703 ORG Network Wiki
703 ORG Network Wiki

Day 15[]

I really love my tribe so we need to win this challenge, I ain't wanna see none of my baes go home again fk ;-;. Now everything is riding on my performance in this unknown subject in this challenge o gawd <_<.

And strategy talking can sometimes be really fun...especially when you know things other don't. Like, for example, I know Jessy has the idol huehuehue, as she showed/told me (could be fake but whatever), it's just a matter of what to do with that information :3. That's why I'm really enjoying the position I'm in right now. Things are gonna get interesting :3!


BLINDSIDE BABY! I'm so happy it worked out so well. The stray vote was obviously Tyler P. so I mean.... But we need him for challenges. I guess its finally time to wipe out the inactives. I mean, if there isn't a swap.


not little miss me sparking Alf's blindside. no swap?? SON OF A BITCH


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! There is no swap??? Oh my GOD. How the hell are we going to save Jessy? I can't throw every single challenge in the future. At least I'm in a majority on this tribe, but I'm worried about Jessy.


lol I think I destroyed the cerro tribe by getting them to throw the last challenge


Earlier I had a huge fight with Tyler P. I was trying to help him out but he wasn't having it, he turned me against him. Now we lost, which would have been our opportunity to be rid of him and have a tight (though slightly inactive) 6, but now TM is probs getting DQd. If tribal is cancelled for it, TP stays and that is bad. If not, we are down 2 and that is bad. I mean we supposedly have Jessy on Patos and she said she has one or two allies. Plus I have Kamchatka family over there in the form of James but that's no guarantee that he'll work with me, I think he's comfortable over here.

I do NOT regret voting Alf, but things are just not going our way. This is far from over!


i'm getting bored like i really am!! i tried to talk to eden to get him to flip on tyler f and RIGHT as i message him he goes offline... talking to ali is like talking to someone into a huge microphone because he'll spew out everything you say to everyone and i can't talk to james either because i think that he told tyler f i wanted to get him out.. i came here to play a game and it looks like they're not letting me!!


I’m not gonna lie, that vote really pissed me off last night. I think I’m angrier with myself than anything because I had a feeling something was up during the competition, when Nick missed the Jerri question and nobody seemed to be upset by it. But I gave Nick the benefit of the doubt when I should have voiced my suspicion.

So from what I understand, the events went down like this: Tyler M mentioned that Alf was going to switch to Patos at the swap. Jessy (according to Alf) was the one who screenshotted the message and sent it to our tribe. She then got them to throw the competition to try and take out Alf. I was left out because people saw me being close to Alf in this game. First I HATE that people are screenshotting in this game because to me, that’s playing cheap. In Cape Verde the rule was that screenshots weren’t allowed so that the game was more realistic to the TV show. This tells me that I’m going to have to be extremely cautious with what I say to people because right now, anything that can be used against me will be used against me. Now, even though I hate the thought of screenshotting in this game, I’m not going to let them have the upper hand on me because it’s not below them. I won’t use them if I don’t think I need to, just in cases where I don’t really have much of a choice. Tribe life now for me is not very fun. A few people are messaging me trying to do damage control and keep me calm and feeling safe, but I don’t trust any of them for shit. Jace and Xavier know each other but target those who knew each other outside of the game, so that’s hypocritical. Nick threw the competition and as you may have noticed that’s not exactly something I EVER plan on doing. As well, I trusted Nick with information that I was targeting Tyler M and literally 15 minutes later Tyler M messages me about it. So Nick can’t be trusted. Evan is close with all three of them, I don’t doubt for a second that he wouldn’t take me out. Tyler M, ironically enough, is the only one I can’t blame because in his defense, I was already coming after him. Cali, in my opinion, would be next to go once I was taken out but she doesn’t realize it. I don’t have any connections with the people on my tribe anymore, they severed them last night. That being said, I have to play these next couple days extremely carefully if I want to make it in this game. I knew Alf had the idol, we worked together on the clues. He left with it, so I assumed it would come back into the game. I made sure to snatch it up before anyone else could, so I’m hoping that’ll be a safety net for myself. I have to make sure that my tribemates cannot fathom me having the idol, which means I have to act appropriately upset, look like I’m fighting for my life in the challenge, and if we lose, campaign like crazy to look like I’m trying everything I can to stay in this game. If this works, I can get them to all vote for me to go, and then use the idol on myself and take out Jace or Xavier. There’s a lot that could go wrong but I have nothing to lose and everything to gain, and that gives me a lot more freedom to try and make a big move. I was all for keeping the tribe strong and united, but they cut the ties and now it’s war.

–Tyler P.

Day 16[]

So I’ve started working on my plan in the scenario that we go to tribal council tonight. Everyone today has been hard at work trying to keep me on their Cerro side, especially Nick. What I’ve figured is that they are doing damage control until they have a chance to drop me. I don’t think they even have a clue that I have the idol (if it’s fake though rip but hey I’d rather put up a fight on my way out anyways). I have a great opportunity to take out a key player in the Cerro tribe: namely Jace or Xavier. All I would need is for all 6 of the others to vote me out, so that my vote would be the only vote that would count.

So I sent a message out to Nick just now in an “argument” I set up to basically put him in a situation where he’d be an idiot not to take me out and he can also confirm some information I was missing about last night’s vote. Xavier and Jace, who have messaged me as well, have received replies that aren’t as argumentative because I think both of them are a little more sneaky than Nick and don’t need as big of a push to try and take me out. Evan is close with those three, I don’t think he’d have any gripes about me going. Tyler M and Cali are going to stick with the majority no matter what I say to them. As of now, I feel pretty confident that they’re going after me, but there’s still a little bit of room for them pondering me having an idol. If we do lose the challenge, I’m going to be “fighting hard” trying to campaign why I should stay in the game, and make it look as desperate as I can without going overboard. Too little or too much could tip them off that something’s up and my plan could go terribly wrong. If I succeed, I have to pray that some miracle happens and I get some leverage in the game. At this point, I’d have to swap to Patos, who would hopefully see the 6-1 vote and know that I’m going to stick with them. Otherwise I’m screwed. But like I said before, I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

–Tyler P.

I'm just soo done with this tribe lmao. Everyone is so scheme-y and legit it's so early in the game that if we merge in the near-future there gonna be so many cracks you could open it with a goddamn gummy bear. Like, Tyler F. & Ali can't stand Jessy, Jessy had Cerro throw last challenge to vote off Alf just so he couldn't play with Tyler F. & plans on flipping to Cerro when we merge, Eden & Seth are so lost in their own worlds I don't know what the hell they're doing, and Heather & I are kinda just sitting back wishing we were on another tribe lmfao.

So, obviously if we lose we need to get rid of Jessy who not only has the idol but proven she has connections to Xavier/Jace on Cerro and is willing to flip. But, of course, Tyler F. told Seth that plan who told Jessy and now everything's a mess smh. This tribe is such a fuckin' wreck. Someone get me out plz and ty.


We need to do damage control on Tyler P. He is gonna be pissed about this vote.


Seth has been trying to figure out if Tyler F still wants me out after my bullshit apology and everytime he asks Tyler changes the subject... yikes. We eventually came up with an idea to fake an idol. I'd show him a pic of an idol I "found" and then he'll send it to Tyler F and they'll change their votes or something or split and then I'll have enough numbers to stay (of course this is in the situation where we lose/they don't throw it)


Welp, RIP Tyler M. I'd be lying if I said I didn't see THAT coming. Now I just need to work some magic and get Tyler P. to trust me. Highly doubt that will happen.


the idol ploy is starting, on another note that lil hecker Eden decided to reply and now we are supposedly/apparently in an alliance of Heather/Seth/Eden and I, then again he can just be lying bc I know he's a massiv liar tbfh


It appears James has fallen for the fake idol!! haha yas bitch bye, he told me that he's not in a f3 w/ Ali/TylerF but he didn't want to vote them out b/c he wants the tribe to be "united" bitch this tribe is not united !


http://prntscr.com/6nvbor I'M THE BITCH WHO SOLD U OUT


I'm making TylerF paranoid by not replying to his messages in the alliance chat because people who are paranoid often make the worst decisions


So basically to wrap it up to you I told James everything that Tyler told Seth and I which included him trying to get me to vote off Ali, saying he's basically using Eden and now he completely distrusts him because he didn't vote off Jordan for the best tribe, he did it for himself because he has an agenda of his own. I told Ali and he felt completely genuinely hurt and betrayed and Eden is pissed the fuck off. Seth says Heather thinks he's a fuckboy now so I think the tides are turning


Tyler F is an obnoxious arrogant player. He immediately comes to believe that my idol is real and messages me with some snark attitude with some so called sass... lol hunny first of all you're an idiot and second of all fuck off i didn't do shit to you last tc and now you're doing shit to me? lmao it's on hoe


Tyler F is so pointless it's funny like stop sending me pointless messages to try to act cute and intimidate me when all you're doing is wasting your time

