703 ORG Network Wiki
703 ORG Network Wiki
703 ORG Network Wiki

Day 11[]

TFW people come for me and then go home


Final 18 YAAASS
Granny myrtle split


So last confessional was very vague, I feel I should go into greater detail about my problem. Ironically, it has nothing to do with my emotional issues or issues with other people. I'm gonna be perfectly honest since I think the readers of this confessional have a right to know. I have what looks to be a growth on me. After doing research and speaking with medical experts, it looks to be one of two things. Neither of them are good, and one of them is Cancerous. It could be nothing, but it's showing literally all the symptoms of being something. I have only told a few online friends about it, no one in this game. This is really bad and I haven't been able to get time to check in with a doctor about it yet. I'm gonna try and continue playing the game until I get further information on it. If it turns out to be very bad, I'm gonna have to leave.


These people are so boring with their unanimous vote, tribal unity bullshit lmao

Also, this twist kinda sucks, dissolving at tribes of 8 is kinda ugly and basically kills off whoever loses .-. Like for serious, I already said it before but in the 48 days that I CONSECUTIVELY played this game, this twist makes me want to vomit Not even the fake idols in the labyrinth were as bad LOL



If we win I will schoolyard pick my own tribe #breakthetwist #breakskyeislands #breaktheinternet



Day 11 Confessional I'm Pissed Off


I love Bjorn and Zane a lot, but they gotta do shit tbh!!


I still see it as Skype Islands


Oooh I dont like the tribe desolve twist lol. I think that if we lose, Im screwed, if brain loses, nuno might be more loyal to some brainers. And if brawn loses, I just dont trust Nuno and Brawn will not lose cause they are brawn dammit


I'm still in this!! Since I'm busy with like generations stuff and like school and trying to get life sorted out, I've decided to kinda lay low as much as possible at this point in the game (could you tell????). So far it seems to be working for me. Luke is the only one who really talks to me. other than him I don't think I trust any of these shady #heauxs. Maybe Szymon but like he's on the outs and idk how much he's enjoying the game right now. Everyone else is sketch af


I threw this challenge so I wouldn't have to make hard decisions. Lazy? Sure. Smart? I think so. Why? Because that means the tribe split falls on someone else.


Ok so in my experience, he's nice person, but either Joe's social game is total shit or he doesn't actually want to work with me. It's pathetic tbh...


Oh this terrifies me. This swap could make or break me if I'm put on a tribe with certain people. I hope I'm put with people I can really work with and trust or I'm gone


Honestly, I can't keep handing the brawn tribes' asses to them every challenge... It must be embarrassing for them.




b0ss wtfffff. Pls b0ss don't do this. b0ss, gimme da poosy b0ss. Pls don't be sadistic b0ss. I hate you But seriously what is this fucking weeaboo shit???


Might as well pack my fucking bags and leave. If Dom picks me, I am so fucked. I am literally fucked. But I am fucked one way or another, so who cares.... it's gonna be a brawn alliance + two flops + Dom on that tribe if that happens. I really wished we would have won but...... rip I guess. Oh well, it was fun.






The Brains have a plan to get majoriy on Kilbride? And they want me to just give them the majority like that? Ok, you can have at it, but when you get blindsided by your own majority, don't say I didn't warn your sorry ass.


NUNO! SHUT UP! He's going on about how 'What if Alex doesn't choose you' and all that bull. THE DUDE ALREADY TOLD PEOPLE HE IS CHOOSING ME! IT WOULD BE DUMB IF HE DIDN'T! STOP FREAKING OUT


Me when I pick Wes, YAS


Nuno just threatened me with a FTC bashing if Kilbride doesnt throw challenges. Like dude, I'm not scared of being bashed at FTC. If I was, I wouldn't have done half the things I did in Japan. Don't threaten me with that because it just goes in one ear and out the other

I hate being doubted by people. Like you're just making me not trust you MORE Perry, don't fucking doubt me


Things are definitely getting switched up now. I am so happy to have gotten Szy this early. He is hanging his old tribe out to dry so quickly. I figured he voted with Miguel on Miguel's boot, but I didn't know he was ostracized this much. I am really liking our tribe but the new Torrin is turning out to be a blender for Kilbride members. Any Brawn picked to go over there will be booted quickly with Perry running the show. Oh, and while talking about Perry. CHILL THE FUCK OUT AND STOP TALKING TO ME. Stay on your own goddamn beach. I'm not one of the sheep you're used to dealing with. Boo too while you're at it. The happy la-la land of old Kilbride is gone and things are about to get way more cutthroat


I love Perry and all, but if anybody knows anything about me, I DON'T LIKE BEING TOLD WHAT TO DO. I'm NOT throwing challenges to help save your tribe at all. Nobody told you to pick weak bitches. I'm trying to stay far away from Tribal Council as possible. While I'm on Kilbride, I'm gonna explore my options & do what's best for me and if I find better than Perry, then I guess he has to go. #oops I don't like people giving me instructions like girl bye this is not Resurgence


Right now, to cut it short, I've had to deal with some adversity within the family and my game's going to have to be set back for a few days. Luckily this swap's given me room to breathe in this game, thanks to Dom. I just need to let life run its course, and I'll need to do more listening than talking in this game for the near future to evaluate the options in front of me. For now, I'm hoping to still get in good with Alex or Tom, I definitely want to work with Dom moving forward, Szymon's cool, Will's iffy, I may want to take him out soon, and I swear to god if I see Sam or Kaeden on this tribe I'm putting their name down first chance I get. Stay tuned I guess.


I should have talked more to people from other tribes, Im getting screwed here nobody is picking me


Sneaky motherfuckers


I like my new tribe so much better. My only issue is that it's way too many Brawn people here for my liking. Like it's stupid to have so many of them here honestly. UGH So if the other side gets rid of their Brawns, they might throw it and get us out. IDK & I'm also wondering has the idol for the Kilbride tribe been found yet. If It I'm gonna look for it



Skye Islands Confeshh-0


I wanted to do a cast evaluation but I realized I actually don't hate any people in this cast


Oh the big tribe switch. And look I'm still in a great position. Got to stay with my main alliance Evan and Alex, but have to deal with will being there. Me and Dom wanted to play together and we now do. Joe and BJorn want to work with me. So I know I'm safe... this'll be fun. I have a great feeling about this game here. It's like they put everyone that could win on one tribe :D


Day 12[]

Luke: "I don't think it's any question that we're the superior tribe"...LOL


Shocker. Sam and Kaeden are the last two picks. I'm talking to Joe right now, and he's telling me that Perry and Nuno from the other side want him and some of this tribe to throw future challenges. Sorry Perry, this isn't Resurgence, and my name isn't Ian, also I've already heard from Will that you're mobilizing this 'eliminate brawns' operation. If I see you at merge expect me to write your name down real soon [:


Will and kaeden think they're with me Alex and evan it's great. I feel bad...not because they're really on the bottom but because they think they're SAFE *LAUGHS* oh shit...am I a villain again *facepalms*


Hey b0ss. So I am very glad that I was placed on Kilbride, my speech to Zane obviously worked so yas. Anyways, I feel like I am #5 in this brawn alliance though, so unless I find out I am not I am only staying loyal for a certain amount of time.


So I'm in some alliance called #TheBrawn with, you guessed it, the brawns, and I plan on upholding ..... ABSOLUTELY NONE OF IT. LOL SORRY NOT SORRY KAEDEN IM VOTING YOU OUT FIRST. WILL YOU MAY BE NEXT TOO. That's what you all get for isolating me Alex and Tom.


I'm acting shady af for no reason





So I'm talking to Kaeden and in the middle of the convo, he randomly leaves like.........this is why I hate being social lol this is why I was on the Brains tribe. So I can just a bitch and plot on people. These social game shit is exhausting and mad annoying ugh


I am absolutely livid. I've been picked to join the shittiest tribe ever created in existence of survivor. Fucking Perry, fucking Boo, fucking Nuno and motherfucking Luke, not to mention little asshole Zane for picking me to be on Torrintial shitstorm. There is literally no way out for me on this, like absolutely zero. Luke Perry Nuno and Boo have a cross tribal alliance and Szymon said that Perry's biggest targets are fucking me and Wes. Literally fuck this twist and fuck all of you. Hell im going to be fake as fuck to their faces but I'm honestly heaving with bitterness. And just to make everything that little bit better, the tribe I could of been on looks fucking amazing. Of course it is. I'm going to be a sour little bastard now because I'm fucked anyway



Skye Island Confesh


so the challenge started and so far everybody is in the double digits with their guesses except myself & Will. That worries me because the lower your score is the better so we may have to go to tribal and once again we have 5 Brawns to 3 Brains and 1 Beauty. I hope Joe is right because if I have to play my idol, I will be 100% pissed off.


So I'm talking to Sam and probably telling him too much (like I do), but like idgaf...like I already won bish. He seems like kinda fake, but meh if he ends up betraying me, I can't be fucked so... we'll see


me when Bjorn is confused on who's an original Kilbride member like....girl you can look at the chart and see who came from which tribe originally....get ya life right tf


Okay so I'm on call with Luke and Perry and I think they're trying to conscript me as an extra vote but i have no idea. They added me to a call so that must be a good sign. They're talking about Boo offering Luke and Perry a majority alliance with all of the Beauties and apparently they'd want me out first. Nobody has told me your safe yet though, and I haven't been offered an alliance or anything like that so I think this is what being a vote goat feels like idk


So I'm basically socializing with Sam, and he seems pretty cool tbh. Unless he's being totally, fake I'll definitely talk to him after the season is over. Even if he votes me out lol. That's the point of playing these games anyway, right? C:


Day 13[]

Yay life can't get any better

Gotta love how me and Boo were final 2 but he keeps talking more to Perry than sending a single message to me, and even telling Perry shit we discuss together like..... I'm more pro Perry than this bitch atm


I hope Nuno gets voted out :)


So we have swapped and I'm feeling pretty good about this tribe. I'm in an alliance with Sarah, Luke, Perry, and Nuno and I'm also in good with Zane. I've talked to Sam and Wes and they seem like they don't have a problem with me. Who knows though? Our plan is to vote Sam out so hopefully our plan works.



Day 12



I'm probably going home this round I'm getting bad vibes from people so like rip in peace me! Wes is being shady so if he votes me out I'll be pissed at him. If he sticks with myself and perry and luke and sam then I'll calm down but until then I better say my prayers


Sarah kinda flopping the challenge makes me KINDA glad, because now she is the biggest target for elimination on that tribe, and considering she will probably come after me in case of another switch / merge scenario, I don't really mind that... sorry hun ur fab

On the other hand, there are a lot of beauties on that tribe and they have their stupid unanimous shit that just makes me want to throw up all over myself, because it's just so fucking boring will needs to fuck off. kthx


This is a...

Little Mix - Move


We won immunity, nice nice. I kinda fucked up in my 20 questions a bit, but, to the shock of absolutely nobody, Kaeden managed to outflop me and get the worst score on his tribe. I've already been on this sort of anti-Kaeden smear campaign, and he honestly should leave nearly unanimously should we lose.

