had a crosstribal alliance but Aus did have one. I mean.. please unsure emoticon.To make it fair ,both of you are on a crosstribal alliance smile emoticon. End of the story...( Also.. Felix,potential Austin's ally, is out of the game.. .-.). Whatevs.. Trent may be or may be not thinking I'm willing to work with him, He said that.. We could work "really close", sorry man, too late ,though. I am staying loyal for now,to Austin and Jake, although , I am not 100% trusting them,I'll keep my word to them, IF!! they give me the chance to...of course. wink emoticon The "I don't know "alliance. It doesn't have name yet.. still needs one more person, In this case.. TSN. I don't really know if he's trustworthy...He seems adorable smile emoticon but I am not sure to be honest. I still need to move carefully , seem likeable , and making people don't threantened by me ,Hopefully. grin emoticon


So I fucked up yesterday.. I honestly wanted to cry myself into a hole because of how horrible I felt. I had never been the sole reason for losing an immunity challenge and the feeling of guilt and embarrassment almost made me want to just tell my tribe to vote me out. Almost. After a while I realized that I wasn't just gonna give up. Some of my tribe mates were nice enough to say that everybody has made a mistake like that at some point, so that kinda made me feel better and it made me believe that my game wasn't completely ruined. Lots of shit happened last night and I won't go into full detail rn but the plan is for Scott to go. He doesn't deserve to go. I do. But I'm playing a selfish game this time around and I still wanna be here on Day 8.


Things are pretty boring around Toloa right now, Trent wants to work with me despite Isaac telling him I was worried about him, I don't think Isaac exactly told him I had made an alliance against him and made plans to vote him off because he isn't that mad and still says he reaaally wants to work with me, I havea deal with Isaac to not write his name down and tell him if his name is brought up which makes me feel a bit more comfortable about my position here, I'm really close with both Julian and Jake but not as much isaac anymore since he ratted on me to Trent, don't get me wrong, I'm appreciative of him not telling Trent absolutely everything but just the fact he told him anything in general makes me trust him less, so from Julian, Jake, and i talking I think we want to bring TSN in with us and vote off Trent or Mikey, Trent insists he wants to work with me and that he wants to be a part of any plan I have, but honestly if it's a plan to vote Mikey or of course him off I don't wanna say anything because of fear for idols, but I'm honestly really looking forward to a tribe swap.


This game is going to give me clinical anxiety, not even joking.


me at the end of this season looking back at my confessionals https://twitter.com/TheGirICode/status/671494445385273348

