“ | So as predicted, Alex was evicted and sent home. Last week I tried to lay low and focus on maintaining my social relationships since I did all the work needed for Week 2 in Week 1, and turned Estefana against Alex/played a big role in flipping the vote. I needed the least amount of attention on me as possible Week 2 to ensure that I’m not targeted during my surgery, which is tomorrow. I’m trying to make sure Jenna/Will’s subtle disdain for each other grows and grows. Ideally, I’d like to see either Zak/Sydney/Will go in the near future, Jenna as well but only after she’s done my dirty work. Like I stated early on in this game, you don’t have to physically win to control the game. I could’ve easily won HOH weeks 1/2 but I rather throw every competition and just influence nominations behind the scenes. This allows me to work with as many people as possible and not burn any bridges until absolutely necessary. Being a social strategist pays off more than winning every other HOH. People underestimate the power of manipulation, they really do. Subtle manipulation is the route to take, planting little seeds in people’s minds that eventually germinate and turn into little sprouts… and before you know it they’re coming to you suggesting the plan you planted in their heads weeks ago. Openly bossing people around is jutting setting yourself up for failure, make people feel like that you’re open to their ideas even if you’re really not. | ” |
–Alexa |
“ | So Zak won HOH, i'm super happy, i am super loyal to him, and he'll keep me safe, a 3rd week in a row of me throwing competitions, and remaining under the radar. I can't win a competition or i will be exposed, and honestly i'm starting to be worried. Zak added me to an alliance chat with one side, and Will plans to do the same, meaning i will be in both.. Honestly i didn't expect this to happen, i'm just socially obviously very good and it's lead to this position. I need to tread so carefully and hope in a few weeks the 'sides' will die down and I can just work with the few from each group that I really like.. | ” |
–Jenna |
“ | HI! I lowkey forgot to do Confessionals from end of week 1 and week 2 so this is going to be a long one!
Okay at the end of week 1 Alex trusts me a lot. I wanted to think what was best for my game though and that was to vote out Danielle instead of AB, so that's what I did. I'm happy that Alexa and I were able to convince Jenna to do so as well. Right now, I'm not sure why Alexa doesn't trust he at all? It could be because Jenna is good with A LOT OF PEOPLE in this game (She's at the middle, I would say.) But I digress, there was one extra vote so people thought that maybe there's a VL vote? I think so too but who knows! Week 2 was UTR week for me because I had betrayed a lot of people (notably AJ, Alex, Charley and Syd) I still wanted to reconnect with them because I like all of them as persons and they 100% deserved an apology from me. I feel like AJ and Alex didn't take it too well but I'm happy that I at least got to keep my relationship with Syd and Char. Estef wins HOH and wants Alex out, that works for me because Alex was pretty mad at me. Estef nominates CC/Zak as pawns and AJ wins the Pov. Honestly I was unsure whether AJ would use it or not but I'm glad she did. Alex was sent home and I believe that the people who saved Alex were Char,AJ,Syd and Zak. So this week! Zak wins HOH and I'm ngl. For the first time I'm actually a little scared because I don't have a good relationship with this guy. I legitimately only started to talk to him A DAY AGO so hopefully the stuff that has happened in 24 hours will keep me safe. Otherwise, good luck for me in the VETO!!!!!!!!! (Unless I'm backdoored which would be AWFUL!!!!!) Anyways I won't stop trying and I will try to get my allies to save me!! I'm happy that Jenna is close to Zak and the peeps I'm not so close with so we can keep each other safe!!!!!! PS: If Ryan strikes himself out I might just cry. |
” |
–Elmo |
“ | Zakriah just won HoH and for the first time in the game so far I'm feeling vulnerable & unsure :0 I've been able to slip through the cracks relying on the majority alliance but now that none of us won, time for me to step my shit up. tbh i haven't like ever spoken to zakriah one on one which is shitty so! i need to kiss some ass | ” |
–Ryan |
“ | Both sides think I’m with them I’m SHOOK! I didn’t even ask to be put in this position… I’ve just developed good social bonds all around so people just automatically assume I’m aligned with them. Jenna thinks we’re both the Andy Herren/Nicole Franzel of the house but in reality, I’m the only one in this position since Annabelle’s side does not trust Jenna one bit lol. As far as everyone knows I’m preparing for my surgery so that’s why I’m “quiet” and am not giving out tons of info. Although it is true that I’m preparing for my surgery, I’m only quiet in the Zak/Sydney/Annajane/etc alliance chat is because I don’t want them to have info to run back to the other side and just obliterate my game. My best chance of making it out unexposed is to play up the loyal soldier card… In reality I don’t have much of an interest with working with them at all, especially Sydney/Zak I want them gone soon. I need to keep up my social game the way it is and continue to strengthen these bonds. If I manage to make it all the way this way I’ll honestly be flabbergasted. A social strategist is much more my style than a competition beast lol! I hope my subtle manipulation tactics continue to carry me through. I’m the only person in this house with access to all the information that is being provided to both sides and shit… that’s a powerful position to be in. I hope Sydney/Zak’s side just thinks I’m under the radar as an excuse to why I wasn’t overly over the top in the #SaveAlex chat when in reality it’s because I had no interest in saving him. This could all fall apart in a minute which Is why I’m being extra cautious! | ” |
–Alexa |
“ | Call me jessica but I just won HOH. No one in this house tells me shit besides my girls so I'm hoping with HOH I can find out who's really against me in this house. I honestly love mostly everyone in this game so finding people to fight is kinda tricky. I told probably the biggest lie I ever told in a game in week one of this game so I feel like I'm willing to play more ruthlessly than usual. I suppose being HOH will truly test that | ” |
–Zakriah |
“ | So at the initial start of this season, I did a First Impressions cast assessment so I thought it’d be interesting to do a follow-up now in Week 3 to see how different my opinions have become.
AnnaJane: This girl is honestly a badass. We relate really well on a personal level and I could see her as a potential threat long-term. She has her rivalry with AnnaBelle which will keep her focused on a set objective. I’m in her alliance of her/Sydney/Zak/Jenna/Charley but I do not plan on staying loyal to that, I’m merely participating in it to cover my game on all sides. I hope to use the members in that alliance as a way for me to take a shot at some of my allies without revealing my strategy. AnnaBelle: My closest female friend on the ORG. She’s a huge threat but I love her to pieces so I’m going to have to use someone else to take her out later on. Charley: Same as AnnaJane. We’ve been close for a while, she’s sweet. Christina/Courtney: I love Christina! She’s so blunt and funny. She/Joey aren’t included in either alliance so they’re basically free agents. Wouldn’t be surprised if Jenna/others had secret side alliances with them which is why I’m doing the same. Elmo: Huge threat, huge heart and also talks a lot about my big reputation as an ORG player. He’ll try to backstab me later on and will feel terrible about it… I’m not letting my guard down. Estefana: Same opinion as when we started. Love her though. Forrest: My ride or die. He knows me better than anyone here so influencing him has to be subtle. I’m looking out for him. Jenna: I’m very close with Jenna but I’m not loyal to her and I do not trust her at all. She’s in my position as a double agent except for her… it’s an illusion. AnnaBelle’s side does not trust her and sees through her “play the middle” game probably because I spent so much time painting her as untrustworthy and shady. I’m keeping her close until it’s time to send her packing because she will not hesitate to call me out. On a personal level she’s alright but strategically she’s really bad at hiding her relationships. She’s already revealed to me that she’s super close to Zakriah. Her best bet is to stick with AnnaJane/Charley/Sydney etc but I want her to betray them so that she’s deemed untrustworthy by all sides of the house. Joey: Same opinion as Christina. Miguel: Same opinion as Forrest, except he’s playing similarly to Estefana which means I have to keep him in the dark about most things. Ryan: He’s on the outer ring of the Anna/Will side, I like him but he’s nowhere near my top allies list. Sydney: She scares me… A lot. This girl is smart and is the only person I’m afraid that’ll catch on to my game. I’m not going to change my behavior with her despite her side being in power this week because I don’t want to give her any red flags. She is always on high-alert and fooling Sydney is not easy. I want her gone the first chance I can send her home. Will: Same opinion as Sydney except he’s not on my immediate targets list. He knows me pretty well so I know he won’t hesitate to send me home. I see through his act though at pretending to have a broken fence with Jenna via Jenna since she revealed to me that he’s trying to get close to her despite stating to people in the alliance that he dislikes her and doesn’t trust her. Zakriah: He’s really sweet but he’s a little messy with information control. I’d like to see him go home pretty soon but I’m playing up my loyalty this week. |
” |
–Alexa |
“ | Obviously it sucks to be put up on the block and have the HOH's speech be kind of nasty. I really have no fucking idea what I did to upset him when we hardly even talk. Anyways he's full of horse shit and I hope I stay just so I can get him evicted. "I was so excited to play with you" then why do you literally never message me? Plus he acts all tough in his speech and then PMs me acting all sweet. Do I look like I was born yesterday. Fed him so fake info to shut him up. Really hope I get to get this sucker out | ” |
–Forrest |
“ | This game is fun because everyone thinks I'm stupid.
I'm not stupid. I don't care about winning. There's a difference between the two. I don't talk to part of the cast because I don't want to waste my time with it. I know I won't win because I'm straight up terrible at big brother, but again, I'm not stupid. I'm perceptive, I know when people are fucking with me. It's funny because they lie to my face, and I get to play the wide eye'd idiot like YEAH I TRUST YOU LET'S GO TO THE END but like dude you're not good at hiding your shadiness. Everyone in this damn game is shady, the only ones I really trust are Jenna and Sydney for now, because I have no reason not to. The saddest for me is Alexa. I love her as a person, and always will, (Alexa if you read this ily <3) but in this game I KNOW she is back dealing. How do I know? Well, I know that Forrest is one of her friends, I see them talk all the time on her statuses, and yet she has never brought him up once, clue number two. Also, Sydney told me that she doesn't trust her and that Alex said she was flipping the vote, clue two. I don't mind my friends lying to me in a game, why it kind of sucks with Alexa is she is the one pushing our friendship and how much she trusts me because we are friends. She can lie all she wants, I just wish she wasn't using our friendship as a way to get me to trust her and then lying. Regardless, it's a game, and unless someone makes it personal I don't care, I won't hate anyone over lying in a game. Anyone that does that is kinda dumb because these games are built on lying and deceit. I'm not going to confront anyone right now because then that would give away my cover. I want them to think I'm an idiot for as long as possible, keep not caring. That way I can be of some use to my alliance before I'm inevitably taken out by this majority. |
” |
–Charley |
“ | Well I flopped in POV but luckily my ally Jenna won! I really have been wondering if I can like actually trust her so her using the POV on me would go along way. That being said I know she's been withholding info from me soooooooo :) | ” |
–Jenna |
“ | So happy I am not on the block this week. Hopefully veto is not used and we are safe again. I feel like I am out of the loop on alliances and may be in danger. I want to win Hoh next week but damn the flash games LMAO. | ” |
–Courtney |
“ | hmmm so Zakriah is HoH, Miggy/Forrest are nominated, and Jenna slayed the veto
Forrest told our alliance chat that Jenna is saving him.... kk work good 4 u. now it's time to make sure elmo & i are not even an option in zakriah's mind as a renom :) shouldn't be too difficult tbqh, i shall let you know if it was successful or not |
” |
–Ryan |
“ | I am super happy that we were not nominated this week. I tried hard on the veto. I was surprised that I got third. I thought I did much worse. Kudos to Jenna and Miguel for their scores. I just hope the noms stay the same so I will be positive that we don't go up again. | ” |
–Christina |
“ | I dont like being HOH. I feel like jessica and no ones telling me the truth and its all just people kissing up to me. Idk if Forrest is telling the truth about being out if the loop and stuff so I feel like I'm in deep dark shit next week. I got done information but not nearly as much as I want and I'm hoping my alliance with the girls is the real deal but I won't know until I have no power will I. :/ flop hoh | ” |
–Zakriah |
“ | I feel like shit from my surgery but I’m not letting it hinder my game. I’m successfully playing all sides of the house and have the major you people’s trust and have good bonds with them. I might have to send Miguel home this week because he’s just not helping himself or me, he’s becoming a burden. He blows up very easily. I have my alliance with Girls+Zak and Guys+Annabelle/Stef with Christina/Joey in none. But I have am working on having side deals with them. I’m currently working on destroying Jenna’s game little by little to make her game fall apart long-term. Forrest no longer trusts her. Annabelle isn’t doing much of anything although I love her personally like… her side has done a shitty job of keeping Jenna tamed. My game moving forward while recovering from surgery is to focus on the social bonds and continuing to influence nominations heavily via social control. | ” |
–Alexa |
“ | I am super happy that we were not nominated this week. I tried hard on the veto. I was surprised that I got third. I thought I did much worse. Kudos to Jenna and Miguel for their scores. I just hope the noms stay the same so I will be positive that we don't go up again. | ” |
–Christina |
“ | word up i'm safe another week. Zakriah put up Estefana which was no shock & now i gotta see what's good with this vote. i'm leaning towards keeping Miggy as of now because i think he'd be more of an asset than Stef. I know Miggy can turn it up and win comps when he wants to so I'm hoping he stays and can win hoh for our alliance.
i'm feeling like such a minnow in this game lmao. like one of those players i despise watching BB on tv who don't do shit the first half of the game and just coast & let others control the board. i hate it but literally.... that's how you win nowadays lmao. so! i'm straight up just focused on keeping my head above water & building a solid foundation for once it gets time for jury :) |
” |
–Ryan |
“ | I have been having a lot of fun this round. I mean, I'm pretty sure for once I'm voting in the majority, so that's fun, but that's not really the reason. I mean, this week I've just let loose with people and talked less game, and I've enjoyed it. Even people that I don't fully trust, like Elmo, or Alexa (love you <3) it's still a hell of a lot of fun to talk to them. So it's been a good round so far. | ” |
–Charley |
“ | So I'm super happy Jenna pulled me off the block! Now I definitely don't have to worry about going home which is honestly fantastic. However another one my allies got put up in my place (Estefana). That being said, luckily Miguel/Estefana are the two people in my group that like don't really talk to me. So either way I'm not losing much. I'm just gonna vote with the other side of the house (Zak/Sydney's alliance) in order to hopefully get more on their good graces so if they win HOH I won't go up again lol. | ” |
–Forrest |
“ | Honestly I don't think Miguel has a chance at staying. I have a lot of respect for him and I won't vote for him, but that doesn't mean I can save him either :/ | ” |
–Alexa |
“ | This week although getting a painful surgery I've still managed to successfully play both sides and build good relationships on all ends. Sydney had a plan to put up Estefana and get Anna/Will's side to evict her (while Miguel went home) to show Stef that she's on the bottom of that group. I immediately deflected that plan and informed my allies Anna B/Will/Forrest/Elmo that we can't do that or we'll lose two allies in one week, I love Miguel but the numbers just aren't there for him. He's been a loose cannon this season who've I've had to save on many occasions and would just jeopardize my game now... Sorry but that's the truth. I'm playing logically and not emotionally, I'm here to win not go out for a friend. | ” |
–Alexa |