703 ORG Network Wiki
703 ORG Network Wiki

Day 14[]

Alex thinks he can have this big grandiose confessional spot in his CLOSET to rant and rave about how he's turning the entire hero tribe against Sora and I and telling them he's gonna flip and how we have no idea and he's one step ahead of us, I don't think so, BITCH, we already know what you're doing and if I have any say in it you'll be going home next without fear of you pulling out an idol as Sora has it. Don't fuck with me in this game, seriously.



when linh vote for me bc she wanted to make a cute parchment for me >>>>

honestly when will your faves like gosh i love her sm im gonna miss that girl.



Szymon asked me if I knew/talked to Alex and I figured, if he knows to ask that then there's no point in lying so I told him the truth. Szymon SAID that he would like to align with Alex at the merge then, but I'm a bit worried that now he sees me as Linh-esque. I pretty much told him that Alex and I didn't talk much game, which is a lie, but hopefully he'll believe me, or at least he'll want to keep solid with the five. If Szymon turns on me then Emma will too, so I'd have to hope Sarah and Dusk stay with me. I think they will, so the trick is finding two more votes. MAYBE Bryce and Miguel will help me there, I really hope they will. Or I can win this flash game, win immunity, and put an even bigger target on me for merge. Joy of joys.


Ideally I can win this immunity and block it from Bas...but he's been consistently better than me at flash games, so I'll have to really try. I'm aiming to get every powerup, that might be enough? idk, I keep dying but I'm a patient bitch. Here we go, Eva goes ham on another flash game. Let's do it.


I can do better than my submitted score, but mentally I got stuck in the awkward area between 'go 1000% and make sure Bas doesn't win' and 'don't make yourself too much of a threat'. ughhhhh I'm sure my decision to go in the middle will fuck me somehow, but so far my best asset has been 'good at challenges, but not the best'. I hope this continues to work.........Bas is a pretty busy guy, he won't have much time to learn this game? Hopefully?



So there's another double tribal rip and I'm just hoping that Bas doesn't win immunity bc idk if my rude ass allies will want to target the tribe's sweethearts eva and sarah, heck they might even target me over them for all i know ugh so i really need bas to lose bc according to szymon he hasn't logged into the email to look for the idol so it'd just be an easy vote for the tribe.

During the last tribal i was kinda aggressive and couldn't pretend like i wasn't annoyed by everyone so from now on I'm just gonna try to lay low and just go with whatever my alliance wants no matter how dumb that is bc i need to bide my time in order to get to the merge.


Another unanimous vote. On one hand, I am very happy that our tribe stayed united. However, I never gave any information to Bas or Sarah that the vote was going towards Linh. I don't want to think that there is another alliance in the tribe that I'm unaware of. However, some signs are pointing to the fact. I have a feeling someone is playing my game. Having multiple alliances and appearing to be with one alliance, but with another. I just hope they are with me. Not them.


Another doubel tribal. I've been saying that the game is getting started to. But now, there are no more easy votes. No more inactives, no more outsiders, not more traiters. Just eight heroes battling out for Sole Survivor. I am interested to see what this tribal will intake. I am super nervous. But I'm prepared.


This idol hunt is terrible. In the email, there are one hundred emails in the primary email. NO one has even looked at the emails. So instead of just ignoring the fact that there are 100 emails with 100 numbers. I decided to take a look at the emails and all of the subjects with the emails. I notice that there is one particular email that is in a different language. Most of them are in english, but one is Portuguese. So, it is a hunch, however, I am not getting my hopes up because I have been guessing so many people.


A merge is defiinelty in sight. I cannot fathom the thought of a second double tribal. I think it is basically screaming MERGE to us. I don't know what is to come. However, all signs are pointing to the merge happening. I figured that there would be a second double tribal. I also think a merge would follow. I think the game is getting to that point where the strong players are left in the game.


you have got to be kidding me. the worst case scenario is here, the easy vote is out the window omg bas just won immunity and i feel very vulnerable, I think dusk/emma/szymon have some sort of deal with eva and sarah and now they might take their side and take me out??? I'm fucking scared


Day 15[]

Bas wins immunity. I would have prefered for him not to win becasue he is an immunity threat come merge time. Plus, now our options have been shrunk to Sarah and Eva. This is a perculiar situation becasue I am somewhat aligned with Eva. She is not my ride or die by any means. However, I need to be very careful about the situation. I seriously need to consider this decision.


Eva and Sarah are on the chopping block. For my own personal game, I realize that voting Sarah off is my best move. I am not aligned with her and I am not connected to her in any way. However, if the Suicide Squad wants Eva gone. I have to ensure that they still trust me. Becasue if I keep on bringing Sarah's name back, then they will think that I am turning against them. That will be the end of the game for me.


Oh shady bitch Alex is leaving. I worked my ass off to win immunity to make sure I could execute this plan properly without any fear that it's going to come back and send me home instead!! Basically, according to Sora, Alex has been messaging all of the heroes that he cannot wait to flip on the villains to send Sora and I home because we're running things or whatever. First of all Alex, you should be careful who you're telling shit to because we have friends over there as well that can come and tell us, bitch. Second of all, how DARE you toss your entire tribe under the bus saying you cant wait to flip on the villains as a whole when you're not even at the fucking merge yet? You cannot expect to play like this and just assume because you've been telling everyone all game how badly you want to make the merge and how disappointed you would be if you didnt that everyone is going to look past your messiness and hand you a spot at the merge. That's not how Survivor works. Alex, I'm sending you home because you threw me under the bus to people you're not on a tribe with. You can be bitter or say whatever you want after this, but I'm not in the wrong on this one. I'm taking out someone who wants me out of this game, and that's how you play this game. Sorry!



im so fucking nervous im literally willing to vote anyone at this point just to make sure i survive this vote omfg i hate bas so much why did he have to try hard for this challenge, why couldnt he have just overslept like in the fucking live challenge we had.

anyways im making a pitch for sarah to go and eva asked me if im willing to vote bryce out so hopefully it is not me this time omg omg



Inching closer to the merge, this double tribal is really important to get right. As of right now Bryce is the target and unless he has an idol he's definitely going home. Everyone in the majority alliance is voting him. Bas says he'll do what I do because he's not socially connected with the others. If that's true, then I'm actually glad he'll still be around because he could potentially be a number for me. If we lose again I might even target Miguel over him, since Miguel has been actually campaigning for Sarah to go despite saying he's fine with Bryce going. I understand why he wants to keep Bryce, but he should've told me he wasn't okay with him going if he was gonna do that. The idol isn't a huge concern right now but I am definitely worried about it. If Bryce plays it and idols out Sarah, that's my closest ally gone and that would suck so much. Or he might idol me out, that's obviously even worse. Oh, idols......you are the bane of my existence outside of Koror games.


Sarah just reported to me that Bryce and Miguel are gunning for me and Szymon may be voting for me as well. My stomach is twisting, this could honestly spell the end for me if I can't convince Szymon to keep me around. I know he's probably worried about my connections on the other side and I'm not sure how to reassure him. I just really want to survive this vote, going prejury would suck so much.


I'm a fighter and I will fight for my spot in this game all night if I have to. I am gonna do everything in my power to stay, I WILL convince Szymon that it's smart to keep me around. I won't give up even if I find out it's 7-1, this is no time for quitters. It's time to scrape, beg, claw, and push for my right to be here and I plan on giving it my all.


I think it comes down to the relationships made on this tribe. I don't think Bas has made many good ones here, though he seems to like me at least, whereas someone like you or me has made a lot of good relationships and thus has much less reason to want to flip" i am being blatant as fuck but fuck it what do i have to lose, and it's also the truth so there you go


Dusk says he's with me 100%, which I actually believe even if it makes me naive. If Bas is with us, then we have absolute parity at this vote. This would require Szymon and Emma to go to risk rocks to get me out. Will they do it? WHO THE FUCK KNOWS. Bas or Dusk may flip on me to avoid the exact same situation, I think Sarah will stay loyal because our fates in this game are kinda tied together for whatever reason. I just.......it's too hot, too tough right now. I'm miserable IRL due to the heat and the general conditions and this game isn't helping. I just want to survive this vote.


Eva has come to me with an interesting situation. She says that it is either me or her tonight. I've had a hunch this entire time that the Suicide Squad was not one hundred percent. I am going to have some work ahead of me to see if this is for real or am I am just being paranoid. I honestly have no idea but I need to get to the bottom of this before it is too late.



bryce: we have a situation

me: oh? bryce: *goes offline*




i cant believe a tribe full of "heroes" can have so many shady people, but i guess that's survivor! There are no true heroes here.


i'm so stresseddd and my ac is broken so im basically the sweatiest, most nervous woman this side of a prostitute trying to navigate a church




So I told Szymon I had his back 100% and you know what a few hours ago that was some REAL shit, but now that I know he's strongly considered getting me out I am completely willing to stab the shit out of that bitch's back, KNOW THAT. He clearly forgot the number one thing about me: I am diehard loyal to the people I promise my loyalty to, but when they try me, I will CUT them. So if he had not tried to get me out, he'd be enjoying the nice, loyal, willing-to-even-goat Eva (canary shoutout ayyyyyy), but now he gets insane psycho bitch Eva. it's his own fault.


So this is the first time it seems the vote isn't straightforward. Maybe it's caused by my safety, but multiple names are being brought up. At this point it seems to be between Bryce & Eva. I've talked with Eva a lot more, but I feel like I'm just a number to her, she's not sharing anything at all really. So I feel a little loyalty, but I'm not putting my neck out for someone who doesn't really have mine. On the other hand, Bryce introduced me to the Gaeroes which turned out to be pretty much a fake alliance, and it leaves me wondering if I was just included to keep me passive and go along with the votes until it's too late to change it up. So I'm probably just going along with the majority, but if it's really split, I'm not sure what to do yet.




I found out that Eva was actually trying to get me out. OH OKAY! I see you doing that reverse psychology on me. But, it ain't going to work. I am trying to have my alliance assure me that Eva is the main target this week. Not Sarah. I hope I don't get screwed over by the idol tho. I seriously hope to God this works out.


The logical thing to do here is to split the vote 4-2-2. That way, if Eva has the idol and plays it on herself then it is a 2-2 tie between Sarah and whoever they vote for. Even if Eva thinks Sarah is going, she could use the idol on her and it would still be a 4-2-2 vote. However, my alliance just assumes that she doesn't have the idol and there is no way she has it. I'm just like guys, I am going home if we all vote Eva out and she plays her idol. Period. I guess I need to rethink this becasue atm, I am their sacraficial lamb at this point.


This is the fucking worst day I've been through. My heart is racing, I'm pacing back and forth, I fucking hate this. I feel so bad for voting Eva :( *sigh* This just sucks


A wild Sarah has appeared!


okay I haven't done one of these in awhile, but I'm not used to this confessional style so it's still taking some getting used to it. So let's start off with, I FOUND THE IDOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im the fckin idol god everyone BOW to me. Not only was I the first villain to crack the idol email code and get on, but I got that fckin shit FAST. So yeah, I have the idol and I have the numbers on this tribe so I'm literally sitting on the throne and now I have the power to back it. From the last round when we won, if we lost I would have been 100% good with sending Jennifer home. She's shady just because she one word answers everyone and like no one knows where her head is at. But we didn't need to and Linh went lol. Now it's a double tribal and everyone is on board to unanimously punt Jennifer, oh but whats this??? Apparently Mr. Alex is talking quite a lot to the heroes, which is fine, however what he's telling them is total bullshit, which is also fine, expect he's throwing me under the bus to them. He's telling Eva him and Alissa are on the bottom of the tribe and the only one he trusts is her, despite you know BEING IN A FIVE PERSON ALLIANCE THATS BEEN RUNNING THE TRIBE. He's also telling them I'm running the tribe which is true, but I don't need a reliable source unlike Loren running around telling them that cause now I'm in a horrible spot. I know his plan is to flip to Eva and the other heroes as soon as he gets the chance. He wants to get in with Eva and Sarah, and while I like Alex a lot and think he's one of my favorite people here, I'm not here to hand people things when they don't have me in mind. If Alex at least was just trying to better position himself that's one thing. But he's trying to get me into a shit position while he's at it which is not cool at all. Jennifer on the other hand really wouldn't have anywhere to go if we merged next. So keeping her over Alex actually makes a lot of sense. The one drawback is Alissa, I don't wanna lie to her and I don't want her freaking out. I wanna work long term with Alissa, but she's close with Alex so that needs to be severed now while we have the chance.


Wow the villians are fast... why cant the heroes be fast @ voting like can i just see if were fucked already or if i can cry because im a horrible person voting off eva :(



Today has been the craziest so far in the game omfg we've discussed doing split votes, not doing split votes, voting out eva or sarah or bryce idek at this point.

In the end bc we've heard from Bas that Dusk could potentially be working with Eva and Sarah, Bryce and I decided not to throw our votes on Sarah rip it's too risky and Szymon and Emma really don't want us to bc then the one who stays out of Eva and Sarah is most certainly gonna flip to the villains (even tho that's still a real possibility).

I hope everyone is telling me the truth when they say I'm not the target but i feel reaaally nervous about this vote bc this would NOT be the first time Eva blindsides my ass... I mean I would hate for Bryce to be voted out or idol'd out but better him than me rip ;-; but hopefully Eva does go home bc she gives me anxiety, it's like I'm allergic to her.



I love how szymon was very insistent in that we shouldn't vote Sarah out bc she's "loyal" but in my first real game talk with her she's just throwing him under the bus hard lmfaooo is it bad that I would love to see her voting him out post-merge too? :))) i might even join her if i make it therr bc he's been pissing me off with his shaky loyalties


omfg the last 4 boots all left bc of cross-tribal communication daaamn does that mean szymon, sora and chris are next? :ForeverTyC (talk))))) probably not oandkfnad


i know this is what i wanted, but i just feel horrible :'( she's a really good friend of mine and i think she might not forgive me </3



I love how they expect me to trust any of them after

Being left out of the Ci'ere vote, not being listened to for the Bailey vote, and being left out of this vote

Whew, I feel the blood boiling in my fucking body this pisses me off so much. Im not even mad that Alex is gone Im mad that I cant be trusted to even know about these votes. Im ready to raise some HELL



Just a reminder you can't fully trust anyone 100%


At this point. I dont give a damn what happens to the Villains. I dont feel apart and like everything came crashing down on me. I thought I was in a really good spot but once again Im a unnecessary victim. If the opportunity arises where flipping needs to happen. Oh trust me...it'll happen.

