703 ORG Network Wiki
703 ORG Network Wiki

Day 21[]

The heroes just pulled the biggest move yet and I'm so excited!! It's especially fun to see people like Eddie who ignored completely during tribal approaching me hoping to survive. Buuut the war is far from over, just as soon as we gained numbers a fucking auction showed up dldmdjkddk and I'm worried about Bas flipping so I'll have to keep him close to me during these days, i wouldn't mind going far with him at all. And I guess now i have an "Ill scratch your back if you scratch mine" kinda deal with Thomas so yeah. I guess we'll see.


so miguel played his idol on bryce. which is good chris was a big threat but tbh i dont think it will be HvV forever. me and eddie have an utr alliance that i may or may not want it to work but i kinda wanna work with eddie but i dont wanna fuck up my game i was also right about sora but why would he tell me and szymon so much information if he was just going to vote with the villians i get why but that makes him sketch and i heard he has an idol so i need to make a plan to waste it if he really does have it?? also poor chris i wish i talked to him but its not nice giving people false hope, its the worse thing u can do to somebody in this game. My next target is also thomas for throwing my name around like why would u do that i have not done shit- that u know of ;] This game is also great i feel like im not redoing my mistakes hopefully i will not keep on doing more mistakes i am not here for 11th-2nd i am here for first but ill still loyal to my allies.



Movie on 9 24 16 at 11 04 AM


When you play an idol but the Survivor Gods give you a new one the day after <3


Seriously, what team is Szymon playing for? He doesn't want to vote for either Alissa or Sora, he would rather risk one of us going home bc one of the other three villains have immunity and we don't know which one. He's honestly pissing me off bc he already backstabbed Alissa and Sora, keeping them around will only result in them screwing him over. I feel like he would rather lose Bas now and lose our numbers advantage than send one of Alissa or Sora home and that honestly is so stupid he lost any chance of getting my jury vote should I end up in Ponderosa. I've hated the double dealing he's been doing all season long and if I get the chance I will send him home soon!


Heading into this auction, I want the Hereos to have nearly everything. The plan is to spread our bids out as wide as possible so that way we can ensure that everything is completely set. If we want to get these Villains out, it is very important that we give them as little power as possible. This auction comes at the perfect timing btw. Like what the heck is this crap. LMAO


Not knowing who has immunity is really hard to strategize. Our whole plan to vote Thomas out is in the drain. There are only two Villains that are guarenteed not to have immunity and that is Sora and Alissa. They both received items that were not covered. The only logical sense is to let one of them go. My alliance is convinced that Jennifer has it. That may be true. But, if we want to ensure that all of us are safe, then we need to make the safest bet.


I woke up this morning with a big gut feeling that there's a mixed alliance. And low and behold there is and IM APART OF IT. Im assuming Sora is really not interested in Chris and Alissa and Szymon approached me about me, sora, alissa, szymon, emma, dusk. Im into this because with this I can play my own game and if we get to a f7 I can make the big move that will get me into f4. And then I can get into F3/2.


Day 22[]

Once again what should be an easy vote turns into a messy complicated one bc some of the heroes want to keep their alliances with some villains alive and that's honestly so annoying. I lost all respect for Szymon in this game bc he is playing to keep his outside the game friends alive at the expense of his own game.


Heading into tribal, I am less confident than last time. I think Alissa will go home, but the unknown items that some of the Villains got scares the living crap out of me. It could work to our favor, or it could not. I just want to get pass this vote, then begin working on some moves to help stack my case for the end.


My alliance is strong. But we are all in different time zones so it is hard sometimes to communicate. In addition, no one is wanting to say anything about the vote whatsoever. If they have an opinon, they keep it to yourself. It makes me ache because I feel like not everyone is getting a say in what happens. But it is just hard sometimes.


Right before I submit my vote, Miguel tells me that Alissa has the idol. I love Miguel to death but BRUH THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN AN IMPORTANT FACT TO BRING UP BEFORE WE VOTE!!!! But it also has me in suspicion of Szymon because he also has this information, and the whole alliance seemed to agree to the Sora thing right as it was mentioned. This has me very concerned about my position with the Heroes.


Can Miguel stop messaging me like I love u but stfu and let me watch Degrassi!!!!!!! Also I'll make a voice confessinal soon I'm a mess and tired right now.


A hero is going this tribal. I can feel it.


This is a mess I don't know what to believe with what the villains are voting and what Miguel is doing.... I just want to go far! I'm honestly going to wake up at 5:00am and hope I can do some damage control.... god


Holy shit I made it to the final 10. Im STILL HERE. And I dont think Ill be targeted for a few votes with bigger fish to fry. The villains are still in this and honestly I have to really think of what is best for ME and what I MUST DO to win this game. Im not here for no mediocre finish. Im here to win 703 Heroes vs Villains.


szymon and emma you two are the fakest most stupid, most shady, and the biggest idiots I have EVER met in all of my years playing in orgs, I might make you think I'm with you but if I get the chance I will screw you over so hard and I will enjoy every single moment of it. Neither of you is EVER EVER getting my jury vote, and I hope Alissa and Sora end up fucking you two over.

