703 ORG Network Wiki
703 ORG Network Wiki

Day 37[]

So Tata gets eliminated and all of a sudden after Tata (Jenn's bff) gets voted out she accuses Luke and Jessy of telling me to eliminate her while she was in the game, despite this being totally bogus the hosts of the game thought it did happen and that I was guilty so without telling me they made an announcement saying that I cheated when that didn't happen and gave me a penalty that was so outrageous I couldn't believe because I'm innocent. Then after the penalty was given Red wouldn't answer my messsages, Mikayla basically told me she had given up on me, and Marco thought I was hiding something from her which was all caused because Jenn accused me of something I didn't even do. Also now Jessy and Luke don't like me more because Jenn accused me of something that affected them so even if I get to the end I doubt I'll get their votes. Everyone outside the game thinks I'm probably a cheater because I was given a penalty so now I'm gonna be labeled as a cheater in the survivor org community ALL BECAUSE JENN ACCUSED ME OF SOMETHING I DIDN'T EVEN DO. An accusation and my clean perception from people gets darkened and now everyone that doesn't know me that's watching is just gonna have a bad opinion about me. This is probably the worst day in the entire game because now nobody trusts me, nobody would want me to win, and people think I'm a liar not just in the game but out of it too. The only thing that kinda made up for it was that the accusations were proven false but still people have the same opinions of me all because of an accusation that wasn't true and I'll probably be taken out this tribal coming out and after this game not be liked by many people in the community. So much for a good game.... What I am getting penalized for though is responding to Jenn which in my opinion I don't know why I'm getting the penalty, if anything Jenn should be removed from the jury for trying to talk with me after she was voted out. This day literally just cost me the win, if I even had any chance at it.


I'm not sure how much I want to believe that Tommy is guilty of cheating. It's terribly convenient, but I feel like he didn't do at the same time. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, as a friend, but at the same time I can't help but wonder. Now only if the next challenge would be posted.


Prediction of upcoming events, Red wins immunity Marco and Mikayla vote me and I'm out. Then off to jury for me.


I still don't understand my penalty however I'm not gonna argue with the hosts, because the person who approached me didn't get anything done to them and ontop of it caused a big fuss over me yet I still get a penalty for only replying. I don't see the logic behind that none of it's my fault all I did was reply, I'm gonna sound like a broken complaining record but that's how it is in my point of view. I get punished for a jury member's action..... She shouldn't of even tried talking to me and originally when the hosts found out they said it was only a warning but then once Jenn saw that Tata got out had to create a bigger fuss so then that warning became a full on penalty for her actions.... So am I gonna complain? Hell yeah, I don't deserve any of this but the hosts won't change their mind. I don't want the hosts to get mad at me but the truth has to get out there somewhere, sorry.


Well I fucked up on the flag challenge, but at least Marco won. So tonight we vote off Tommy, easy. Then its onto the Final 3, In which myself or Marco HAVE to win immunity. This can't be too hard... I hope.


Day 38[]

Wow I'm so nervous, being the last guy here and only 1 day away from final tribal council, I'm literally in a loss of words of how excited I am. It sucks that Red got voted out at last tribal but that just gives me the drive to win this last tribal and make it to the end. I know if I make it to the end I'm going to take Marco because she was my ally for way longer and never betrayed me or voted for me. Last tribal she could of easily just got me out but that didn't happen so I'm just am in it, all the way to the end. I can do this, I know I can. Final tribal is right in front of me and it's all I can taste. So last but not least I will give it my all in this final challenge, for a chance at final tribal council, and a chance of being sole survivor. This is a game of chance!


If I go home now, at least I threatened to moonwalk.


Day 39[]

Who would of thought from Day 1 coming from near bottom of my tribe to making it to Day 39, it feels great. Win or lose I made it and outlasted 14 other castaways and I can finally breathe.... I've pretty much been through so much already I'm kind of still in awe that I'm here.... I'm just so grateful for the experience and would like to say thank you to the hosts, fellow contestants, and any fans of the season too! It's been a crazy long ride to get here hopefully it finishes crazy to complete the experience! Wish me luck!

