703 ORG Network Wiki
703 ORG Network Wiki

Day 13[]

Well Rest in Peace Variara, you served well. This could be best case scenario or worst case. Perosa seems to be closer than how Variara felt and that could be bad. for Lindsay and I. However, yaaaas~ I stay with Lindsay who is probably my closest ally in the game. The goal would be to find kids to flip, split up the original Perosa members, and find sort of a nu-Perosa allaince or something. That or just win


Well I wasn't right about the switch but I knew something would happen. I don't know how close solar and Tung were but I know we have 5 of our original members to there two . Ian said in our alliance thread that we should get out the two new members before Jp , So me and ARA agreed.


I talked to tung a little bit and was interrogating him a little bit lol . I was seeing how close he was with solar and How he was on his tribe , Like on the outs or whatever . I also asked if he knew anyone on our tribe , He said that Ian and Himself played a game before so That threw up red flags for me right away . I still plan on getting Ian out.


Jp - I talked to Jp about what was said about him and he said that we should get Solar on our side , We already have me , Jp and Ara so telling solar they want him out fuels his fire and he will join us and we can take out Ian . I just need Ian out so that I don't have to look over my shoulder . WE CANT LET IAN WIN IMMUNITY !!!!


What even is wrong with man kind? Why the fuck am I a threat? What did I do to be so good? I don't know! I was talking to Emma, and well, we decided to get TJ or Lindsay out, both in TAR and this. Like, they are super uper close, we can't let that shit going on. Now, our small problem: Liam did not come to me saying hi, he came to me saying, in a fine print, "Hi, I am so fucked, you are so awesome, keep me plz". I was nice, as always, and acted the way I am supposed to act. I was extremely genuine with him, did not tell him we were voting him out, just said we would kick Socimi Shitty Suckers out of the playing field, and that is it. We started talking, and he basically said I am illuminati, so I think that is good I guess lol.


Omg I predicted the future (like I wrote a confessional of Day 13 and 14 before they happened lol) So yeah, switch, yay, illuminati, shit, TJ and such happy face


Day 14[]

Tribe dissolve! This went perfectly. So we got two new people on the tribe. I know Tung so he won't go first. Will have to delay the Corey blindside though, but I will find time. Time is on my side.


Bad point is: ............................................................................ I have heard those Socimi bitches are together (rip) and I am the first target they have. Who did I hear this from? No one, I just said it to make Tyler ask me for a confessional. Anyways: I ain't not disliking the Socimi people. JP and Corey seem to be annoying (sorry guys I don't know you but I have heard of you talk to me to prove me wrong xoxo), Tomy is ok, I like Alessandra, but she is quiet, and Ian is kinda too serious, but he is cool. Tung is kinda weird, in a "Idk" way to judge, but that means I like him, and Solar is, well, well, well, half in half good, he is a fun person like Purry, so I like him, but when he dared to vote for Blake, I decided to like destroy him Who even, no offense to Blake, but he is not a good player wow. I feel offended. Anyway, Ara, Solar and Tomy The rest (upside down y). I can't even with how the game is atm. So time for more bitching. The Basic Bitch strategy is working. I am being stupid, idiotic, not too likeable, even a little hateful (wow rude nuno). I like my tribe, new, but for now I am annoyed at TJ who is not being active. Actually, risk that annoyed, I would say I am upset on the fact TJ has to work a lot. ;_____: Like, sorry, but this tribal, we are losing a great person, and it will be hard to decide if it is a girl or a guy.........(triple dot)....


oooo challenge So not gonna get a high score because I cannot be on the top of that podium like fuck that shit, I rather be basic, than a ultra mega giant "not-hot" threat.


I am out of air to breath wow


I'm in a really good position right now I think. Liam was originally going, Domonique and I wanted to get another guy out. Since he won immunity the votes are probably going to fall on Lindsay. I'm attempting to redirect the votes to TJ because honestly I haven't even spoken to him and I'd rather keep Liam and Lindsay with us for challenges and numbers. The issue is that my alliance wants Lindsay out because they don't want the old Variara tribe teaming up at the merge, however Liam made the point to me that Socimi will probably vote out an original Variara anyway, so they couldn't possibly get the numbers. And then to make matters more confusing I've heard and can see that Liam and Lindsay are close. Some bonds are about to be broken. Ihave no idea how I'm gonna vote yet, but I think it will impact my fate in this game for sure.


So Laura is my closest ally at this point and I think she wants to get rid of TJ. I dont wanna get rid of him just yet even though he's been super laid back damn near inactive. I think he's close Lindsay though. I wanna do that all girl alliance but if she can sway his loyalties, she's gotta go. I want TJ loyal to me only


Day 15[]

YES! YES! YES! IMMUNITY THAT I PROBABLY NEEDED IS MINE! YES! I'm excited now. This is where the game gets more interesting. To make things better of course, I have this beautiful necklace of immunity to keep me safe and prevent any shenanigans. This is able to shift my focus to Lindsay. I have to keep her safe, no matter what. I've talked with Laura about booting TJ, but she's too close and TJ could be a better ally than her. So it's really up in the air at this moment. It could be Lindsay, TJ, or Laura at the moment, but hopefully with the vote, I'll find myself on the ins with Perosa


Sooo like i am scared af i havent done much talking but i am still talking but ill try harder i promise! i pushed for Lindsay to go to Laura and Dom... i am planning to be loyal to both of those girls and i am very loyal to them both! I just want to make the merge plz. like plz molly christ make me make the merge!


So Laura told me she voted Lindsay, and so did Domonique. Emma said as well (if Emma voted me out imma cry lmao), and I even asked TJ if he did not want to vote her, and he said he was cool with voting her. Lindsay, well I sadly did not talk to her, and Liam said he would throw away the vote, then started messing around way too much for my liking (I will snap your ass if you do that again), and now, I am paranoid again lmao. Might as well try to not bother a lot for a while so I can calm down.


Flip Floppas in memory of me and Emma.


Ara dominated once again, we gotta pick between Solar and Tung. Since Tung is my Turkey buddy, Solar will turn into a Black Dwarf tonight


Yeah I take that back lol


At least Lindsay is a part of the Family now


Sooo like i am scared af i havent done much talking but i am still talking but ill try harder i promise! i pushed for Lindsay to go to Laura and Dom... i am planning to be loyal to both of those girls and i am very loyal to them both! I just want to make the merge plz. like plz molly christ make me make the merge!


Butts. Butts. Butts. Flip floopas


When Emma survives a vote <3
