703 ORG Network Wiki
703 ORG Network Wiki

Day 25[]

So y'all are in the loop, Eva and myself are acting pissed at each other, and Yuki is acting pissed at us to make them think we're not tight like some people seem to think. wink emoticon


With Rob gone now I'm pretty much on my own. I did get involved in an alliance of Bryce, Miguel, Lex and myself though. I'm hoping that we're going to be able to swing at least one more person over for this upcoming tribal so that way we can re-gain the majority.


why do I play these games again? I'm such a goddamn soft hearted person, whenever someone approaches me about feeling hurt or betrayed my first instinct is to try to make it all better, which obviously is not a good thing in goddamn Survivor. Like it's hard for me to sit and be calm when someone is saying they feel hurt, it goes against who I am to not do anything.

If Charlie and Yuki weren't relying on me I'd probably quit because this is just not something I want to deal with right now


Day 26[]

Welp I didn't win immunity as figured but now it's time to go to work. I have my alliance with Miguel, Lex and Bryce so now we just need to swing one person over for a majority of 5 for this vote. This is gonna be hard but I'm sure we can find someone who is willing to swing


It looks like Charlie's fake Power of Override has caught people's attention. Can't say I blame them, it seems like a legit power that you'd see in an ORG. This next vote is critical and I haven't heard much from anyone so it could very well be me.


Nick approached me about taking Charlie out. We've been fake-feuding since the Rob vote, and Nick thinks I'll help blindside him because his 'power' would make me draw rocks. I know the power isn't real but it seems like other people think it is. Even Yuki I think forgot that the three of us made it up together, she probably wasn't paying attention during that


Nick approached me about taking Charlie out. We've been fake-feuding since the Rob vote, and Nick thinks I'll help blindside him because his 'power' would make me draw rocks. I know the power isn't real but it seems like other people think it is. Even Yuki I think forgot that the three of us made it up together, she probably wasn't paying attention during that


So if I'm right and have a strong grasp on the situation: Miguel, Bryce, Lex, and Nick are voting Charlie and they think I'm with them. They think Yuki and Charlie are voting Pat. Pat, Nam, and Max are gonna vote Miguel.

This vote will be even messier than the last one probably, and it looks like no matter what, the first Darsah will be taken out this round.


Change of plans. Miguel didn't want to vote Charlie, apparently, so Nick says the vote is for Pat on their end. Matiaf is still voting Miguel though. So now it's which side we think we need to vote with. Do we turn on Darsah for real-for real and get rid of Miguel or potentially lose our allies with the 3 Matiaf? It's a tense decision and the three of us are not sure what to do

