703 ORG Network Wiki
703 ORG Network Wiki

Day 31[]

NOW I CAN GET LYING ASS WIPE ALESSANDRA OUT! Tbh I am all for it now. I voted out Laura and Alessandra just dug herself a grave. I am more than determined to win the next challenge in all honesty


Oh my god, the last two tribals had me going off insane. I tried to make a move and get Laura out, and that made me gain Tomy's trust, and made me release Ara's lies (I am lazy to type her full name). Right now, I like everyone on the tribe as people, and I am glad my first impressions proved me wrong (except for Corey). However, makes a lot of sense that I am attention whore seeking now. I already betrayed one of my allies and failed to do a plan (sleep tbh), now I need to get Ara out as soon as I can, because if that girl wins immunity again, we might be screwed. I just hope Emma, TJ and Domonique stick to my side tbh. I am just glad though. F6. Finally.


I feel bad for not trying this is why i love harder paths to get thought it makes me want me try harder if i am not in the majortity


I feel like the Bryce of this org... I hate easy paths... Why did I have to start on persoa (not asking to get voted off btw)


Day 32[]



I am legit jumping right now omg. I have just a sudden burst of energy, I am so happy I won immunity! I got negative shit at TS? MY ASS! I WONT BE NEXT OUT, I HAVE IMMINUTY YASSSSSSSSSS!!!!


Im gonna vote Dom cus i dont really care.... i hate how people are not seeing that she will rule the game xDDDD like why not give her a vote... huehue


So Nuno told me Tomy is voting for me. I don't care really. As long as I don't go home, its whatever.


Day 33[]

It is time to chop poop. All Hail Me. All Hail Immunity. All Hail The Basic Bitch. I am legit in the F5, and I may have a shot at winning, WTF IS THIS?!?!?!?!?!?!?! So like, now, better than ever, I will remove Ara's ass out of the island. Ain't Nobody Gonna Mess With Me. That one vote for me just multiplied by ten sister. You didn't vote me? Too bad, I still want you out. Just kidding on this whole cocky thing tbh, but OMG I AM JUST HAPPY I WON AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!


They be like wolfs at night because they talk strategy when i am sleeping or in school... i guess i am a sheep for that... i really wanted to play this game.... i am no vampire and hopefully i made one last attempt to stir things up... because like i want to do something... but hey atleast i am kinda talking to people


I am ready to make rocks


Well I am gonna wait on my move to get dom out, since Ara will probs win all the challenges.so Im gonna vote for Ara. I wish she went instead of Liam


Tomy is a goofy and a follower but he's weak and that's why I need him to stay longer. I have to find a way to blindside Nuno but idk how. TJ is the only one willing to make a move right now. And its annoying. I might have to stay on Nuno's good side and take him out closer to the end.

