703 ORG Network Wiki
703 ORG Network Wiki

Day 19[]

I hope if I win Nuno or Tyler will send me a gift via Fedex.In the middle of the dawn I had to rush to play a game because I learned I can't sit out @.@ Jake and Zane always sit out!.. anyway Nuno or Tyler, a Survivor buff for me will work. Lol


So I see Zane is looking for the hidden idol. Im just going to help him look for it because I want it too *laughs a bit* I would love to have the idol.


I wonder if people in this tribe have wet dreams over Grace...


Day 20[]

I hope our tribe wins so we will not end up losing Zane. I feel like Zane trusts me and I can use him as my number when the merge chaos happens. Zane is a sweet person, and he dislikes Thomas. Thomas just told the Idol information to Grace. I mean. Why Thomas why? He doesn't know how to play a subtle game yet and he is targeting Zane. I have my eyes on the three Reds Jake, Minke and Andrei cause I know when the going gets rough, I may be the odd man out here. Although I have accidentally built a nice bond with Jake for he was the first ORG person I talked to regarding the passing of my aunt (much love, Aunt Vi)and contrary to the villain he was known for, I kinda got that genuine connection with him. I can't wait to reunite with Casey. I hope, like Grace, I can trust her when we reunite. I don't have a concrete plan yet, but we'll get there when we get there. As of now I'm collecting options and is keeping my eyes and ears on possible alliances I might not be a part of. Options! I love options!


Day 21[]

That tribal sucked. And the earful I got from Lucky afterwards sucked too. But now all I can do is more forward. It's a new day, there's a new challenge, and I'm ready to start kicking some ass.


So we haven't merged yet. So my suspicions were proven true. The question is how much longer until we are? We have a combined Reward/Immunity challenge today and it's time for us to kick ass. We need to kick ass or else I don't know what we're gonna do. We're down to 5 people left and losing another may be the final straw in completely demoralizing us, and if we still don't merge after this vote? My whole game goes up in flames.


Winners we are baby! all we do is win! haha. Can't wait till this merge to demonstrate my winning abilities.


Trace, what the fuck are you doing?? I voted out my closest ally on this tribe just so that you could keep your precious Casey around for a little longer and when it's time for you to return the favor, you refuse to do so like a greedy little bitch. I basically threw away a friendship because I thought I could completely trust you and this is how you choose to repay me? Lucky feels betrayed and embarrassed because of things I did for the sake of the group and it literally made me feel like a piece of crap for having to do that to him. It's bullshit! I know you want Casey to stick around because that's someone you feel is going to be on your side. I just feel betrayed that you don't even want to consider voting her out. I thought it was supposed to be me, you, and Will but the more you fight for her to stay, the less confident I feel about this group.

