Day 22[]
“ | @ everyone not supporting hevan as a tribe name | ” |
–Heather |
“ | So I've basically been saying all but jack shit recently, but with the merge comes the real fun of Survivor. For me, I always divide the game into two sections. The premerge is simply finding a way to not fuck up and getting the boot, and the merge is where you implement your grand schemes and, essentially, go trigger happy. I can't wait :) | ” |
–Evan |
“ | I just realized this confessional is actually about me since it just hit me that the tribe is actually called Hevan...........what kind of fucking iconic legacy........oh my god what am I doing | ” |
–Heather |
“ | Okay merge, so I have like no true allies left. *cheers through tears* I'm not too sure what to do because I'm obviously at the bottom of NuCerro, and DEFINITELY am going to be at the bottom if I flip to NuPatos. Pretty sure James is already asking me to defect, but like slow your damn roll we haven't even picked a tribe name yet. This is gonna be tough as helllll and I BETTER not be the merge boot. | ” |
–Jace |
“ | I made merge OMG yes! Final 10 baby I'm so excited but we're on the same tribe with Jessy.. I'm going to call her out next tribal probably she's a strong player, I also hate Jace.. I want him out too and Tyler F needs to go soon but not right now
Sorry to the "amazing three" but Tyler is causing to much drama |
” |
–Ali |
“ | I lost immunity yikes at my urky ass self when I tried to get Evan to give his immunity to me when I thought he won lmao | ” |
–Jessy |
“ | So I think we last left off just before the merge. Both Xavier and Pydo are now added to the list of Cerro tribemates that I’ve outlasted. I feel a little bad for them because I screwed up their chances of making it to the merge, but I did what I had to in order to ensure that I would be here. When the game is over I want to clear up things with Nick because I don’t actually have anything against him, I just needed him against me to take out a bigger player with my idol. Now there’s really no point in arguing with him, but I don’t want to exactly reveal everything about my game before it’s over in case it bites me in the ass later on.
Now we’ve entered the merge 5 New Patos members against 5 New Cerro members, but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything. There’s also 7 Old Patos against 3 Old Cerro, which worries me a little. Evan is clearly fitting in with his new tribemates (after all, we’re in Hevan now), while Jace seems to have found himself on the outs of his tribe. Now that he and Xavier have been split up, I think this is a great opportunity to start working with him in this game. I could stick with New Patos, but if I do I don’t think I’ll be in a position where I could go to the end. As much as I’d love to work super closely with Heather like we did in CV, I can’t just assume that we’ll be in the same situation. I’m going to do what I can to keep her in the game though, because I know she’d be a worthy winner and If I can’t win, she’d be one of the people I’d like to see at final tribal council. For now though, I’m going to have to trust Jace again and work closest with him. Our plan for these next two votes will be to vote for Evan to be sent home first, followed by Eden. We do not want to target Tyler F or Jessy because they’ll be busy focusing on trying to take each other out instead of going after Jace and myself. Any targets that can take the spotlight off of us two will be useful for keeping us in the game as long as possible. I’m really hoping I win this first immunity challenge, but I’m very doubtful that I will. Evan and Heather are both competition beasts, and Tyler F and Jessy will be fighting for it hard to make sure they can’t be taken out. I do still have the idol, which I haven’t directly told anyone about yet, but I’d rather have that definite security that comes with winning. I probably will not use the idol even if I don’t win immunity because I want to put my trust in the fact that everyone has bigger fish to fry, but I won’t feel great being taken out of the game with the idol in my pocket. |
” |
–Tyler P. |
no but seriously how are we surviving this long having an open final 2 like ??? omfg you'd think enough people would agree to take one of us out BUT NOPE HERE WE ARE AT FINAL 10 YAASS. HONESTLY FUCK YA FAVES SEATHER IS WHERE IT'S AT!! but ummmm what the FUCK do you think you're doing @ hosts???? doUBLE TRIBAL??? literally my reaction to this twist Ali all the time: *is annoying fuckboy and says annoying fuckboy things* Me every fucking day: not miss Heather and I flipping to the fuckboys :~o consider cerro #slain |
” |
–Seth |
Day 23[]
“ | ” | |
–Tyler P. |
–Heather |
“ | I'm so excited for tribal to be honest! Don't like how it's double though but Honestly I'm gonna call Jessy out! She's had been so annoying and I won't rest until her torch gets snuffed | ” |
–Ali |
“ | Ok so I'm talking to Tyler P. about being this seasons Kaeden. It's so much riskier on a season with two tribes, but CLEARLY there are two feuding alliances. We could work with NuCerro this vote to take out a NuPatos prick, and then flip over to NuPatos and vote out a NuCerro. The only problem is if both alliances decide they don't want to work with us, or the one that we are planing on flipping to wants nothing to do with us. I also need to make sure that Tyler F. and Jessy are the last two targets in our flip flop game because I know that they would probably never align. I want to say that Jessy's idol is fake SO BAD, but I'm not screwing her over... Right now. | ” |
–Jace |
“ | I came into this game wanting to throw challenges at the merge, but after all of my high scores premerge, throwing now would just be pure stupidity. Here's to immunity. | ” |
–Evan |
“ | This tribal council is probably the most important one so far because this will dictate whether or not I'll be staying in the game because if one of my allies get voted out then I am definitely next because Tyler F hates my ass. We have come up with a 3 step plan
1) Secure Tyler P's revote 2) I cuss out Ali then ignore the rest of his pms to make it seem like I'm voting him 3) Tell Eden how Tyler F wanted him out in the swap to get him to flip |
” |
–Jessy |
“ | Every single time Tyler F talks to me I get sick to my stomach. He's like sooooo fake oh my GOD. I'm just making it seem like I'm gonna flip, I probably am, but not to benefit him, its to benefit me. What I'm thinking is we vote out Evan, taking out one of Jessy's tight allies, but then I tell Jessy that I flipped just to avenge Xavier and Nick. She forgives me (hopefully) then I vote with her, flip when necessary, and see what happens with my social game. Ugh, I really just want to win immunity so I literally cannot go home, but with all these challenge people, I doubt it. Praying for a miracle. Also, I'm lowkey loving how long my confessionals are getting. | ” |
–Jace |
“ | Heather won immunity, and I'm honestly more impressed than mad. This simply means that come a purple rock scenario, the odds favor our side. | ” |
–Evan |
“ | I believe I secured Tyler P's revote and made Evan think he did because he told me that in the situation of a revote he will definitely switch his vote but then Evan was like "I think I got Tyler P!" and I was like omg yes slay Evan but in reality... lol ! | ” |
–Jessy |
“ | So right now I’m feeling pretty confident with the way this first vote is going to go. Heather and Jace both say they’re voting Evan. If one of them lied, we could still win 6-4 and Evan will be sent home. However, in the case of a tie I’m pretty sure I just got my bases covered there as well. Jessy and Evan have both messaged me trying to reach out to me about working with them. I’ve told them both that I already voted with my tribe but it was because I hadn’t heard anything else and that I’d be willing to work with them in the future. This way the Patos crew knows that I voted with them the way that they wanted me to, and Cerro knows that I had voted with my alliance but I’m an option for them in a worst case scenario that Evan isn’t voted off (I say worst case but tbh working with Evan wouldn’t be the worst idea, he gave me a lot of information on the Alf vote and events that happened since so if anything the information I’ve gotten is very useful).
I decided to let it slip to Jessy that Evan is the Patos target tonight. I want Jessy to think that I’ve got a lot of trust built up with her and that I’m a source of information she can use. As it stands now, the only way that Evan will be saved is if the idol is used on him. In that scenario, I should be safe, one of the other idols could be flushed out, and I can hopefully keep the target away from myself. If she doesn’t tell anyone then I’m golden. If she does tell anyone, I’ll find out from either Jace or Heather and have a reason to distrust her, and we’ll take Evan out at some point in this double tribal. On paper I’d say I’ve got a lot of my bases covered, but as the mighty Ellie Goulding once said: “Anything could happen.” I could always get blindsided and be sent packing. Hopefully the next time I write one of these, it won’t be as final words. But you never know, and that’s what makes this game so god damn fun! |
” |
–Tyler P. |
“ | All my tribe names on the 703 end up reflecting my game. Gechii, means bitch, everyone on that tribe was a bitch and I was a flipper bitch. Cerro, means hill, and I have a pretty friggin big hill to get over if I even want to match my previous placement. | ” |
–Jace |
“ | Being the organized motherfucker I am, there's a few objectives here in this vote. One, I have to make Jace feel he's not at #5 in our alliance. He legitimately shouldn't be, and I planted seeds of Heather and Seth being an obvious duo in the long run. Two, I have to pour my heart out to Tyler P to get him to flip and hopefully gain majority. I told him the truth of what went down in all of Cerro, sprinkled some hints of bullshit in it, and he honestly may have took the bait. Tyler doesn't want to go to rocks. I gave him endgame reassurances, and I genuinely mean it because the only way a flipper like me can win in a final tribal council vote is to align with another flipper. If I flip this guy, just call me the moneyman. | ” |
–Evan |
“ | Okay I told Ali fuck you and what's really funny about it is that he told me "ily" before I did but he called me crazy so he had it coming tbh, I'm ignoring his pms so hopefully his posse thinks he's the one to go and if they have an idol, they use it on him :~) | ” |
–Jessy |
“ | So this double tribal thing throws a wrench in my plan. It would be pretty hard to flip at he second tribal. Should I even try to, or should I stay loyal to one side? I'm not even sure I can trust TP 100% yet, so for all I know he's getting votes against me, or he's purposely making me vote wrong to make it a 5-4-1. I have no idea, but I just hope it somehow turns out simple. | ” |
–Jace |
“ | So Janes and Tyler F are trying to sway Heather to vote for JESSY but I don't know if she will, but one thing is for sure Heather is so cute! I'm in love | ” |
–Ali |
“ | Okay I told Eden what Ali told me about Tyler F wanting to vote out Eden and he wants to vote him now and I'm like ok hunny go you! Slay! Vote yourself out !!!!! 5-4-1 is MA LIFE! | ” |
–Jessy |
“ | If all is going as I hope, TP and I have total control over the vote tonight. Whether or not a side listens to who I want gone is another story, but either way its gonna be either a 4-4-2, where we decide on the revote who to send out. It could also be a simple 6-4, if they agree to vote for Evan, which is who I want gone at this point. | ” |
–Jace |
–Jessy |
“ | *cries* Now Evan is talking to me like "It's us to the end" but I've already gotten a few people against him so like it's too late. This is probably gonna blow up in my face, but I'd rather go out trying to make a move than be betrayed and lied to by Evan right now. | ” |
–Jace |
“ | unless im rocked out i'm staying b/c tyler p just told me they voted evan i'm so happy honestly | ” |
–Jessy |
“ | Tyler F. thinks hes smart as hell. Do you know who you are talking to, Tyler? I'm not falling for the "Oh, give me majority and then I'll vote how you want after" bullshit. I know he's just gonna vote Seth, then think he has majority and vote Jessy, not EVAN like I want. I think what I'm going to do is vote for Ali with the Cerros and Tyler, then possibly flip at the second vote, but I just really don't think I can stomach working with Tyler F. Side note, I hate having two Tylers, one I like, and one I hate. It forces me to like extra specify. | ” |
–Jace |
“ | talk about assholes
jace is such a fuckin flipper smh lke why even act what A HOE that bitch gets NO SAUSAGE |
” |
–Jessy |
“ | i have to use Tyler P and even though its risky, there's no other choice either that or i'm GONE | ” |
–Jessy |
“ | Once Heather gets her idol clue we can use it to our advantage and hopefully find it. We're thinking that we need to either get Jace to flip or vote him out. If he's flipped once he'll do it again !! Honestly this is my fucking fight song and I need to go around and explain myself to people of the shady shit I've done but honestly wtf at Tyler Fennessy for unfriending me though like lmao are we not playing the same game...? Because I'm playing survivor and you can end up having to make a desperate attempt to your enemy like Spencer at Tony in Cagayan... you are so dumb lmao! | ” |
–Jessy |
“ | these ppl suck at lying lmao "i didn't tell you because i was worried you had the idol" no you didn't want me included and you want to vote me off bye | ” |
–Jessy |
“ | i have to fucking fake apologize to tyler f... i'm going to BARF | ” |
–Jessy |
“ | Eden is so dumb lmao! saying im not in a position to bargain when he's getting votes | ” |
–Jessy |